Hello everyone,
I've been trying to figure something out for a while and I wonder if some of you might have an answer. Obviously working out and exercising are, I think, one of the best ways we can try to fight AMN's progression and remain active. I've been wondering if the fact of having addison's would prevent or slow attempts at growing more muscle. Muscles need protein to grow and the cortisone/prednisone (etc) supplements most of us take break down proteins and lead to muscle wasting. So from what I've been reading if one wanted to (most)successfully work out, the lower the dose the best it would be. I realize that's a double edged sword because that would also mean less energy.. On some forums I've read some people with addison's were just incapable of growing stronger muscles. Did anyone manage to? I haven't been working out long enough to know for sure but it does feel like progress is slow compared to my younger years.