It never rains but it pours! I've got a date for the ablation, which I'm booked to have next week, however, I've had a positive FIT test, done because I'd had some symptoms, my appointment has come through for the follow up CT virtual colonoscopy a couple of days after the ablation. I'm staying pretty upbeat but wondering if I should delay my ablation until I have the results of the colonoscopy or should I just crack on. I'm obviously really reluctant to cancel as I've been waiting several months and the pc has been in situ since May2024 but I'm unsure if I do require treatment for something nasty if it's better to be pc dependent or not. Does anyone have any experience that they could share, please?
AV node ablation +positive FIT test! - Atrial Fibrillati...
AV node ablation +positive FIT test!

Sounds like some bad timing for you Borderterriorist. A ct virtual colonoscopy is not so invasive as a normal colonoscopy, but l would think it would still be unwise two days after ablation, but l am not medically trained.
There is the enema and sedation, not to mention dehydration. I would get in touch with your cardiac team and discuss with them. If l had to choose, l think l would delay the colonoscopy if they advise not having the two so close together. It depends what they think is most important,
Hope your ablation goes well.
The CT virtual colonoscopy sounds more urgent to me. I'd postpone your AV node ablation until after that. The sooner you let your EP know the situation you're in the better.
Good luck.
Thanks for your reply. I've just read through the instructions for the CT colonoscopy and I'll need to be on a restricted diet on the day of the ablation, and the next day and tbh I think it's a no go. Obviously the colonoscopy takes precedence so I'm trying to get through to the hospital to cancel the ablation. It's just so frustrating as I had my cardiac pre assessment nearly four weeks ago, before any of this later problem reared it's head!
Sorry you have this worry. Let us know how you get on please.
Would you believe it? I tried to ring the person who books the appointments and couldn't get through, fortunately I had her email address so I emailed. Unfortunately she's on holiday this week and my email came back with this message and a different email to contact, which didn't work as it's an internal email only. Eventually, I tracked down a phone number for the arrhythmia nurses (the email they gave me doesn't work either!) but at least someone picked up the phone. I doubt anyone will try to fill my slot but at least I've given them the best chance. Yes I'll do a follow up when I have some results but it can take 2 weeks or possibly more to get them.
Typical! Think you are doing the right thing,ablation can be put back until you get the other sorted. I'm intrigued by the virtual approach someone close to me had terrible troubles, profuse bleeding, stomach bloats etc ,fast tracked but was given the normal pipe up the whatsit. Sounds a nicer experience than that! He was fine btw
Best wishes ❤️
Thanks, now I've cancelled I feel a lot easier in my mind. My symptoms align with a change in medication and I understand amlodipine can cause problems with digestion etc so I'm trying to stay cool and calm until I have a diagnosis. The various medications seem to give me more problems than my actual condition but I'm aware that they are also probably keeping me safer than I would be. It's a tricky balance and why I'm prepared to have the AV node ablation but it's still a difficult decision!
I had a colonoscopy refused when I turned up with AF, triggered that morning by the debilitating effects of the bowel prep. I was subsequently given a CT colonoscopy which went OK, the bowel prep was not as harsh, but frankly neither was it an enjoyable experience. Having also had an ablation, I would not recommend having them too close together.I may be wrong but I get the feeling that the NHS are under pressure to reduce waiting times and are opening up Saturdays for various procedures, so you may find that rescheduling one or the other may not result in as long a wait as you expect.
It was my medical condition that was the deciding factor but having had the usual colonoscopy 25 years ago I have to admit I was rather relieved. I hope I don't have to wait too long for another appointment but not as much as I hope that nothing sinister is found. I'm still holding fast on the idea that it's been caused by a change in meds + edoxaban, combination of everything being slowed down and having the ability to bleed just by looking at a sharp object!
Yes, my colonoscopy was a result of a questionable FIT . Nothing untoward found , think it was to do with rivaroxaban, suppose should be thankful they take a belt and braces approach, can't afford to miss anything.
I had a CT colonoscopy whilst in a nasty 36 hour episode of AF. It's not invasive but I would be concerned about the bowel cleansing process because that actually set my AF off in the first place. I definitely wouldn't have this done 2 days post ablation but that's just my opinion, best take medical advice.