I can not take blood thinners. Can I have an ablation without having to be on a blood thinner
ablation: I can not take blood thinners... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Not advisable. Too much risk of stroke IMHO. They used to take you off antioagulants before ablations but discovered that debris in the form of micro embolii were getting to the brain causing a form of vascular dementia.
You would need to talk to an experienced EP. If you cannot tolerate anticoagulants then have you researched LAA closure or device such as Watchman? You may need to take anti-platelets but I am sure that some in the US especially, have had ablations after LAA closure. I believe it can be done at the same time?
Thanks, I have talked to a EP and we discussed a watchman. He wanted to put me on blood thinner two weeks before and 45 eays after. I was wondering if anyone had had an ablation without having to go on blood thinners. Thanks again for you replay and information.
By ‘bloodthinners’ I assume you mean anti-coagulants? Some people need to take anti-coagulants and or anti-platelets even after Watchman, at least for a short period, so I would do your due diligence in researching everything thoroughly before making your decision. I am also assuming that there is a medical reason why you are unable to take a/c.
As Bob says - to offer an ablation to someone not on anti-coagulation would be very high risk.
they are not blood thinners they are anticoagulants which helps to prevent clots forming to try to help prevent strokes
Have you tried them and what reason may I ask why you can’t take them?? Apixabsn is the one recommended that is kindest to brain and stomach
All the best
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have tried anticoagulants and was in the ER within 6hr with internal bleeding. That is why I don't want to take them.
Anticoagulants do not cause bleeding but they can exacerbate a condition where you are already bleeding which can be quite useful for diagnosis and treatment. What was the result?
Yes they do, they cause mouth and gum bleeds. nose bleeds and gastro bleeds etc in some people. A small minor bleed that your body can easily heal can be a serious bleed when taking an anticoagulant. Either way I can not see how they can be useful for a diagnosis to be honest with you!! a scan might be a whole lot safer. Cause or exacerbate is not relevent if you are getting an emergency blood transplant.
If you were totally unaware you had a problem and as a result of the bleed showing up then had a scan that would be an early warning. Bleeding gums only happen if you have gum disease so that would be a sign to see a hygienist before it gets worse (no need for anyone to say…..).
Nope read the label on anticoagulants and its simple, people taking anticoagulants are way more prone to life threatning bleeds than those not taking them, It does not matter whether they cause or exacerbate bleeding as it makes no difference to the patient. That is why younger people are rarely prescribed them but it is very important to take them if so prescribed as a professional has deemed the risk of stroke outweighs the risk of bleeding.
And each anticoagulant has a reversal agent if needed.
They do though its considered high risk in administering it and is rarely tried unless immediately life threatning. They try to weather it out with Plasma until the NOAC has left the system and then work on fixing the bleed. With NOAC it usually takes 24hours and with Warfarin up to three days. Damned if you do and damned if you dont.
Even if you're on an anticoagulant, they often use heparin as well during an ablation. Both my ablations had this. Presumably if not on anticoagulants they would use heparin anyway.
However, the reason for you not being able to take anticoagulants may be important. Can you say *why* this is and what anticoagulants you have tried?
Hi, risk of stroke from ablation continues for about 30 days afterwards. As BobD says there's a risk of micro emboli. I had ablation on 5/3/ 21 and was taken off anticoagulants for it. I then had a stroke on 21/3/21 and have now been told I am likely to get a form of vascular dementia. So I would suggest persevere with some anticoagulant.