This is my response to a similiar question on the forum, but I'm posting it as new because I'd love some feedback about this. Here is what I wrote:
This is a question that I really personally find perplexing, because I hear different answers from different docs. We always hear that afib begets afib right? So if one gets an ablation, and doesnt experience afib any longer, isn't the threat of a clot diminished, since being in afib makes the blood slosh around and get clotty? So if the heart is in SR, the blood is pumping and flowing and then the clots don't form , correct? So why would one need to be on blood thinners if the problem has been corrected? Counter to that, I hear that even tho one has an ablation and is no longer get in afib, the risk of stroke is still high because of the history of afib, and one still needs to be on blood thinners the rest of their lives. Even Dr . Gupta says this in one of his videos. I just don't get this, because if you've eliminated afib, hasn't the risk of clotting been eliminated? My EP says we can talk about eventually going off blood thinners when I see him end of March for my 6 week folllow up after ablation (on 2/8). I am wearing a holster monitor for three weeks post ablation. I'm not in a big rush to get off of them if they are protecting me, but if I go for years and years (hopefully) without afib, are blood thinners really necessary with all the inherent risks of taking them? I need to research this much more! Any thoughts anyone?