Thank you to everyone that sent me good wishes for yesterday’s ablation. It really was like déjà vu as it was my fifth visit to the same cath lab in just over 2 years. I had the same anaesthetist that I had for the previous 2 procedures and a lot of the same nurses and technicians so It was like a catch up with old friends.
My EP said that even though it was a touch up he did a lot of burning once again. They had even better technology than they had last time and the pictures my EP showed me on his phone were quite amazing. I’ve had a headache and last night had the zigzagging ocular aura (last time it was 3 or 4 days before that showed up). Once again my oesophagus feels quite inflamed and it hurts to breathe deeply. A physio has been in and given me breathing exercises to do each hour for the next two weeks. I’m looking forward to having a good sleep in my own bed tonight hopefully. It was hard to sleep last night with all the monitors, a drip, BP checks every 2 hours, a doctor coming to take blood at 4.45 then another blood test around 6.30.
I’ve had lunch(turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin, peas and cauliflower cheese, followed by a pineapple mousse). I’m waiting for the ward doctor to come and see me again soon. She’ll let me know if I can go home this afternoon.
Here’s a photo of my view. If you look closely between the trees you can see one of the city buildings (the city is 16 km away)