Hello fellow rhythm buddies! I’m 62, and I’ve had afib for 6 years now. I’ve had 3 ablations, 1 for flutter, a pulmonary vein isolation, and a coronary sinus ablation (Nov 2024). But I still have either afib or PAC 16-20 hrs a day. When I’m awake I believe the majority of it is PAC’s (from Kardia readings) but it does go right through the night so I don’t know if that’s afib or PAC.
I have my follow up with my EP in Feb and I want to be prepared and fully informed as to possible options. When I saw him last, he said our centre isn’t doing PAF yet, so if things didn’t improve I’d be looking at another traditional ablation, which I’ve read may be making the PAC’s worse, or I’ll start taking amiodarone, or “living with it”. So I’m trying to do some research to prepare for another option. And you have been such a wealth of information and so helpful! I will ask him for a Holter to find out how much of my arrhythmia is afib vs PAC. If it is primarily PAC, I expect the burden to be high - at 16-20 hrs a day it will be in the order of 20,000 beats. It affects my condition - 2 years ago I was going to the gym regularly on an elliptical, now I can’t do 2 flights of stairs, and I NEED a nap every day. I’m on 200 mg flecainide, and I’ve tried both beta blockers and calcium channel blockers but they lower my heart rate too much (I ended up in ER with a resting HR in the high 30’s). So finally my question: is there a centre anywhere that specifically performs ablation for PAC’s / ectopics?