Hi i was rushed to hospital because my heart heart was going erractic December of last year due to too much salt in my body. My doctor got it under control with increased dose of Bisoprol, they put me on Apixaban as i developed atrial fibrilation. I forget in last couple of weeks two doses in each week and i am now worried as it can cause stokes.
Atrial fibrillation: Hi i was rushed to... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Atrial fibrillation

Might be worth asking you doctor if you can change to a once a day tablet such as Edoxaban.
Please try not to worry, missing 2 doses in 2 weeks is not going to make much difference at all. You might have to do that for a tooth extraction or other minor procedure. Lots of ways to remind yourself. get a pill container, with space for 2 lots of pills a day. Always take as part of your routine e.g. one with breakfast ,one with evening meal. Some people set alarm on their phones.
Not to worry. People forget a dose all the time or have to hold the dose or two because of procedures. Also remember that with twice a day dosing, missing a dose is not as bad as with once a day dosing. Meaning you still have half the dose in your system..
l think we have all done this at times. Nothing to worry about. Easily done with lots of meds. It’s knowing that you have forgotten that’s important 😀 Carry on with normal dose and perhaps get one of those weekly pill containers to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Missing the odd dose is not normally an issue - doubling the dose could be. I have a reminder set on my phone which continues until I take it and record I’ve taken it!
Shouldn't be a problem. Might be an idea to get a daily dispenser so that you can readily see whether or not you have taken your meds.
We all miss a dose occasionally. Don't worry about it. You'll be fine
I'm terrible for forgetting my medication so I have an alarm on my phone. I also have a second alarm fifteen minutes later, just in case I was busy and thought 'I'll take it in a minute' then forgot 🙄.And I have a good memory!
HiThat's the joy of having twice a day.
No point in looking back cause forward thinking much much better.
At PM i have my 1/2 Bisoprolol now 1.25 and I rip off 2 PRADAXA 110mg. I take the 1st at 10pm and 2nd dose 10am approximately.
Always 1 day of each week fall asleet awake at 2am or 4am take it then. Then prolong say 6pm and next add 2 hours until back to 10 pm and am again.
As they say double dosing is the frightening move. Don't ever do that.
cherio JOY. 75. (NZ)