This condition is wearing me down the moment l get up my heart rate is through the roof l get dizzy each time l get skipped beats flip flopping fluttering in my chest l have no clue what kind of AFib I’m dealing with l need help
Atrial fibrillation : This condition is... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Atrial fibrillation

Hi Dee,
Please see a medical professional and look at websites; e.g Harvard Medical School. AF is treatable
Best wishes
J (-:

AF is AF as there is no specific type Dee. The problem is we all react diffently to it. It can also be a long journey trying to find the correct treatment to control symptoms. You don't say who is treating you or with what so any extra info would be helpful. Right now you need to educate yourself about the condition so you can discuss it with your treating doctor so go to AF Association website and read all you can and then ask questions.
I’ve been reading and researching a lot about it and l’m really learning a lot about it l have yet to see a cardiologist my Primary Care doctor diagnosed me with amemia but what I’ve read about AFib and the symptoms that goes with it it’s not just low iron I’m gonna get a second opinion from a different doctor my instincts is telling me it’s more than low iron I’m gonna get the help l need I’m not gonna give up until l get answers
It has nothing to do with anemia Dee, it is an electrical malfunction in your heart. You need to be referred to a cardiologist as soon as possible and work out a treatment plan.
Thank You for replying I’m working on that l had to change doctors because my previous doctor wasn’t helping me she choked it up to anemia l was not satisfied with that answer it was a not good enough for me l have a new primary care physician now but l won’t be able to see her until next month which is November 8th that is so far from now any suggestions on what l can do in the meantime I’m just so aggravated with this whole thing I just want to get the proper diagnosis and the treatment that l need l don’t know how much more I can take
Bob is right that anaemia and A/Fib are not directly connected but because with anaemia the blood is not transporting enough oxygen to the cells they are demanding it. Oxygen is transported via by the haemoglobin in the red blood cells and in anaemia this is not happening properly. The lack of oxygen in the cells sends a message to the heart to work harder to replenish the oxygen. This the heart tries to do and it and it has to work harder and harder. This alters its shape and it becomes thicker, cos it is a muscle. A thicker heart is less efficient hence the connection.
My own heart problems started because of my anaemia.
I presume you are taking iron (Ferrous Gluconate a good one) and vit C at the same time so that the iron is properly absorbed.
Why are you anaemic? That is a problem which needs to be addressed. In my case it was a lack of stomach acid brought on by prescribed Omeprazole . (Too much stomach acid is also bad from the stomach ulcer point of view so be careful). I now take non-prescribed Betaine HCL with pepsin when I have protein. Look on the web and see if you have sufficient stomach acid. You take some bicarb first thing in the morning in a glass of water and see how long it is before you burp. Check quantities out on the web. If you do not burp within 5mins tell your doctor. The gastroenterologist I went to when my anaemia and my heart were getting worse and worse failed to pick it up. I was in a wheelchair it became so bad before I worked out what was happening.
As Bob said you need to see a cardiologist ASAP and tell him about your anaemia.
Good luck.
I do take iron tablets ferrous sulfate 325mg and l also take vitamin C tablets but l don’t take them at the same time l don’t know why I’m amemic l don’t think l got diagnosed properly my doctor just assumes I’m anemic I’m gonna see a cardiologist about it because it’s not getting any better and now l notice when I get up to stand both my legs get weak and shaky that’s something new l don’t know what is going on but l definitely need to see a cardiologist thank you for the reply it helps a lot it is good to know that I have support from this group I’m so glad l joined in thank you we’ll keep you posted
Dee I have AF for years ..and it’s a pain in the butt. ....I have something that seems to work for me. I stay away from anything that contains cream I have not had a spell from it now about 3 month. I feel sure if I had cream today it would affect me tomorrow ...then it lasts for three days ....I know this for fact ....where I am concerned. I know we are all different ...but worth trying ....nothing to loose
My trigger seems to be anything caffeinated l try to stay away from caffeine especially soda but even though l stay away from caffeine l still get episodes sometimes they just come out of nowhere l could just be sitting down and it’s just happens thank you for the reply it helps a lot when you have some support
I stay right away from anything with caffeine. Dee try keeping to everything you recognise as freshly made without artificial ingredients....try to recognise what your own body doesn’t like. I have had AF for many many years. I am so careful. it’s not easy but it does keep the weight down
I stay away from Chocolate and any cakes and sweets I suspect has cream in. This does seem to help me. ...I am 80 now and I first went to the doctor 45 years ago saying my pulse was racing ... the doctor said take no notice. And being young I took. his has only got harder as I got to a good age ...but you can control it. Good luck
Hi Dee--I understand completely--Im to the point I dont know if it is worsening because of anxiety--I have been reading about acupuncture--that it can be very successful for this. I may look into that. My cardiologist doesnt seem like he thinks this is a big deal- but I do. Im looking for answers. My heart doesnt race on medication--It is more like a thump-I was exercising everyday and doing so well and this crap has me to the point dont wanna move--I wish they had more support groups for this--I take diltiazem 50mg 4 times aday--I turned 70 in January-MmeT
I’m 36 I’m not on any heart medication heart disease run in the family l want to see a specialist to be on the safe side so far so good today I had a episode this morning right when I was getting up out of bed my heart rate was 112 and I had another episode earlier this afternoon where my heart jumped to 168bpm but l didn’t have any skipped beats today so far l usually get it bad at night when I’m getting ready to lay down and get some rest l just need support right now because this is happening on a daily basis sometimes it’s not so bad other times it’s terrible to the point where l get weak breathless and dizzy there is definitely something wrong
I know Dee--It can get rough at times but remember you are not going to die. Anything to do with the heart is an automatic panic button for me so this is the worst.My daughters friend who is 38 was just dxed with it. It seems to be getting more prevalent.Sounds like not to bad of a day today for you--112 is not terrible --In fact my dr said unless it is outrageously high for quite a while not to get to shook about it--Sometimes when it gets quiet like bedtime you become accutely aware of it or you think" I wonder if------ oh there it is" Im a big believer in anxiety making this way worse and im working on trying to not get so bent about it- Maybe laying down just makes you more aware of it.The main thing is do not freak out everytime you feel a few weird beats or off you go again-the circle of uncomfortable panic-Im not saying it is all in your head but it contributes to length and intensity when we go all to pieces worrying when it happens.I just posted a real interesting article about accupuncture and afib--Im going to try that and also get checked out for vagal afib--meaning it is stomach or GI related--I burp etc like a sailor sometimes when I have it and this is something they are researching--Hang in there-Its going to be alright--you may have to live with it but it will get easier and there are a lot of medications and treatments to try- Keep in touch.....hugs,MmeT My mom died from stroke and dad aortic aneursym so got the heart stuff too--but tho we have a predisposition it doesnt mean it will happen to us too--
Thank You for your reply you made me feel a lot better I will try not to panic at night when a episode comes on l will try not to think about it I’m just gonna keep my cool and not be anxious I have a doctors appointment next month hopefully I can see a cardiologist and get a diagnosis but for now I have to keep my head on straight and just be patient l will keep you posted hope we can keep in touch and hope all is well with you
Hi Dee,you have a wonderful plan!! Very good--Remind yourself of your upcoming appt and feel good that you are going to get to the bottom of it....Of course we can keep in touch--I check my mail often. It helps me to talk too. Dont get scared now! Chin up and straight ahead!! Hugs,Mmet
Thank You so much it feels good to have someone’s support it makes me feel so good and I know everything is gonna be ok l have been doing a lot of research and came upon this and it is great because there are people out their that will listen and take the time to answer your questions l love that I found AF Association because before l even stumbled upon this site l was lost l didn’t know where to turn or go l was just so lost but now I’m confident I’m happy that I have answers and the support l need l did a lot of researching about AFib I found a lot about the condition I’m so relieved no thank You so much will keep you posted you have a goodnight😀
your welcome--This site has been a godsend for me-I actualy quit smokin after 5o some years with the support of others going thru the same thing I was-I belong to a couple other groups too--but finding this afib group has been really something I needed bad--I hope you have a restful sleep....Blessings MmeT
I have a f recently taken off bisoprolol experiencing low and high rates during the day and night. Extremely anxious over the last week since I was told that have bradycardia and heart block waiting on tape and echo. Can anyone let me know about cardiac ablation and what it feels like. Not on meds now but fluctuating Thank you.
Let us know what you find out about vagal afib please. I burp like mad after eating anything. I have afib and taking Diltiazem and Riveroxaban.
Thank you.
Have you asked your doctor what a lot of burping means? Could it be that you have too much stomach acid? Have you researched it on the web? Might be worth doing.
Yes I’ve got GERD and a small hiatus hernia. The doctor knows all this but doesn’t seem to connect this to my afib. I will have to suggest a new referral to a specialist? It’s got much worse since I was diagnosed with afib.
I have no idea as to a possible connection but it never harms to see a specialist and do as much research on the web as you can. Good luck
Would it be possible to see a cardiologist privately. At least to get some sort of diagnositic.
How do you go about getting a cardiologist privately and do you need a referral through your regular doctor l have no clue how to go about that help
You don’t need a referral these days unless your going to use your medical insurance. You can self fund. Get in touch with your local private hospital. Ring them and make an appointment with either a cardiologist or an EP consultant. You will have to pay ofcourse. But I think it’s worth it to get s proper diagnosis and way forward.
Breathless and dizzy goes with anaemia as well.
I know but the irregular heart beats is what concerns me l feel like something is wrong l just don’t like the feeling of my heart not beating the way it should everytime my heart skips beats l start to panic l know that panicking only makes it worst
Thats exactly how I feel. Panic sets in
Hi Dee I decided on a private consultation as was in A&E in June and had not been seen by a cardiologist,when he looked at the ecg that had been done at the doctors he was not sure AF was correct diagnosis so I have just had a two week heart monitor on,it was expensive but I am hopefully going to get some answers !
I hope you get yours sorted out quickly.
Oh I’m on it I’m gonna get the answers l need because my instinct is telling me something is not right you always listen to your instincts l have the Kardia device you know the hand held small ekg monitor that thing is the best thing l could of ever purchased because 1 day l was not feeling well I just felt lightheaded short of breath l felt like l was gonna pass out so l took my little device and l recorded my ekg and guess what it detected AFib and it definitely was a shock to me l couldn’t believe it because I was young and l also took my blood pressure and it was through the roof it was definitely a shock to me because I thought l was gonna record it and it would come back normal but it definitely didn’t so l have the proof to show my doctor if she tell me something else then she’s wrong I’m gonna fight this until I get proper care and the proper treatment hope all is well with you
Hello Dee, hope you get to the bottom of this soon & get it under control. I had fast AF last year with valve problems from it being so tired as we had no idea how long I was in that state due to having very mild to no symptoms which I’d naturally linked to other issues that I knew were wrong (long story). I was advised by my cardiologist to get a Kardia Mobile - what a great tool! It diagnosed AF again this Mon and I’m booked in with the same consultant in a weeks time (fortunately I have private healthcare). I suffer with White Coat Syndrome too whenever my blood pressure is measured - even if I’m taking it at home - haven’t managed to sneak up on myself yet & not spark the anxiety...... My point being if you’re anxious there may be little point in taking your BP as it will likely be high and fuel your anxiety. I get better results at home and have had my meter verified at my health centre but this took some months to approve, quite understandably. I’m afraid I don’t have much advice in BP measurement as anxiety throws pretty much every test I take - I forget to breathe whilst dealing with the crazy & rapidly changing thoughts & questions in my head, then seem to realise I’m not breathing & my anxiety starts questioning that I’ve ruined the test etc.... & of course - I have. The best results I’ve had is with box breathing & a health professional I have ultimate trust in, but that’s still hit & miss. Good luck Dee, you’re on the correct path. Please try not to let the anxiety / stress torture you, easier said than done - I know.
Don't know if this will help you or not, but it won't hurt to give it a try - helps me:
After 9 years of trying different foods and logging EVERYTHING I ate, I found sugar (and to a lesser degree, salt – i.e. dehydration) was triggering my Afib. Doctors don't want to hear this - there is no money in telling patients to eat less sugar. Each person has a different sugar threshold - and it changes as you get older, so you need to count every gram of sugar you eat every day (including natural sugars in fruits, etc.). My tolerance level was 190 grams of sugar per day 8 years ago, 85 grams a year and a half ago, and 60 grams today, so AFIB episodes are more frequent and last longer. If you keep your intake of sugar below your threshold level your AFIB will not happen again (easier said than done of course). It's not the food - it's the sugar (or salt - see below) IN the food that's causing your problems. Try it and you will see - should only take you 1 or 2 months of trial-and-error to find your threshold level. And for the record - ALL sugars are treated the same (honey, refined, agave, natural sugars in fruits, etc.). I successfully triggered AFIB by eating a bunch of plums and peaches one day just to test it out. In addition, I have noticed that moderate exercise (7-mile bike ride or 5-mile hike in the park) often puts my Afib heart back in to normal rhythm a couple hours later. Don’t know why – perhaps you burn off the excess sugars in your blood/muscles or sweat out excess salt?? I also found that strenuous exercise does no good – perhaps you make yourself dehydrated??
Also, in addition to sugar, if you are dehydrated - this will trigger AFIB as well. It seems (but I have no proof of this) that a little uptick of salt in your blood is being treated the same as an uptick of sugar - both cause AFIB episodes. (I’m not a doctor – it may be the sugar in your muscles/organs and not in your blood, don’t know). In any case you have to keep hydrated, and not eat too much salt. The root problem is that our bodies are not processing sugar/salt properly and no doctor knows why, but the AFIB seems to be a symptom of this and not the primary problem, but medicine is not advanced enough to know the core reason that causes AFIB at this time. You can have a healthy heart and still have Afib – something inside us is triggering it when we eat too much sugar or get (even a little) dehydrated. Find out the core reason for this and you will be a millionaire and make the cover of Time Magazine! Good luck! - Rick Hyer
PS – there is a study backing up this data you can view at:
I have excessive red blood count and have to have venesections to drop it yet I suffer from complex SVT and ectopics. With this problem I also am breathless and have dizzy spells with general feeling of sickness.
This is the opposite of anaemia.
Hi Dee
My episodes come out of nowhere like yours. Apart from first cup in morning I stick to decaf tea. Over the last six months or so I have found that a magnesium tablet can bring me out of an episode. I take one every night along with a B vitamin tablet but if I do have an episode I take another half magnesium tablet which shortens length of episode.
Good luck