Enemas for constipation: I am taking... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Enemas for constipation

Profound15 profile image
40 Replies

I am taking flecainide and bisoprolol for my afib. The medication is doing fine but I’ve got what I believe to be Pelvic Floor dysfunction. Basically one of my rectum muscles (at exit) is contracting when it should be relaxing. I’ve got biofeedback physio on Monday but wanted to know if anyone has experience of using an enema for relief and if it can interact with my medication. It’s possible that the medication has caused the problem over time as I’ve been constipated over a few years and have had to exert force daily. Any advice would be very gratefully appreciated as I’m a bit desperate

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Profound15 profile image
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40 Replies
pd63 profile image

First call should be your GP

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to pd63

Seen my GP today and he wasn’t helpful. Didn’t come up with anything other than take suppositories

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Profound15

What’s wrong with that advice?

Profound15 profile image

I’m concerned that they won’t work and would like a plan b.

mav7 profile image

I’ve been constipated over a few years

Have you every been referred to Gastroenterology and is your condition determined to be rectal prolapse ? Surgery been offered ?

For as long as you have had this condition, may be best to get a second opinion and referral from another GP other than "take suppositories".

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to mav7

Thanks Mav. Yes I’ve been seen by a gastroenterologist recently and she never mentioned PFD. I’m sure that’s what I’ve got because the symptoms are identical to what I’ve got. Been squeezing significantly for a long time and eventually the muscle goes into a sort of spasm. Instead of relaxing it contracts. The consequence is that your blocked up. Using biofeedback is the go to method of sitting it. However I’m not due to meet the physio till next week. In the meantime I’m looking at options until then

Ppiman profile image

A glycerine suppository certainly seems to work well for my wife for occasional use, but, sadly and for some reason, I found it caused me a very great deal of pain. I find prune juice and daily prunes work completely well and totally comfortably - much more than any standard laxative. Oddly, only one brand of juice works, though, which is a Californian juice called "Sunsweet". Goodness knows why this one is unique for me, but it is. It is noticeably thicker than the supermarket brands and even than the "Benefit" brand which is most easily available. Some Tesco supermarkets sell it, it seems, but I get it from Holland and Barrett these days when they have a discount offer (I am about to order from their app today as a 20% discount is currently on offer).

The prunes I have found that work best are from Bulgaria via Amazon which my wife very gently stews in a mix of Sunsweet prune juice and water. They are large and juicy and much nicer that the stodgy squashed supermarket version being nearer to eating a bowl of plums. Six of these each day along with a glass of the juice almost always works well.

Aside from that, if I still manage to get constipated, which very occasionally can happen, I find a dose of magnesium salts never fails. I take this as either Milk of Magnesia or Andrew's Liver Salts, although any form of magnesium works identically if the dose is sufficient (magnesium supplements are a micro dose, so they don't work).


Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to Ppiman

Thanks Steve

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to Ppiman

oh meant to say the gastroenterologist advised me to come off prunes due to me suffering masses of gas

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to Profound15

That’s interesting and I haven’t found that. On odd days I suffer that way but haven’t linked it to the prunes. I once tried lactulose but the gassiness was terrible yet a friend uses it with gay abandon! Magnesium might be the best if prunes aren’t recommended. I read a major study on it a while back that was very favourable.


Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to Ppiman

Thanks Steve. I think I need something that will relax the muscles in the rectum and allows me to defacate normally or at least easily

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Profound15

Have you tried cosmocol/laxido? I had a bowel infection last year and rectum wouldn’t relax because of the pain. Cosmocol plus paracetamol fixed the problem.

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Buffafly

Oh, reading on I see you have 😕

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to Buffafly

I’m on daily laxido at present. It softens the stool but doesn’t stimulate the muscles

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Profound15

Senna does that but expect that’s been tried too

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to Buffafly

No I haven’t used a Senna. Been told to use a Bisacodyl tablet the night before. Just don’t want to get hooked on them and the GI told me to leave senna alone as it can elicit dependency

I really appreciate your views thank you

Efka profile image

Ok not advice more my random musings reading your share…

I’ve had enemas, not for that reason but yes helps soften stools (not sure if it’s the stools or just muscle cramping being the issue?) and by that stage of the colon I would have thought medications are already absorbed?!

Again if the stools themselves are an issues I’m a fan of vitamin C and magnesium as gentle solutions.

Also for other reasons I take Low Dose Naltraxone (LDN) one of it many actions is on promoting gut motility not sure if that could be of use. It’s mainly an immune modulator and I take it for fibromyalgia and endometriosis.

Sorry I can’t help more I just wanted to respond it must be a miserable situation and I hope you find the right longterm help soon.

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to Efka

Thanks Efka. I’m still using laxido and my stools are soft. The problem is evacuation as the sphincter muscles are not in sync. I’ve been practicing a pelvic floor exercise I downloaded from an NHS site and that has helped a little bit but it’s painfully slow to have a very small movement. I think the muscle may be called the puborectalis and it’s surprisingly common in people who have chronic constipation apparently

I’m pinning so much hope that my physio session will significantly help me. I’ve also got an appointment with my oncology specialist the same day so between them hopefully they can come up with a plan

I have to say this is the worse thing I’ve ever experienced and I’ve had bowel cancer.

Efka profile image
Efka in reply to Profound15

Oh gosh bless you I am so sorry and I can’t even begin to imagine the discomfort and troubles.

I’m a strong believer that we have amazing bodies so here’s to the exercises helping and more help for you soon, hugs, Eva

Efka profile image
Efka in reply to Profound15

Hi again Profound15 , I’m in bed going through my inbox and this popped up (serendipity?!) and I thought I’d share just in case. I’ve followed Trudy for many many years when it comes to amino acids. This is rather short and sweet but I’m sure more searching around gaba might help add more details…

As an aside I have “played” with gaba over the years for pain and sleep and found it on occasion helpful and for me very safe. As with anything as I have no doubt you already do “low and slow” is the way.

Hugs, Eva


Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to Efka

Thanks Efka I’ll have a look at that

CDreamer profile image

I’ve always avoided medication or treatments of any sort for constipation and paid particular attention to diet and Lifestyle. It always worked for both my husband and myself although it’s not an instant cure. 3 things WWE = water - keep well hydrated, walk - sitting too long, too often causes constipation, eat well with lots of foods rich in fibre and a few in particular. It won’t be an instant cure but practice for a week or two and makes such a difference.

If you have to strain every day I would suggest your diet lacks fibre, water and gut microbiome is depleted. Plenty of hydration helps - I find liquidised water melon is fantastic and not unpleasant to drink. Prunes attract water into stools softening them so at least 2-3/day - also excellent for bone health. Lots of green leafy veg, fruit - green apples particularly good, bananas full of fibre. Above all stay away from processed foods, especially sugar.

The aim is to eat AT LEAST 30 different natural foods every week. I can now easily get to 20+ in a day.

Zoe have some excellent podcasts on constipation and this is an excerpt from the transcript of a conversation between Jonathon Wolf and Will Bulsiewicz gastroenterologist (theplantfedgut website) gut expert:-

Now there are some specific foods that I want to just kind of do a quick tip of the cap to, because these specific foods we have found to be beneficial for constipation, and this includes kiwi fruit, prunes, figs, chia seeds, and flax seeds.

I also add kefir - every morning before eating breakfast, just a small shot and at least one other fermented food every day.

I suffered from extreme constipation from a very early age, fed on what was thought to be a ‘healthy’ diet back in the 1950’s which ultimately caused most of my chronic conditions. Now I very, very rarely have any gut problems but am a stickler for what I eat and just as important - don’t.

Hope some of that helps.

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to CDreamer

Thanks CDreamer. I think my diet is pretty good with lots of fibre etc. I only really drink water and have at least two litres a day. I don’t smoke or drink alcohol, been teetotal for years. I think I’ve had a ‘muscle’ problem for a substantial time. Whilst I’ve been prescribed laxatives the real issue has been elsewhere. That’s my thoughts anyway. We will see what the experts offer to help me as I’m in a pretty awful state currently. This is why I’m looking for advice on enemas/suppositories so I can have a normal bowel movement. Before going down that road I’m trying to determine if they work for this issue. I don’t want to go from bad to worse.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Profound15

I think the biofeedback therapy may help as there are many causes of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction so hopefully the physio will help. Attack from all angles is a good approach. All food for thought.

As to your specific question, I thought it through and couldn’t imagine if you had tense muscle blocking how it could help and could even be risky? I’ve had myofascial therapy because I have a condition which causes muscle weakness and therefore very rigid myofascia and that did help.

You do not want to go from bad to worse and getting to the root cause is important but can take time and is often a process of elimination.

Good luck.

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to CDreamer

Thanks CDreamer

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Profound15

As it’s that bad and GP not helpful I’d go to A&E…..

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to Buffafly

Been to A&E on Tuesday. Spent 12hours there and they found nothing wrong and couldn’t help

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Profound15


Buffafly profile image

I just looked to see what medication you are on. I was on Propafenone (a combo of a drug similar to Flecainide with a beta blocker) plus diltiazem for several years and it caused terrible constipation and led to diverticular disease which was diagnosed when I had an episode of diverticulitis causing a bowel abscess. I don’t take Propafenone any more thank goodness but now have to be on a lowish fibre diet and have to avoid quite a lot of foods due to IBS as well. As you say you previously had bowel cancer I assume you have regular checks?

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to Buffafly

Yes also get a colonoscopy virtually every year. If I can’t dedicate easily now how the hell will I be like if I take the preparation for the next one in July

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Profound15

Oh dear, I am sorry for the problem you are having, I hope your next appointment is helpful

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to Buffafly

Thank you

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image


Suppostories (glycerine) are better than enemas. The latter are drastic.

Then there is Colofac 140mg. A big glass of water with 1 pill 1 hour before breakfast. That's all I need.

Repeat before lunch and/or dinner.

A Aussie doctor proscribed it to me after a colonoscopy. Said I had the longest colon he had seen and it was squashed into a small area.

Kiwifruit another natural or prunes, figs. Eat nuts before meals.

I must go daily.

cheri Joy. 75. (NZ)

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to JOY2THEWORLD49

Thanks Joy. I now take one kiwifruit a day and it was helpful before my muscles started playing up. I’ve bought enemas but only for an emergency. Today I’m using a pelvic floor exercise for evacuation and it has helped a little bit. I’ve not mastered it yet but am trying very hard, practising regularly in my lounge etc. probably looks and sounds daft but I need relief and if it’s working a bit I’m not knocking it. Deffo a muscle issue in the rectal area though. Once again thanks for your input it’s much appreciated.

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image
JOY2THEWORLD49 in reply to Profound15


And I was told to put a foot stool in front of your toilet.

I get constipated for 6 weeks after GAnaesthetic.

Perhaps because I have a special GA for reflux etc.

Change from an enema to glycerine suppositaries please. If you can put them up just inside. A nurse put them too far up and they didn't work, Also put them in freezer the day prior. Makes them STURDY.

cheri JOY

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to JOY2THEWORLD49

Thanks Joy

Bagrat profile image

I'm sure you've already thought of this but we have a Squatty potty which is nothing of the sort, just a stool to put your feet on whilst on the loo. A pile of books works just as well as it puts your innards in a better position for evacuation.

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to Bagrat

Thanks bagrat. Funny enough I just bought one from Amazon and it arrived yesterday. I’ve tried using it but it’s still a struggle as exercise I’m doing is all about concentration and controlling the muscles. It’s a difficult process but does seem to work

Bismark profile image

Just a bit about my constipation and haw I solved it. After being on several doses of antibiotics my gut went right out of sink and what followed was over 6 months of constipation, trying many things but not solving my constipation.

I finally relented and listened to several friends advice and saw a naturopath who had helped a large number of people they know. I was very sceptical but I was getting to the stage where it was causing me a lot of stress and sleepless nights.

He recommended that I needed gut Probiotics because the Antibiotics destroyed my gut bacteria. A little while after starting the Probiotics I start taking BioMedica GL-Restore. I was taking the GI Restore for around 6 months and it was brilliant no constipation at all. About 3 months ago I decided to make my own breakfast cereal from oats and I mixed in a lot of nuts such as Flax meal, Chi, crushed Walnuts, Almond slivers and so on. I'm completely off the GI-Restore and constipation seems to be in the past.

I'm in Australia but I would definitely recommend the GI- Restore for constipation. I wouldn't recommend if you are clogged up but to keep everything flowing. Its not a Movicoll but I would use it after Movicoll has cleaned me out.

Profound15 profile image
Profound15 in reply to Bismark

Thanks Bismark. I’ll have a look at that once I get this pelvic floor disorder improved.

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