I’ve been having really itchy skin without a rash as well as just recently diagnosed with lichen planus (still waiting on appt to confirm if that is the case).
I’m on flecainide 50mg twice a day and bisoprolol 1.25mg once a day. I’ve been suffering from fairly acute itchy skin (nipples and my back which seemed to start about two to three months after starting my maintenance dosage). This coincided with me getting my first vaccine and then when I got my second Pfizer jab the itchiness spread from my nipples to my back. Got my third Pfizer in October last year and weeks later my itchiness got worse and suffered from a really painful tongue and mouth.
Now I’ve put two and two together and maybe got five as I assumed the vaccines probably caused the reaction. However my skin doesn’t have a rash. My doctor prescribed fexofenadine anti histamines which I’m still on but finish the course in 7 days. They have helped quite a bit but I still use anti itch cream as well. I’ve got to go back to him and hence the reason for me posting.
I’ve read today that bisoprolol can cause pruritis (skin itching). Now if that is the case I have an option to change to another beta blocker or indeed move to a calcium channel blocker. However my af symptoms have been fine for around 15 months and ectopics are minimal compared to what they were before. Has anyone experienced what I’m going through and if so what did they do please
I don’t want to upset the apple cart but equally the itchiness is really tough to handle. It also seems daft to be on another medication (anti histamine) to counteract the side effects of bisoprolol.
Any ideas or suggestions would be very welcome