No Spring Covid Vaccination for AF pa... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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No Spring Covid Vaccination for AF patients

Samazeuilh2 profile image
62 Replies

I had a Covid vaccination in January of this year and, fortunately, didn’t get any ectopics or other side-effects which I have had in the past following the vaccine. I was told to have another jab after 90 days (that is how long the vaccine is effective for, apparently), but it seems that the Spring vaccine will only be for the over-75’s and those with identified health conditions (which don’t include AF). I want to go on holiday later this year and feel that I need to vaccinated. I am willing to pay for it, but that seems to be impossible too. I wondered if anyone is in the same position and has any ideas about how this problem might be tackled? I’m not sure, for example, if doctors have any discretion in recommending people for the vaccination? A GP told me there might be “travel clinics” which would have the vaccine, but I think this is probably incorrect.

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Samazeuilh2 profile image
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62 Replies
wilsond profile image

Get in touch with whoever told you to top up after 90 days? Tell them your problem?Just a thought

Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply towilsond

That was the pharmacy, but they stress that they have no authorisation to determine who gets it unfortunately. However, it seems that it will be possible to purchase one in a few months from some pharmacies.

Barny12 profile image

Looks like Pharmadoctor are offering private jabs at many pharmacies. £45 a pop.

Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply toBarny12

Yes, it seems they are offering them from the end of April. If so that will solve the problem. Thanks for the info.

Qualipop profile image

It only lasts 90 days? That's not good. After my last vaccination I developed a really bad arrhythmia ( Not AF) and was in hospital for 3 days. The cardiologist said it was almost certainly caused by the vaccine so I didn't have the last one. I'm pretty much housebound so my risk is low but my son is soon to travel to the USA again. Last time he caught covid on the flight even though he was fully vaccinated. I think travel is just pot luck. Use lots of sanitizer, wear a mask and hope. I don't know of anywhere that would let you get the vaccine. I'm over 75 and haven't seen a spring one mentioned anywhere.

Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply toQualipop

You can get one from April 2024 if you are over 75. See:

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply toSamazeuilh2

Thanks but I won't be. Cardiologist advised me not to.

GooseEggs profile image
GooseEggs in reply toQualipop

I'd agree with the cardiologist, however can you share what reasons were provided? How does the covid vax affect afib patients that he's observed in order to recommend against it? (And I agree, avoid it)

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply toGooseEggs

He gave no reasons apart from the 3 days of very bad arrhythmia I'd had - twice. The first lasted 3 weeks and started the day after my booster. One week was constant, week 2 calmed down a bit and week 3 it gradually stopped. I had no treatment that time because my GP couldn't book a holter monitor while it was happening. Then it happened out of the blue 6 months later. That time while in hospital they ascertained that it was not AFib. My heart rate was jumping from 30 to144 in seconds and back again but it wasn't the atrium I can't remember now what they called it but it was supposedly harmless. The paramedics were fascinated- said they'd never seen anything like it. I was given diltiazem but I came up in a rash right away so it was stopped and I was told to just keep an eye on it but he strongly recommended I didn't have another booster.

Afperic profile image
Afperic in reply toQualipop

very wise heres a listen and you may feel very glad you are opting out. (Link has been removed ) first 10 mins

andrew bridgen in uk parliament gives the full figures jan 2024

marcyh profile image
marcyh in reply toQualipop

Just a caution abour saying someone caught Covid on a flight. Consider that it might have been from the airport - or anywhere else. I have spoken with the Boeing engineer tasked with ensuring that flights were safe during Covid. The air circulation on planes makes them one of the safest places to be. Incidentally, his research, which was in-depth into the pandemic, led him to avoid all Covid vaccines.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply tomarcyh

O should have said he caught it on his journey. I didn't avoid the vaccines, it was my 5th one that caused problems. I'm not happy about them lasting such a short time and needing so many. No doubt in years to come we will learn more about what the rushed vaccines did as well as saving a lot of lives.

Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply toQualipop

The 90 day figure I mentioned earlier refers to the period when protection is at the maximum; there would still be some protection when this period has elapsed. Also, this was in casual conversation with the person administering the vaccine so it might not be accurate.

Karendeena profile image
Karendeena in reply toQualipop

I feel the same, no more for me

Afperic profile image
Afperic in reply toQualipop

Oh dear me we have learnt already how bad the jabs are, evidence is falling of trees thanks to hard work on thedata,much of which has had to be FOIA'd from the authrities. Even then lots of it is redacted disgracefully. Try thies excellent comment from ANH principle Rob Verkerk on one of the lateste papers on the iniquities of the vaccine. What vaccine in the past only covers for 90 days.? (Link removed) start looking into what we are being fed round the world. Do not be horrified it is scary and i am a sane 75yr old with some medical background as an OT, had an ablation early 2021 and praying the recovery will continue. Up your Vit D levels, lookup dr john Campbell who hhas done several interviews with Dr Grimes a Vit D expert of 40 or more years. Then think very carefully before you consider ever taking another MRNAtype jab aka gene therapy as addmitted by the manufacturers. Wake up and smell the coffee people we did not have information to consent. I had 3 to travel, worse thing i ever did and i could have travelled paying for PCRtests as the neice of a friend did wwho went between continents 3 times without any jabs just the tests. Sadly i only found this out a year ago. God help us all.

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply tomarcyh

It's more the proximity of other people and the danger of their aerosol spray. If you're unlucky enough to be sitting close to someone who's carrying something and you're there for hours etc. Though in my view, it's the queuing and waiting areas that are likely to be more germ ridden. I quite like protecting myself from any nasties that might be lurking in an airport these days.

ibuputih profile image
ibuputih in reply toSingwell

Don’t forget the disgusting seat pockets and flop down trays on planes - totally germ ridden. Just back from a trip and other passengers looked amused as I wiped our trays and seat belt clasp with a disinfectant wipe and used several on our hands throughout the flight.

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply toibuputih

Yup. I think COVID has made us much more aware of how infections spread and its no bad thing, especially as we get older. Two friends of mine picked up whooping cough during a long bus ride and then both contracted pneumonia. Both fine now but if one of them.hadnt been an ex medic they mifhtve been under the radar for longer.

Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply toibuputih

It’s extraordinary that anyone would find using disinfectant wipes amusing or unusual in the present climate- it’s more revealing about them than the person using the disinfectant. Really, this cleaning should be routinely done by the airline. I suspect that a lot depends on the nationality of the passengers and airline. A friend flew with Air Japan recently and said that just about everybody was masked, with scrupulous hygiene being observed. I would definitely choose to fly on an airline like this, but unfortunately Air Japan don’t do flights to Italy (where I am planning to go).

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply toibuputih

My table over the bed in hospital was as bad as that. It took an entire pack of wipes to clean mine. Not everything in life can be sanitised but you would expect tables to be clean on planes or in hospitals.

Alphakiwi profile image
Alphakiwi in reply toQualipop

And how good are the wipes. Im quite happy living at home here in the fresh air of yhe Ba y of Islands in NZ

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image
JOY2THEWORLD49 in reply toAlphakiwi



Wipes contain plastic research says and wants companies to label them.

What next.

Go wiping everything down!

cheri jOY. 75. (NZ)

Bunkular profile image
Bunkular in reply toibuputih

My guess is that those other passengers were probably thinking that they wished they had brought disinfectant wipes with them to do the same thing & not that they thought it a waste of time or amusing. One doesn't know what others are thinking, so everyone should proceed to take whatever precautions they think would help prevent the spread of illness without any shame whatsoever. We are all passed the era of criticizing the wearing of masks and hand sanitizer etc. Good on you for taking the time to disinfect.

Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply toBunkular

”We are all passed the era of criticizing the wearing of masks and hand sanitizer etc. ”

Sadly, I’m not sure that is so in the UK. And often it’s assumed that someone wearing a mask *has* Covid.

Bagrat profile image
Bagrat in reply toSamazeuilh2

I tend to assume they are vulnerable/immunosuppressed . Very few people test for covid these days, so unless very public spirited regarding any infection, I doubt infectious .

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image
JOY2THEWORLD49 in reply toSamazeuilh2


So what!

One should look after oneself Samazeuilh2.

You will have the last laugh when others get COVID and you don't!

And you have to have tiny bottle of santizer. So wipes are better and will go further.

cheri jOY 75. (NZ)

secondtry profile image

My precautions when necessary is Vit D and a good quality nasal and oral sprays I got from the States by recommendation. More info on FLCCC site.

No more mRNA jabs of any sort from me until the full truth is out.

Barny12 profile image
Barny12 in reply tosecondtry

Just wanted to point out that according to Wikipedia in August 2023 the two founders of FLCCC:

Kory and Marik were informed by the American Board of Internal Medicine that their board certifications were to be revoked for "spreading false or inaccurate medical information"

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply toBarny12

The ABIM is part of the censorship and persecution of any doctor in America who refuses to toe the line and stick to the narrative which is there to boost drug company and hospital group profits . It is this propaganda that is guilty of spreading false or inaccurate medical information. Like telling people that the vaccines will stop them catching covid. Like making out that masking is of any more than marginal benefit. Like saying that Ivermectin is a horse dewormer and not to be used by people ,when the truth is that there have been millions of users in places like Africa using it to protect against parasites. Kory and Marik are doctors who until Covid had good reputations . Their persecution is shameful.

Afperic profile image
Afperic in reply toAuriculaire

ABSOLUTELY agree 100%we the people have to wake up and realize how medics and scientists of decades of experience and who were consulted for their knowledge are now cut off by their boards for TELLING THE TRUTH. Big Pharma and others like B Gatses foundation have paid to control the narrative. The evidence is there ,seek and ye shall find. Try senator Ron Johnson in US committee information sessions where many of the truthsayers have been giving testimonies .

Bunkular profile image
Bunkular in reply toAuriculaire

Please, Auric do not spread false information! The ABIM's mission as a non-profit organization is: "To enhance the quality of health care by certifying internists and subspecialists who demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes essential for excellent patient care." They are NOT there to promote in any way the use of pharmaceuticals, nor do they get kickbacks.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply toBunkular

Any organisation can put out a nice reassuring mission statement like that. But as far as Covid is concerned they have stuck to the government / medical establishment ( all the Boards not just Internal Medicine are part of the medical establishment) line and persecuted doctors who have refused to toe the line by either taking away their certification or threatening to - no matter how successful a career the doctor had had previously and despite their being a lack of complaints by patients. This is not fake news this has actually happened.

What is more many doctors in America accuse the ABIM of being little more than a racket with their maintenance of certification (MOC) program. A racket which has made millionaires of the ABIM's top officers, financed limousines and first class travel for officers and their wives , all while ignoring the many doctors who demand independent research into whether the MOC processs actually results in improved patient care and pulling large sums of money out of the healthcare system. A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2015 found that in terms of time doctors had to spend studying for often obscure exam questions and the amount they had to fork out for exam fees MOC sucked $5.7 billion dollars out of the health care system with no independent verification that this is a program which actually accomplishes anything.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply toBarny12

Unfortunately you cannot rely on MSM including the anonymous Wikipedia. I have followed these highly qualified doctors since 2020 and I have as much confidence in them as I have of any medic. Best not go into why the ABIM revoked their certification here.

Barny12 profile image
Barny12 in reply tosecondtry

It appears that as well as losing their board certification one of your highly qualified doctors also seems to have mislaid his medical licence as of 2022 and is thus unable to practise medicine now.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply toBarny12

Not "mislaid "- removed by the ABIM for not toeing the line on covid. You have only to read Marik's career details to see that he was a highly qualified doctor. Same with Kory. The spreading of "disinformation "was refusal to accept the propaganda for which there was no real scientific evidence ie that masking and social distancing worked. The latter is particularly questionable as different countries picked different distances on a purely arbitrary basis.

Barny12 profile image
Barny12 in reply toAuriculaire

No, read my post again.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply toBarny12

No idea what you are talking about. Perhaps you may care to explain how exactly one mislays a medical licence. As far as I know withdrawal of Board Certification in America makes it near impossible to practice within mainstream medicine. Licensing seems to be a matter for individual states but certification is a matter for various boards depending on what sort of a doctor you are.

Bagrat profile image
Bagrat in reply tosecondtry

Agree re mRNA jabs, we are not yet getting the full risk benefit story

Ppiman profile image

I have read that if a person has had their booster jabs, then the immune system will be sufficiently primed and able to protect against severe covid. If you have had covid itself in the past, too, this will add to the immunity levels, I understand.

I would think you are safely protected from the severe form.


Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply toPpiman

Before the Jan 2024 jab I hadn’t had one since early 2022. So four jabs altogether. Hopefully, this will provide reasonable protection. I’ll probably opt for a Pharmadoctor jab in April. I strongly suspect that once private jabs are established, NHS jabs will be restricted to those classified as vulnerable. There seems to be a general lack of interest and information on the whole topic of vaccinations now.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toSamazeuilh2

You’re right about that. I think now that most people have either had Covid itself or the boosters, meaning resistance to the severe form is high. The worry is only now for those who sadly who lack strong immune systems.


Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply toPpiman

I just think that more information should be available concerning rates of infection by location, efficacy of vaccines, future availability of vaccines, etc. with at least some basic protections in place in, for example, hospitals and GP surgeries. The situation really isn’t as safe as many think with much long Covid in evidence. For those with AF or PAF the virus certainly has the potential to make things considerably worse.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toSamazeuilh2

I feel that the efficacy has been proven by the number of cases of serious COVID having plummeted. But I fully agree with you. I think the government has been altogether remiss over this since the beginning of it all.


Afperic profile image
Afperic in reply toPpiman

More jabs more illness guaranteed. Dr Geert van den Bosch an eminent immunology expert of decades has written extensive ly on this in very scientific papers but some he has done for the layman too.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toAfperic

This excellent and wide ranging paper responds, scientifically, to all of that particular “expert’s” arguments and shows how he has unfortunately allowed himself to become seriously misguided:

(link removed)

The objective reality is that the need for oxygen supplementation and hospitalisation for vaccinated individuals is very low. The opposite is true for individuals who have neither had the disease or the vaccine.


Afperic profile image
Afperic in reply toPpiman

with respect all the data in the paper you mention is old Hat 2020 to 2021 we are 3 years on and heres the latest and most of the papers on his website are too technical for me but many will be able to follow. Anyone can read, follow the jist and look for the other truth tellers and then make up their minds...... think how many people the know who have recently 'suddenly died' despite perfect health, how many have suddenly got stage 4 cancers ( see Dr Angus Dalgleish videos with Dr John Campbell ) and many other sudden illnesses without explanation and ASK questions. best wishes in Truth.

Robert Verkerk BSc MSc DIC PhD FACN Founder, Executive & Scientific Director Dr Verkerk has authored some 60 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings and contributes regularly to magazines and other popular media. Talks to Dr Van den Bossche

There can be no doubt that our health authorities are desperate and completely lost. Despite navigating without a compass, they refuse to seek help from competent and indepewith Geert andent scientists. Instead, they continue to recommend booster vaccinations (with updated C-19 vaccines). Some of them, including the WHO, even support C-19 vaccination of young children, whereas no single childhood immunisation program addressing ASLVIs is targeting viruses with animal reservoirs or employs replication-incompetent vaccines. Don't they understand that large-scale immunisation programs targeting ASLVIs caused by viruses with an animal reservoir will only promote viral immune escape?

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toAfperic

Well, I can't agree with you, except to accept that the paper I linked to was a little old, but, "old hat"? Why would it be so? Can you point to the parts within it that are so very wrong in light of any new findings?

Also, you make the statement: "There can be no doubt that our health authorities are desperate and completely lost... navigating without a compass".

I wonder, to make such a claim, do you know anyone personally who works for our health authority in the covid side of things? Well, I met such a person, in a bird hide at Minsmere in Suffolk of all places, he being a keen ornithologist, like me. He told me that he sits on the government advisory committee for covid as an advisor. We talked about the disease and the vaccination programme. He told me that he had only recently recovered from a severe bout of covid himself and that the severity of it had completely shocked him as he was a slim and active young-to-middle aged man with no obvious comorbidities. Anyway, to the point, there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that he would never have accepted that our health authorities were either "desperate" , "completely lost" or "navigating without a compass". He gave me the very opposite impression.


Afperic profile image
Afperic in reply toPpiman

Video link removed

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toAfperic

I've seen many of this man's videos. He's making a fine income from them from monetising ad links, that's for sure.

I'll have a closer look but as for impuning that guy in the hide, well - why not? There could be a teacup and saucer circulating around the planet Mars, I suppose, too. Once cynicism enters the room, rational thinking leaps out of the window is my expereince. But, I shall read on and see what I think. Thanks for the links.


Afperic profile image
Afperic in reply toPpiman

its a listen not a read but there is a transcript and a further video a couple of months later ' how much vit D should I take.' which has interesting information on evolution of vit D. I end with this link to the debate in Parliament requested by MP Mr Andrew Bridgen who as he says 'gives the cold hard facts ' he has been ostracised for his assistance to the vaccine injured - disgraceful. andrew bridgen in uk parliament gives the full figures jan 2024 (link removed) debate on the excess first 10 mins and his ending has some chilling words.

you pays your money and you takes your choice, i my book i know what my choice is from now on, would that I could have access to the information in the Vit D video and the Bridgen debate before I succumbed to project fear. I only do my best now to let others have the information I have gleaned after many hours of research for the truth.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toAfperic

Yes, I can tell you are keen to spread what you feel is the truth. My brother is similar and his friend, an affable and warm-hearted ex-evangelical Christian, is as zealous as can be about it, spreading the word via memes and material he presumably receives daily from the likes of the Icke Foundation whom I gather he writes for, via his Facebook page and elsewhere.

But the video you linked to is open to question. Why? Well, that doctor is truly way out of date in what he thinks and says about vitamin D. That compound has been heavily researched as a way to boost the immune system in covid patients, as has zinc, azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine and several other promising drugs.

Also, Campbell is surely being disingenuous towards him since in other videos he has rejected much of the covid information he allows that doctor to state and without questioning him - regarding susceptibility, severity and deaths, for example. Many have come to believe that Campbell is a covid vaccine denier and a conspiracy believer: a cynic, indeed. He is even against the MMR vaccine and made silly claims about childhood measles in other videos.

He's also making vast sums of money because people watch his videos, having attracted a large following thanks to social media's hypnotic attraction to some disillusioned or frightened groups in society, those who are for many reasons, disenchanted with modern life or such.

I feel that Campbell and Brigden are two of many examples that show us where the mind can take you when it thinks it has found a simpler "truth" than the highly complex and genuinely hard-to-study truths that science seeks to find. Indeed, perhaps what they have truly found isn't the truth at all, but (before finding the pot-of-gold of blogs, vlogs and YouTube) was a way to dislodge an enormous chip that had formed on their shoulders from having felt belittled for so long for not having succeeded as well academically as others they have worked with have. Who knows what drives them, if not money? but what I do know is: I have come not to trust either of them. An inch.


Afperic profile image
Afperic in reply toPpiman

End of story, i am staying alive till the perpetrators of the scam on humanity are put in courts round the world. You are ignoring the official data on which much research is now proving the real truth. Ask why data from the pfizer trials was under wraps for 75years till a judge ordered it published, why too vast amounts of trial data was redacted when released. Ask too why the contract for vaccines signed by the EUcommission FOR BILLIONS was only released on FOIA requests by EU MEPs and is hugely redacted. We await further responses ffrom EU under further FOIAs . If there is nothing to hide WHY? .your comments on money making dont add up when John Campbell has produced medical textbooks used in nurse training which are available free online. Hardly a moneyspinner. Mr Bridgen has scientific degrees and could earn a lot more by keeping stumm on vaccine injuries and going on public speaking outings when he lost the whip and was pushedout of the Tory party . The party no doubt are concerned by how he is exposing their treachery against the public by putting us through a forced crashing of the economy and medical violations of consent. Each to his own I am not here to go round the houses, i can only put out the true info as far as possible ( i dont suscribe to most of Mr Ikes rants) and leave people to go away and question the worlds governments actions of the past 4 years. Internationalcovid MEPS of ex eastern block countries understand and have now had the 5th summit in washington, their speakers for the most part tell it all. I have no more to say.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toAfperic

We shall see. Some of what you have written can be shown not to be the case, or there are other reasonable and legal reasons for it. The Pfizer side effect story is vastly over exaggerated and deeply misunderstood, rather like the excess deaths debate that those two chap go on about so much. But, I do share some of your concerns, for sure. It's always interesting to read other viewpoints and thank you for yours.

As for Campbell and Brigden, I think even you must have had doubts listening to some of the many "truths" they love to "share" since so many of them are contradictory or wrong; but not all. I wonder why they do pass on poor or wrong information at all, though. They are what they are.


localad profile image

You can get a spike antibody test for around £50 (UK) . That will give you an indication of your covid infection/vaccination antibody level, for peace of mind.

Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S tests the quantitative determination of antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 in serum. (past infection or vaccination)

My Roche score was 600 after 2x AZ injections. After a covid infection a year later my Roche score was 2500. The infection put me into AF on 3 days but 1x Sotalol (as PIP) sorted the AF within 1 hour, those 3 days.

I've elected not to have any covid mRNA injections.

Note that the much of any 'damage' caused by covid infection appears to be due due to the virus 'spike' protein and it is this protein that is generated (they hope in small amounts) by the covid vaccinations.

GooseEggs profile image

Please be aware the older one is, the less likely to make helpful antibodies and the antibodies made tend to include more auto-antibodies (leading to autoimmune illnesses). Further, the older one is, the more permeable the blood brain barrier (BBB). Thus the spike proteins, antigens/pathogens, and any microbes and toxins in the vaccine enter the brain. This results in the brain's natural immune response to respond with inflammation and amyloid proteins. As we age, our brains are less effective at clearing the amyloid waste after they've attacked the threat, and at some point the clearing out of the amyloid waste malfunctions and it continues to build--leading to dementia, Alzheimers and other neurological diseases. This is the same process and functionality that scientists now recognize in which repeat virus, bacterial or microbe exposure in older people can result in dementia or AD. Same process--whether that is naturally wild-caught virus or vaccine-injected pathogens/antigens. Why keep injecting the vaccines and triggering this process over and over again? The older we are, the less benefit and more harm (flu vaccines also contian formaldyhide (a carcinogen) and polysorbate 80.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply toGooseEggs

I haven't had the flu vaccine for 5 years after having a very bad reaction to one. I know they change every year but as I don't know specifically what caused the reaction I stay clear. I'm just very careful.

Karendeena profile image

I decided against any more COVID vaccinations last year, in fact I didn't have the spring one or the winter, neither did my partner or mother who is 95. I appreciate this was a personal choice but I know too many people who have developed heart conditions after the vaccinations. My partner and I (along with my Mother) all had Covid in January and to be honest apart from a headache for two days I didn't know I had it. My mother didn't know either. Perhaps we were lucky but I am not having any more.

HGates profile image
HGates in reply toKarendeena

Wise choice.

davephx profile image

If you need two more shots, I wonder if you didn't have the last booster from a prior Covid shot, so you also need the 2023-2024 new vaccine that isn't just a booster for new variants.

In the US, we have never heard of needing two shots of the latest vaccine other than for children and those immunocompromised. I am age 77 and just had my seventh shot (I had a prior vaccine and five boosters) for the 2023-2024 version along with the flu shot. I have occasional A fib and frequently PVC, and the shots have had no effect on them. But everyone is different.

The 2023–2024 vaccine is a one-shot vaccine for most people, and there is no booster this season. (People who are immunocompromised or ages 6 months to 4 years may need more than one 2023–2024 vaccine.)

Individuals 12 and older previously vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine (and who have not already been vaccinated with a recently updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccine) are eligible to receive one dose; unvaccinated individuals can receive two doses.

People 5 years and older may get one dose of the updated vaccine at least two months after the last dose of any previous COVID vaccine.

The FDA calls this an updated vaccine (not a “booster” like previous shots) because it builds a new immune response to variants that are currently circulating. This change reflects the current approach of treating COVID-19 similarly to the flu, with preventive measures such as an annual vaccination.

The vaccines target XBB.1.5, a subvariant of Omicron that dominated the United States—and the world—from November 2021 until last year. The CDC says the updated vaccines should also work against currently circulating variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus—many of which descended from, or are related to, the XBB strain. The vaccine is also expected to protect against JN.1, the current dominant strain in the U.S.

The bivalent booster, which is no longer available, was introduced in the fall of 2022. It targeted the BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron subvariants and the original SARS-CoV-2 virus. The updated vaccine is monovalent, designed to prevent severe disease from the Omicron XBB.1.5 subvariant. By September 2023, the long-running XBB.1.5 accounted for only about 3% of cases in the U.S., but most of the strains circulating now are descended from (or closely related to) it.

The FDA is calling the new shots “updated vaccines” (not boosters like before) in anticipation of needing to provide updated formulas annually, similar to the flu shot, which changes each year.

“Barring the emergence of a markedly more virulent variant, the FDA anticipates that the composition of COVID-19 vaccines may need to be updated annually, as is done for the seasonal influenza vaccine,” the FDA noted in its approval and authorization of the new vaccine.

The newest vaccine is not the original messenger RMA (mRNA), but the Novavax protein-based vaccine.

The Novavax protein-based vaccine uses an older, more traditional technology and a different mechanism—it directly injects the spike protein (formulated in a laboratory) and another ingredient into the body, producing virus-fighting antibodies and T cells. The Novavax vaccine is the only non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccine available in the U.S.

In January 2024, the United Kingdom's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) granted marketing authorization for Novavax's Nuvaxovid XBB, which is a protein-based COVID-19 vaccine. Novavax's vaccine uses the entire spike protein, which is unique.

Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply todavephx

Yes, the Novavax will be available from April to purchase here. I will have to speak to a GP to clarify which vaccine would be best and when. Thanks for your reply.

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image


If you are uptodate you should have your jabs about every 6 months not 90 days.

I have had 6 jabs.

There is another on the horizon and I shall have that in june.

cheri JOY. 75 (NZ)

TracyAdmin profile image

Please refrain from sharing external links on the Forum, we have received a number of reports relating to this post this morning. All links will be removed or posts deleted if permission has not been sought in advance.

Thank you for your understanding.

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Covid Booster vaccination and AF

I am due to have a Pfizer booster vaccination on Saturday, following two earlier AZs. I read...

Pfizer vaccination and AF

I had a Covid Vaccination on Monday which I think triggered the longest attack of AF I have had for...

Any issues with Covid vaccination and AF

I’m having a phizer Covid vaccine on Monday (I know it’s late but Japan is way behind) and wondered...
Japaholic profile image

AF back 6 days after Covid vacc

I'd been in NSR for over 3 1/2 years following a cardioversion after 9 months of persistent AF, but...
Belle11 profile image

Covid/ Covid vac / AF

hi all The more I look into my AF history from original GP appointment for breathlessness to now...
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