AF and Covid vaccines : I haven’t had a... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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AF and Covid vaccines

Samazeuilh2 profile image
56 Replies

I haven’t had a Covid booster since November 2021 (I missed the second booster last November because I had a bypass). With the various new variants knocking around, I’m considering having one at the end of the month when they are issued to over-65’s. However, last time I had a lot of ectopics after the jabs (particularly the Pfizer booster) which took months to settle. Barts hospital said there does seem to be some correlation between AF and the vaccine, but also say they cannot advise on whether to have the jab or not. I wondered if anyone knew of any reliable sources of information on this question or had had any adverse reaction to the jabs themselves. I’m aware this is a perennial topic, but I wanted to find out if there was anything new I should know about. I’m not keen on being vaccinated because I have been free of AF for about 8 months.

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56 Replies

2My opinions on this matter will instantly class me as a tin foil hat wearer. So I will only mention what I have seen to those close to me.

My whole family were perfectly fine after the 1st astrazenca vax. It was after the 2nd round of Pfizer and moderna. The MRNA ones. This is where nearly all the family suffered problems and even some ended up in hospital.

My 2 aunties both had jabs at the same day as they live and work together. Both ended up in AnE with similar symptoms and at the same time within days of each other.

My sister ended up losing her vision after her 1st jab for a short while. Went all blurred and had severe headaches where she ended up in hospital. After the 2nd jab she ended up with inflammation of the heart and still years after us suffering from this today. Has been in 3 times with this.

My mother ended up with arm pain at the injection site and still has this dead arm pain today.

My father was short of breath for months after his round of 2nd mrna jabs.

This is just the truth from my close family. Obviously there are sides and maybe ally family were just the unlucky ones. I am not anti vax and my child has recently had all her childhood jabs. But with this New technology of jabs, I believe there needs to be more investigation into them.

Also I noticed that all those who had the jabs had way worse symptoms than those who didn't get them. That's only what I seen with my family and close friends.

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply totheonethatgotaway1

I believe that the way one responds to the jabs is genetic and we are all different. My husband sailed though his 4 jabs with ne’er a care in the world but I had the most dreadful reactions to 3 of my 4 jabs. The second Astra Z jab was not too bad. It took me over a month to get over the other 3 and was very bad for a week afterwards. I have decided that I am not having any more of them.

Am about to book my flue jab which I have been having for years.

Jalia profile image
Jalia in reply toGrannyE

I was ill for 3/4 weeks after the annual flu jab for the past 4 years so won't be having any more. I haven't had Covid booster and don't intend to but this could change.!

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply toGrannyE

I had no reactions at all to any of the 6 jabs I have had and will be having the next one as soon as possible - never had any reaction to flu jabs either but know people who have. My wife had a reaction to the first and last Covid jab she had. Had headaches and slept for about 24 hours after both. She also had a similar reaction to one of the flu jabs back in the early 1990's but none since - she is asthmatic so always has the jabs. Sometimes its the carrier that people are allergic to. One person I know blew up like a baloon after a flu jab - he had never known this but found he was allergic to albumen - though had never had a problem before this one jab. I don't know of any new research or facts about the jabs that will now be made available from Monday instead of next month - due to the new variants that are floating about now. My sister has Covid again and was already suffering from long Covid after a bad dose back when it first reared it's ugly head.

Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply totheonethatgotaway1

I certainly found that the side-effects after the Pfizer were much worse than the AZ. Unfortunately, you have to take what they offer which will almost certainly be an MRNA.

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply toSamazeuilh2

That too was ghastly for me but might be OK for you

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply totheonethatgotaway1

I'm with you, the level of reported side effects are way too high and then no one knows how many unreported issues have occurred. Thanks to respondents on this Forum, I decided in the early Covid days not to have any jabs and have had no problems.

Re more up to date information, I recently sent this link to my family of one of my trusted sources of information

davephx profile image
davephx in reply tosecondtry

It all depends on individuals and where they get their information. The World Council for Health is shown to be a fraud of misinformation. Yet, as shown here, some folks have had bad reactions. I have occasional AFIB and frequent PVCs had all shots and boosters with no bad reactions.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply todavephx

Wikipedia is not a reliable site and this particular article is a load of rubbish. Many of the so called conspiracy theories that WCH has spoken about have actually turned out to be true. There have been people who have died after covid vaccinations in circumstances which leave no doubt ( some after autopsies ) that the vaccine is to blame. The article is also out of date as there is not one reference that is from this year. There have been many studies showing the efficacy of Ivermectin for prophylaxis and treatment including one from a town in Brazil using thousands of people. Recently another study has shown efficacy. There are papers coming out all the time showing the problems with the mRNA vaccines. And also statistical reevaluations of the so called efficacy- highlighting the biases in the real world observational studies caused by not counting people as vaccinated till 7/14/21 days after the second of the primary series of injections. As for the clinical trials there is no doubt. As far as all cause mortality is concerned more people died in the Pfizer trial in the vaccine arm than the placebo arm. If you don't believe me look at the trial results yourself. Again the reference to post vax syndrome is from 2021. We are now 2 years on from the initial roll out to most of the population and some people have had multiple boosters. Now very slowly post vax syndrome is starting to be recognised.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply todavephx

I don't know who writes Wikipedia but I don't buy that description.

Steve112 profile image
Steve112 in reply totheonethatgotaway1

Always preferable to wear a “Tin hat” than a Blindfold..Stay well.

Nightmare2 profile image
Nightmare2 in reply totheonethatgotaway1

Gees your family seem to have been very unfortunate to say the least, but still no definitive correllation between vac and exisitng illnesses.

BobD profile image

I have had all those offered (five I think) and had zero problems other than a slightly sore arm each time. I also had Covid two days after my last jab early this year (all the family went down with it , I was the last) but thanks to the jabs none of us were badly affected. ---about as bad as a nasty cold.

You choice obviously but covid will be worse whatever.

Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply toBobD

I’m almost certainly going to have the jab. But there is not enough information imo for AF patients where there are pros and cons to way up. Another thing is that according to this article, the booster not may not be effective against some new variants:

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply toSamazeuilh2

That is always the case with these jabs - even the flu jab. You have hard working scientists trying to work out and build a model of the ways in which the virus will mutate but although they can cover some they can't cover them all. I take heart from the fact that a virus doesn't really "want" to kill the recipient but move on - procreation is at the heart of everything really. So it needs to infect as many people as possible mutate and move on. So to keep going it needs to be a little kinder? Just been listening to the Naked Scientist on the news this morning and it seems that this new variant found in the care home seems to be one that has been going on quietly in the background for a long time and I think the word he used was "indolent" so unlikely to cause a widespread outbreak - based on what they know at the moment - of course that could change. Science always changes as new facts come to be discovered, researched and accepted.

Autumn_Leaves profile image
Autumn_Leaves in reply toSamazeuilh2

There is the Sanofi vaccine now, although I appreciate that people don’t always get the choice of which one. It’s a protein based vaccine, not mRNA, but I don’t know whether it’s tolerated bette. So far there doesn’t seem to be the serious adverse effects with this one, although the usual sore arm and the systemic flu-like symptoms have been reported, as you’d expect. I’m not “recommending” it because I haven’t had it myself, just mentioning that there’s now an alternative to the Pfizer/Moderna vaccines approved for use in the UK.

Nightmare2 profile image
Nightmare2 in reply toBobD

Do you have AF though, i do but only rarely but when i get it feels like i am dying. and takes hours to subside. for first time i am wondering about the jab. Since Covid Xmas i have been breathless, and had my first AF beginning 8 weeks after. I really dont know whether to have it or not, but my husband is at risk with COPD and Heart failure so I feel duty bound for his sake.

GrannyE profile image

It is a difficult one. See my replay to theonethatgotaway1.

Seems to me you could be damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Talk about Cilla and Charybdis!

jeanjeannie50 profile image

I certainly won't be having any more jabs of any kind. I've always been anti all vaccinations, but fear drove me to have 3 Covid ones, flu and pneumonia. In the following months I had all 3 of those illnesses and ended up in a Covid ward. Also had my gallbladder removed owing to stones causing pain. As someone who rarely gets ill I spent last year bogged down with ailments. I also had high rate AF and felt ill right after each and every jab I had.

I think what set me on this anti vaccination path was knowing a family who nearly lost their young son after he had the measles vaccine.

The first year of Covid my daughter told me of a young local lad (in his 20's) she knew who died the day after having the AZ vaccine. It wasn't on the news and I didn't see any write up about it in local papers.

My daughters both had the triple vaccine when babies, but no others. They can now choose themselves if they want to have them. They are both hale and hearty, almost never having time off work for illness. Don't think my eldest ever has. My youngest daughter had Covid without any symptoms, she only did an LFT test because a colleague at the hospital where she works tested positive.

We must all do as we think is best regarding vaccinations, it's a personal choice and I totally accept that others will think differently to me.


Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply tojeanjeannie50

You are right that it has to be an individual choice. There is no easy answer. Covid seems to be taking off again , but few papers are reporting this in any detail and where I live almost nobody wears a mask.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply tojeanjeannie50

Totally agree Jean. Personal choice is paramount.

I certainly won't be having any of the current Covid jabs. Instead I am putting together a supply of vits/pills as per the following trusted source link and based on other independent sources where the narrative is similar. I am also building up my health generally as much as I can.

I accept the Covid jabs affect everyone differently. What concerns me is the apparent lack of transparency/under reporting and lack of investigation into excess deaths/illness (despite being questioned in Parliament) and going forward the effect on the body's immune system and other defences against serious illness. I know two unexpected deaths recently amongst extended family and friends and am most concerned at the thought of bad news about grandchildren who have been jabbed despite minimal risk at their ages of Covid issues. Lets hope the medics working on the issues come up with solutions fast to make it safe for all.

Nightmare2 profile image
Nightmare2 in reply tojeanjeannie50

Agree, but somewhere, somehow, there should be facts and figures, and more positive reasons by health professions as to the outcome to people with heart conditions already.

SeanJax profile image

it is tough to answer. I am inclined to get the vax if above 65 or having a lot of comorbidities. Anyway it is a personal choice as with anything in your life. Above 65 our immune system is weaken with age and the body is not as strong as when we were young. In the mean time wear mask indoors when you deem necessary and wash your hands . Covid is there and will be there until the end of the world. So live with it.

Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply toSeanJax

It’s now actually quite a complex question from a patient point of view imo- more so than at the beginning of Covid. For example, it’s not known if the vaccines are at all effective against a couple of variants according to the article which I posted the link to above, or which variants will be the dominant ones in circulation this Winter. Also, the duration of the effectiveness of the vaccine doesn’t seem to known. On balance I’m almost certainly going to have it since I’m going on holiday to Europe later this year, but it will be with a degree of apprehension!

Popepaul profile image

I have had 3 jabs. I felt a little sick for a few days after the first 2. I was very unwell for about 3 weeks, this started the day after th.e third jab last September. I could honestly say that I felt iller than I ever have in my whole life. Despite the jab I still caught Covid 6 months later. This time I only felt ill for a few days. For me my reaction to the jab is worse than the disease.

We are all different.

Thomas45 profile image

I'm 78, have had permanent though asymptomatic AF for the last six or seven years, after 20+ years of Paroxysmal AF

I'm also asthmatic (for 48 years).I've had every Covid jab offered, with no ill effects, 6 in all so far. I haven't, knowingly, had Covid. I shall continue to have every Covid and 'flu jab offered. I've made an appointment for this month's jabs.

Based on everything I’ve read and heard, I’ve resolved to stay away from all of them.

lizzily profile image

I have always been pro vaccine for many reasons, but having followed Dr John Campbell on YouTube since the pandemic I have changed my mind with regard to the MRNA vaccines. He has several recent videos, all research and evidence based. The last one posted yesterday covers excess deaths with info from several countries and a recent one following research in Israel demonstrates that natural immunity wins. There will be many Covid variants developing as such is the nature of viruses, but so far the most recent one hasn’t shown to be causing more serious illness, so my risk/benefit decision is to steer clear of any MRNA vaccines until their safety is proven.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply tolizzily

Same here Liz, I follow him too.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply tolizzily

I am another of Dr Campbell's near 3 million followers. I also follow, principally through Twitter, other independent non-governmental sources not selling drugs or other products ie look in the opposite direction of the money, or links with money, to find more reliable information!

my housebound father was so ill after the spring ‘23 Covid vacc but stil says he’s having the autumn one. He’s been referred for a pacemaker since the last vacc as his AF and post NSTEMI state really played up after the last vacc. My housebound mother won’t entertain the idea of any vaccines. Neither have had covid. I’ve had all the vaccines snd had Covid 6 times, one episodes being seriously debilitating. I’m immunosuppressed and PAF but not going to have any more. Take care 🦊x

kkatz profile image

Glad you posted this. Fortunately I do not have to make this decisions.I have been AFib free for 6 months after 2 years persistent starting the day after my first AZ jab.I had the boosters as I thought could not get any worse.But I don't think I would have it.Your decision.

Tay99 profile image

All l can say is you must be mad even considering having it l wouldn't go near it after loads of people l know ended up one at deaths door literally 16hrs after jab and a lot more very ill

Ppiman profile image

Of the three people I know with AF, not one had any effects from the vaccine (in fact, apart from my wife and I both having a sore shoulder lasting months, I don't know of anyone with side effects of note, despite having an anti-vax brother who tells me his many second-hand horror stories of "people" suffering from the vaccine).

I do know of two families, one a neighbour's, who had a surprisingly severe experience with covid itself, and four people who have continuing problems, with one suffering kidney failure from it and one lung scarring. On balance, we realise that we really do need to have the vaccine.

I think there's a high chance that we will catch covid once again this winter and wouldn't want the problems that we have seen first hand that can come with this disease, even though it seems clear most get away lightly.


Vonnegut profile image

Of course we are all different but I am 79 and have had all the covid jabs offered. When we actually had covid the only way we knew was that we tested positive as no symptoms except I had several AF episodes which are usually prevented by the flecainide I take regularly!

President2012 profile image

I have had all my jabs with no effect on heart or anything else. My wife though was very ill with the last jab having sailed through all the others. It’s an individual thing.

Dudtbin profile image

when i was in hospital last year they advised against having my fourth vaccination. I had np problems with the others but we think my af started with covid so….

just booked my next jab never had an issue before but my wife who’s a refusenik has had 3 horrible bouts of covid which have put her in bed for a week each time + recovery time.. She’s seems to prefer that but I prefer to remain active … and I’m better placed to care for her.

Everyone makes a choice.

Jay10 profile image

I had lots of episodes of AF after the 2nd vaccine and then after all subsequent ones. My last booster in autunm 2022 give me an episode of AF on an almost daily basis. Every time after about 5 months my heart started to settle down then the next booster hit it!

I spoke to a nurse at the vaccination centre and queried if I should have the spring 2023 booster and as I live on my own not in a care home, don’t mix with lots of children she thought I could miss that one.

Since then my heart has behaved and is in NSR, a lovely calm feeling.

It is nice to be off taking Flecainide , I have felt so much better mentally too. I will have the flu jab but think that’s all.

It is a personal choice.

Take care, Jackie

BeeBee79 profile image

I had AF prior to the vaccine roll out and when the time came for my age group to be vaccinated, I was in serious doubt because of the issues friends and family faced post-vaccination. I’ve always been sensitive to medication and the idea of it affecting me but then being unable to do anything about it didn’t sit well with me. I asked for advice with the cardiologists at my hospital and they wouldn’t say yes or no to have it. My GP was adamant for me to have it (almost to the point of bullying) but I weighed up the pros and cons and felt that I would take the less than 1 % of death v any adverse reactions. It’s been 2 years and I don’t regret my decision. Caught Covid and whilst it was pretty grim, I’ve had worse viruses and got it over it the usual way - fluids, vitamins and rest.

That’s my experience though and I would never advise anybody whether or not they should take any form of medication. Somebody was on here the other day asking about a medication that almost cost me my life but I know it works well for so many more. Another popular medication taken by women worldwide almost gave me a stroke but luckily I could stop taking it before it did. Any kind of medication can cause adverse effects so I think it’s worth weighing up the risk/benefit of taking it.

Soundmike profile image

As most have said on here it's a personal response ,one thing about this forum is you can let people know about how you think and feel without getting a label attached . I've had just the first two jabs had 3 ablations and one hybrid convergent ablation ,still in A/F but learning to live with it . My daughter who has serious heart defects hasn't had any jabs, had covid ,personal choice again .

JOY2THEWORLD49 profile image


I'm in NZ and I have had 5 Pfizer jabs. The last one covered the Omicron variant.

I have not had COVID.

I did get that phlegmy heavy cold which lasted 2 weeks and n day 10 I sent in a sample. Dr put me on Amoxil 5 days tis. That cleared up the last symptoms.

Af persistent and no problems except the 2nd was too high and spread into surrounding tissues. Left a big red and itchy spot. I put antihistamine n it until Dr prescribed me some antibiotics.

I eat and drink before the jab and after.

cheri JOY. 74. (NZ)

AAJJTt profile image

I was diagnosed with PAF with a secondary NSTEMI II (Mar19). I have had every vaccination offered, along with the boosters; they all were the Pfizer type. The only side effect I had was a sore arm around the injection site for a few days.

I have had 2 covid infections, the first one - Oct20 (alpha variant) pre vaccination. At the time, I had some concern due to my recent cardiac event and the fact this was a bit of an unknown. The infection was unpleasant (aches, high temp) and unusual ( loss of smell and taste). Like in a lot of other infections, there was some cardiac effect. My resting heart is normally around 50 but it rose to 90-100 with a high variability (no Afib). The variability took a few months to get back to normal. The cardiologist described this as temporary autonomic dysfunction, common response to infection, and would normally correct itself.

The 2nd infection, post vaccination and previous infection was rather mild in comparison.

I have no hesitation in accepting the next booster. My general opinion is vaccines are good, science is awesome.

AAJJTt profile image
AAJJTt in reply toAAJJTt

I will also add, I have been ‘AF Free’ for quite a while too. Since Jun20, I have had no discernible arrhythmia (self awareness or Kardiamobile). Basically right through the pandemic (infection and vaccination). I am on daily Flecainide (150mg).

Beeflower profile image

Hi I was fine until I had my 3rd jab within two days I started having ringing in my ears I’ve still got it .

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply toBeeflower

You poor thing, sorry to hear that.

Tomred profile image

Its your choice Samaz, in the small city where i live when i look at the amount of sicknesses and deaths this past few years ,im inclined to go with the NO people, almost everyone i know personally, came down with something, some of which were very serious, lots of people i know wont be having any more.

beach_bum profile image

My experience is opposite to yours. All of my family, approx 15 people, have had the Moderna jab and all of the boosters. No Ill effects for anyone. I am on AFIB meds of course, but had no effect.

I keep a close eye on the latest literature (not from SM) and as always consult my physician.

Fortunately we live out in the country, so no large groups, or crowds, so we fared better than most during the outbreaks.

Until I have a bad experience, I’ll keep getting vaccinated as recommended.

Qualipop profile image

I had the booster last October followed by 3 weeks of arrhythmia that I'd never ever had before. IT started to slow after 2 weeks then just went for 6 months or so then 2 months ago I ended up in hospital with what they described as extrasystolic arrhythmia. That lasted for 2 days with thousands of ectopics. I was told the same as you that the boosters seem to cause arrhythmias. I won't be having another. Personal c hoice but I'm pretty much housebound so unless someone brings it into the house my risk is fairly low. It's a personal choice. I don't have the flu jab because I re act badly to something in it. I was given tablets for the arrhythmia but was allergic to them so I was told to just wait and see what happens.

Anon2023 profile image

hi. I suspect this post will be gone by Monday when the moderators are back. It’s a shame as it shows that we can have a reasonable discussion without the need for censorship. I’ve just received a text telling me to book for my next covid booster. I’ve had 3 jabs so far but didn't have any more (I think I’ve missed 2 boosters) I’ve had covid twice (before the vaccinations were available). I’ve now got a diagnosis of heart failure and I’m feeling a bit spooked about catching covid again. I got cellulitis in my arm after the flu jab a couple of years ago (although they tell me that it’s extremely rare) and after the last covid jab I’ve had arm pain that’s never gone away. I wonder that, if your immune system is already low, the vaccines trigger too much of a response. I don’t know how these things work but I’m really torn about having my next booster.

in reply toAnon2023

"I suspect this post will be gone by Monday when the moderators are back. It’s a shame as it shows that we can have a reasonable discussion without the need for censorship."

I so agree with you!

Regards! Peter

Singwell profile image

I can only report that when I had my last booster pf the Pfizer bivalentin October 2022 my shingles reactivated. No problems with previous versions. I was miserable for about 8 weeks, though intermittently. I'm 67 and here in Wales haven't yet been offered anything other than the pneumonia vaccine, which I'm considering. COVID is still with us. They said at the outlet to expect a 5 year run of it (though of course most didn't want to hear that), so each of us must make our own decision. I've a blood test on Tuesday so will enquire.

rookwood52 profile image

many excellent posts here, sticking to their personal observations and narrative, useful for all to make their informed choices. My observation? follow the money, - most doctors do

brit1 profile image

I have occasional AF and have had Pfizer vax plus boosters with no side effects. None of my friends/family have any bad reaction to it.

Karendeena profile image

I went onto a nasty afib episode after the Pfizer booster. Very nervous about having another. I am also concerned it affects the heart, mixed feelings on this one. I am having the flu vaccine but very unsure about the covid booster

TracyAdmin profile image

Thank you for your question on the Forum, and many of the members have already responded by sharing their experiences and opinions with you. However, please contact the Patient Services team on or call the helpline +44(0)1789 867502 if you would like to speak to a member of the team about the vaccine etc.

Unfortunately, we have received many reports associated to the thread of posts on this occasion, and the Admin have now turned off all responses to this post. I do apologise for any inconvenience caused, but again, please contact the team tomorrow from 09:00,

Many thanks for your understanding


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