Well, I feel pretty good about my EP appt. today. He was really succinct about a plan, goals, and end game.
So he has proposed in ascending order, four medications to try. He is starting with the mildest and going to the strongest. He is recommending to start with Bisoprolol, then Verapamil, then Sotolol or Tikosyn. He is leaning towards the Bisoprolol because I am now running tachy much of the time. So I am now alternating between inappropriate sinus tachycardia and SVT/Atrial Bigemjny.
He also said that based on my last monitor he can see that I am having more and more episodes during the day and increasing bouts of tachycardia. He said we can try each med for 1-2 weeks and we will revisit in April. He said ultimately, we may have to look at other alternatives for an ablation- such as later in the evening, having me stay up all night for a few days, and also potentially doing a blind ablation where he ablates based on my EKG even if he cannot induce it.
He said worst case scenario, if it just gets worse and worse, he could do an AV node ablation and pacemaker, but that is obviously his last choice for options. He seemed to understand that the meds may just be a stop gap and that ultimately, I will be back in the EP lab. I feel good about the plan.