Just a quick question. Does anyone have a metallic taste in their mouth after taking Edoxaban? It suits me to take the tablet before bedtime because I take Adizem in the morning to benefit me throughout the day. After taking Edoxaban in the evening, when I wake up in the night to make a bathroom call, I can taste metal in my mouth. 🐝
Metallic taste after Edoxaban - Atrial Fibrillati...
Metallic taste after Edoxaban

I have previously been on Warfarin, at the beginning of January 2024 I was switched to Edoxaban and I take one tablet first thing with my other morning meds. Never had a metallic taste at all. Well, not so far anyway. By the way, my other morning meds are Ramipril, Felodopine and BioQ10 ( a supplement) and Finasteride.
No. But I take Edoxaban in the morning with a long drink of water and then have breakfast . Mine said to take it in the morning. If there are no interactions between the drugs perhaps you could take them both in the morning? I know plenty of people who take handfuls of drugs at the same time
Thank you Peony. I will have to do just that. I do take my meds with a tall glass of water but I spread them out over 12 hours. Thank you for replying 🐝
Get bad tastes.on topril.eliquis..who knows what from..acid reflux.puzzling.annoying.
I take my Edoxaban in the evening and it causes my gums to bleed easily for the first few hours afterwards, which leaves a metallic taste in my mouth. I take it in the evening based on the notion that the risk of suffering a cut or wound that might bleed excessively while I'm asleep, is lower than during the day when I'm up to all sorts of tricks with sharp instruments, falling about, or driving. It might be worth noting that (at least until very recently?) there is no NHS authorised reversal agent for Edoxaban. Andexanet Alfa is the authorised reversal for life threatening or uncontrolled GI bleeds, but for Edoxaban. I tried to persuade my GP practice to switch me to Apixaban or Rivaroxaban without success.
Wow Jimlad that’s interesting. I agree that bleeding is less risky if you are sleeping after taking Edoxaban than the daytime when the Edoxaban would be stronger if you had taken it in the morning. That’s my theory too and why I take it at night. Interesting about the reversal should you have a bleed. I didn’t know that there were tablets that have a reversal agent and Edoxaban hasn’t although my GP did say that if I bang my head, I was to go straight away to the hospital. I will be bringing this up with my GP too. Thank you for your reply. 🐝
I took my very first Edoxaban tablet today. Noticed nothing at all!
Did you notice the taste from your first tablet - or did it take a while before you noticed?
Hi Carew. It has taken some 2 - 3 months for me to notice. It’s not every night but perhaps 5 nights out of the 7. Hope you don’t have any effects from the tablet. Perhaps if I took it in the morning I wouldn’t notice but I prefer to take it at night. Subconsciously I think that it’s then it’s most effective and if I’m asleep, there is less chance of having an accident when I might cause bleeding ie. a cut or a fall. Thank you for taking the time to reply 🐝
I've decided to take it in the morning so as not to clash with another medicine!
I guess I'll see how it goes.
I do like it when people discuss such issues. Even it, ultimately, it is just a minor effect with no other implications.