After a bad reaction to probiotics whilst taking apixaban I noticed a bad smell and taste in my mouth. MRI showed no infection or lesions. Didn't connect to tablets at the time. However when I changed to edoxaban (to save money) it became worse. I can taste it on my lips. Unable to smell gas and very little else. Still taste salt and sugar. Has anyone else had a similar experience .
Tablet dominating taste and smell - Atrial Fibrillati...
Tablet dominating taste and smell

I've been on Apixaban for over a year and just bleed and bruise easily. No problems with taste or smell.
Considering the MRI showed no signs of infection or lesions, and your ability to taste salt and sugar suggests that your primary tastebuds are intact. But I’d pursue with a doctor any other possible connections.
Yes I did see a GP who suggested it might have been covid or shortage of zinc. Zinc levels normal and no COVID as far as I am aware. The smell and taste are very unpleasant. Less strong with apixaban which is what made me think it was the tablet dominating everything. I didn't have this problem until I had the reaction to the probiotics which the Doctor said could have been covid!
Could you try switching to a different brand of probiotics? You raise a good point about the tablet dominating everything. Also after ingestion, some components of the probiotics (like byproducts or inactive parts) after going through the digestive system are excreted with some through the bacteria in the mouth. Though this is usually temporary. Hope you find a solution, it must be very unpeasant.