Does anyone have any good resources (articles, YouTube videos) directed to vagally-mediated AFIB (the type that occurs after a large meal or while sleeping)? I believe my AFIB was triggered by endurance athletics (I used to do long bike rides and probably overdid it and stressed my body too much). It's the type I have, but it seems to be relatively rare, as everything I've read is directed to androgenic AFIB.
I ask because I've noticed certain supplements seem to trigger AFIB in me which, in most people, would be good for AFIB. The supplements are designed to calm you or help you sleep (they probably increase your vagal tone). The supplements I suspect of giving me trouble are taurine and glycine. Also, possibly one or more of the components in Jarrow GABA Sooth. I've been trying these to help me sleep, but if they make my AFIB worse, it'll obviously make my sleep much worse. Fortunately magnesium helps me and sometimes I'm able to stop an episode with magnesium. Magnesium is more of a muscle relaxant, which is probably why it works well.
Also, I read an article about taurine that stated it increases the QT interval, so it probably should be avoided by anyone on an antiarrhythmic drug. It's also added to energy drinks (I read it's because it enhances the effect of caffeine). I tried taurine because, on another list, several people swear by taurine and claim it can stop an episode or eliminate their AFIB completely.