Hi, I post Worried about Afib and Amiodarone after effects and many thanks for all suggestions and comments they were all very helpful.
Probably my biggest problem is not only in understanding Afib but sleep or rather lack of sleep of a night. I am sure this has come up on the site before so sorry if I am touching old ground.
I have what I call a good sleep regime. No caffeine after 1pm, usually just two cups of coffee Usually bed by about 8pm for rest. Read low light kindle, listen to low relaxing music, sometime relaxation talk down tapes. About 9pm visit toilet, hot horlicks that my good wife makes and my tablets. Amisulpride 50mg and Mirtazapine
15mg plus Zapain 500mg/30mg Codine
pain killers to help my bad back.
Then settle down. Do relaxation exercise, fingers to shoulders and toes to hips. Breathing, ever out breath count the number one in my mind. Just think one on every out breath. Apparently stops mind wandering.
Usually sleep on left side but with ear plugs because, sorry wife has rhinitis, so snores, this unless I get good position makes afib sound in ears. But just as likely to sound anyway. Also get pins and needles in left arm so try right side which means facing wife which makes it worse and laying on back is out of question. My best position appears to be a face down prone position cuddling pillow but then it seems to be question of trying to mind talk afib to stop.
Some nights are better than others, I have kept a sleep diary since March 31st that now shows 30 good nights of sleep and 65 bad nights which include cat nap nights or very fitful sleep.
I just wondered how others cope with sleeping with Afib and if there is anything I have missed that may help.
Thanks to you all