Just wondered if anyone has experienced similar. Before diagnosis of afib I I thought my dizziness balance problems were one thing. But over the last few months I've noticed my balance/dizziness is often with me and seems to worsen when in an afib episode. Mentioned to arythmia nurse who said they are different things. GP seems to think it may be a type of vertigo which seems to fit in because I often have it and have noticed I hate heights now. Walking along narrow cliff paths I've done all my life now give me the fear. Afib definitely makes my spells worse especially when standing up.
Afib and benign paroxysmal vertigo. - Atrial Fibrillati...
Afib and benign paroxysmal vertigo.

Over the last 12 months I noticed the same thing happening and no one knew why. I personally thought it may be blood pressure or the heart when fibrillation wasn’t getting the right oxygen level round. When I was able to go for a walk I felt like I’d fall off the curb into the road. Sometimes it got worse in that the more I tried to go further, even at the slowest pace my dizziness affected my vision, blurry and as if couldn’t see straight ( rest long enough and it would go)
I then thought it was a result of cardioversions changing the beat or the Flecainide I commence in April. Since the 3rd ablation last week (I know I’ve not been able to do much or go out but I have only had 2 spells climbing stairs at home)
Hope it gets sorted

Whenever I have had such it has been viral labryhthitis. Once had it seems to come at will.
Hi. My husband is the same. Goes for long periods with no balance issues and then bam back with it. Had 4 attacks in the last few weeks. One was with a fib the other three normal rythym. It comes out of nowhere very light headed and has to sit down immediately or would fall(not a good prospect as on rivaoxaban). Lasts about half an hour but the initial dizziness only about 5mins but he says he feels only 90% then fine. Sometimes vision is a bit weird sometimes not. One episode was as he stood up after sitting a while (watching the World Cup!). His rate rate did jump from 53 to 80 that time.
Been to GP who has referred him back to cardiology but still waiting. Saw another GP Thursday as I am worried it could be TIA but she was frankly useless. She has ordered a blood test and ECG which is something. We use Apple Watch and Kardia and says normal. Does go low in 50’s a lot of the time.
In the past they have tested everything mri etc. He is pretty deaf in one ear which he has a hearing aid for. They suspected Menieres at one time but who knows! He finds it scary when it happens and I won’t let him drive at the moment.
He’s on digoxin for the last 3 years and I do wonder if it’s that.
Consider dysautonomia or Pure autonomic failure: People with this form of dysautonomia experience a fall in blood pressure upon standing and have symptoms including dizziness, fainting, visual problems, chest pain and tiredness. Symptoms are sometimes relieved by lying down or sitting. my.clevelandclinic.org/heal...
Sounds as though it could be benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, very common in people as we get older. Look it up. Both myself and hubby have it and have been taught the Epley Manoeuvre to correct it, helps to relocate crystals which form in the middle ear and which cause balance/ vertigo problems Chris
I agree withTrigeminyblue Epley manoeuvre works well for me,was first shown it in hospital where i was sent for investigation of my dizzy episodes.
I recently started having bouts of vertigo (BPPV) and when I researched the Epley manoeuvre I found many reports of Vertigo being a long Covid symptom- just a thought.
Before my cardioversion and ablation I had Persistent AF for best part of a year. During that time I had balance and distance perception problems. For example I remember climbing over a stile and the plank step on the far side was further away than it looked to me. I did a full somersault and ended up on my backside, unhurt but fed up.
Once back in sinus rhythm these symptoms disappeared.
I have afib episodes and have had dizziness/balance problems for about 6 years. No doctor could find what was causing me to get dizzy. I started charting my blood pressure in supine, sitting, and standing. I found out I have orthostatic hypotension. When standing my BP goes low and causing me to get dizzy. I am ok when lying down or sitting. Looking up causing dizziness. Also, it will cause blurry vision. I hope you are not having this as it is a really bad thing but there apparently is nothing that can be done about it. Doctors usually don't find this because by BP was always checked when sitting (and it was always pretty good).
This probably won't relate to you, but I notice that I've become more lightheaded and lose balance sometimes, since taking metoprolol over the last year or 2. It's mentioned as a side effect, and I definitely have it 24/7. I'm sorry you're having that issue, too. It's annoying and can be dangerous if we end up falling. Both my sister and I have the benign positional vertigo, too, which only "attacks" sometimes... but the metoprolol is definitely causing me general mild balance problems. Hate that! Blessings, Diane S.
I got rid of vertigo after a month with a head maneuver taught me by an ENT doctor. Years later I had it again & a doctor put me on Claritin and it worked for me. The head maneuver will be on the internet. Caution: you may throw up.
Good Luck,
I too have had the dizziness and was told that is was the crystals in my ears were out of place. I also had a weird ear ache that went with that. However, my BP shot up and I felt like I had a hangover every time I woke up in the morning even though I didn’t drink anything the night before. I have been diagnosed with a leaky mitro valve and started on beta blocker and the dizziness is gone, the ear ache is gone and I feel so much better. It’s so upsetting when they tell you that things aren’t related when they are. We are all different and it’s like we have to play detective with our health.
Hey Tommyboy... yoga helped me bigtime with vertigo. I haven't had an episode for some time since attending regular classes. I don't have AF but I care for my elderly mother who does and the medication she's on has affected her balance/dizzy.