As I have Vagal Afib I can switch it off early on in an episode with a Valsalva maneuver.
A few nights ago I could not stop the Afib as it did not wake me immediately, so I could not stop it the usual way. I had read that some people exercise during Afib, so rather than pop another Flecainide pill I decided to jog on the spot on the bathroom mat for 5 minutes.
Afib resolved which is good to know as I can add it to my repertoire of techniques.
I have searched the forum and can't find anyone who exercises just before bed. My theory is that if you have been winding down for 4 hours before bed then some exercise just before sleep may stimulate the vagal nerve to lesson the Afib episodes/burden during the night.
I have a device for my road bicycle that converts it into a training bike, I plan to jump on it each night, get my heart rate up to 120bpm for 10 minutes and then go to sleep.
Would love to hear what others think.