I previously reported on migraines with aura after my ablation. I'm now 8 days post ablation and have had migraines every day except two. I have at least one and sometimes two or three in one day. Today I had three. As for treatment, I took Imitrex the first few days but am now over the weekly limit so now am defenseless against them. Today I had three and just rode them out without any medication. My doctor is offering me Topiramate (Topamax) daily at 25 mg. daily It's also used as an anti-seizure med besides to prevent occurrence of migraine. Does anyone have experience with this medication?
I do have a history of migraine but only had them every ten years or so. Perhaps I am/was more susceptible because of that. I know lots of you here had migraines two and three weeks after your ablations so I am just trying to ride this out and go with it. Thank you.