Post Ablation Update and Concerns - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Post Ablation Update and Concerns

1002 profile image
17 Replies

It has been seven weeks today since I had a PVI ablation for Afib. To my knowledge, I have only had seven days which have been completely palpitation-free days. I am experiencing occasional brief palpitations almost daily. What I am feeling is a sense of my heart not beating smoothly. I will feel a hard beat periodically. Since my ablation, I have had three Afib episodes. The last one occurred two weeks ago and only lasted two or three minutes. As before the ablation, when I get upset or worried, that's when I have episodes. I think I need some medication to calm my nerves, but my EP doesn't think I need anything. I am wondering if I need to be concerned with the almost daily palpitations or if I just need to relax since I am officially still in the blanking period. Have any of you ever experienced similar occurrences and then was considered Afib free at the end of the blanking period? Also, how long did the fatigue last? I want to get back to walking, but I tire so quickly.

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1002 profile image
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17 Replies
1002 profile image

I am on the same dosage of Flecainide and Eliquis as I was prescribed before the ablation.

BobD profile image

There is still time for things to settle down and I do wonder if what you are feeling are ectopic beats rather than AF. These are quite normal but of course we AFers notice them much more than "normal " people. I recommend finding a strategy to reduce your stress level. Ectopics are actually a good sign as it shows the heart is trying to go into AF and failing.

1002 profile image
1002 in reply to BobD

Thanks BobD for replying to my post. Have you ever experienced ectopic beats and, if so, how would you describe them? That may very well be what's happening.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to 1002

Ectopics are beats out of place. What happens is that the ventricle contracts before the atrium has passed it any blood so there is nothing to pump. It feels on your pulse as a missed beat. These come either singly or in multiples, sometimes as every other beat or after every four say. I haven't had AF for six years since my third ablation but get many ectopics. A recent 48 hour monitor showed over 2000 a day and it was a pretty calm time actually. Yes that can be disturbing but only if you worry about them and they are not considered a health risk.

SRMGrandma profile image

I agree, it all sounds pretty normal. I am almost 5 months post ablation and I get an occasional ectopic beat, a PAC from time to time, maybe noticeable once in a while after a meal. As for the fatigue, my EP was pretty adamant about my getting back to 10,000 steps/ day within a week or two after the ablation and that really did give me my energy back. Little by little you will feel better as you increase your walking! You have to find the right mix of rest and exercise. Too much of either is not a good thing!

Not to contradict your doctor, but if you are troubled by stress and anxiety you should be allowed an assessment and get a range of ideas for assistance.

Beta44 profile image

I got occasional short runs of ectopics for the first few weeks following PVI ablation. 4 months ago. Stopped panicking when I realised what they were (thanks to this forum). They have cleared up and I have had no further problems. Good suggestion to recover your energy and fitness by building up your steps to at least 10000 per day. Try to relax and be positive.


Lorna058 profile image

I also get flutter since my cryo balloon ablation three weeks ago, always at night. I still get some tired days too so take each day as it comes. Meditation is a really good tool if you think nerves are an issue, I recommend you give a class in that a try. Hope things improve for you.

Bob56 profile image

I would echo what has already been said. What you may have is ectopic beats. They shouldn't feel like your AF episodes and that thud in your chest is the impact of the"missed" beats. Having said that it makes you feel uncomfortable and anxious.i am 5 moths post ablation and still get plenty of them but no AF since two weeks post the procedure. 7 weeks is still pretty early so plenty of healing time left for your heart. The ectopics may well persist so coping mechanisms is the order of the day. I complained to my EP and GP but as ectopics aren't seen as dangerous they won't be a top priority.There are some very handy hints on You Tube. Google "York Cardiology" and/or Dr Gupta.He is a cardiologist who has put together some helpful videos on ectopics and how they can be alleviated by diet, relaxation, vitamin supplements etc. Good luck with your continued recovery.

pip_pip profile image


Were you this tired before the ablation. ? If so might well be the drugs. If not, see the GP.

Rule no 1, 'Don't Panic'. You seem to be doing well. Your on the right road now, so even if you need another op, your half way there. You just have to take it as it goes. Personally I hated it. So easy to look at every palpitation etc, and wonder why. And so upsetting at those moments of sensitivity. If in doubt, see the GP, or contact the AF nurse or EP secretary for some support. You should have a contact no for a few weeks after the op.


cbsrbpm profile image

I seem to be on the same timeline as you had mine 8 weeks ago and am experiencing the same as you. I have put it down to the settling period and trying to not let it stress me. I was in persistent AF for 8 months so am now so grateful to be in sinus rhythm am prepared to put up with the odd funny. Try to relax (I know it's hard) and go with the flow. All the best.


Kodaska profile image

You haven't died yet, have you? Then what's to worry about? I mean that seriously. We get so cranked up about things, which only makes matters worse. If we pay attention, we can see that it isn't so bad. I mean, we aren't talking about stage 4 cancer.

First thing, note that people with AF don't die from it.

Next. stop thinking. That's the root of all worry.

Then note what your body's doing. Is your heart pumping blood? Are you breathing? Good.

Now pay attention to your breath. It helps to sit up straight and close your eyes to do this. Note the intake, the reversal at the top, the exhalation, the slight pause at the bottom, the re-start, the intake, etc. By "pay attention" I mean watch what's happening. Note the various qualities of the breath, such as tight, open, raspy, labored, fast, slow, whatever it's doing. Don't try to control it, just note what it's doing.

See if you can watch a single breath from start to finish, without stray thoughts interfering. You won't be able to, so just give a nod to the thought, let it pass, and return to the breath. Then see if you can watch the next one.

This may sound simple, and it is, but it's not easy. However, the more you do it the more calm your mind will become.

Meditation stabilizes the mind, and in so doing it helps us manage stress.

This is all the medication you need.

PeterWh profile image
PeterWh in reply to Kodaska

True what you say for most but there are also a significant number of people who have AF who also have other heart problems which exacerbate or are exacerbated by AF such as leaking valves, enlarged or dilated chambers (atria or ventricles). In addition other things interact two ways such as circulation, breathing, SpO2 levels, SA, digestive systems, etc. In addition other ailments become unstable because of AF such as circulation in turn triggers problems and spasms (in my case back and foot/ankles).

PeterWh profile image
PeterWh in reply to PeterWh

The body is a finely created piece of kit and one thing triggers others

Kodaska profile image
Kodaska in reply to PeterWh

I understand that. The more issues we have, the more important it is to not get carried away by our internal fear-generators. A stable mind has two great benefits: (1) it helps minimize stress, and (2) by lowering stress it contributes to good/better health.

Jonathanglynn profile image
Jonathanglynn in reply to Kodaska


1002 profile image

Thank you to all for your responses. I greatly appreciate your taking the time to respond to my concerns.

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