Am I the last man standing...? - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Am I the last man standing...?

69 Replies

Where... is ... the people!?! Is this the new normal?! No new post for more than 24 hours!? Because of addiction, I visit our forum 15 times a day, just to see what's up. So disappointed there was nothing new to read... Hope you are all doing well and feeling great!

69 Replies
Drounding profile image

No - I'm here


BobD profile image

As a volunteer I also visit very regularly but all I can think is that everybody is well and happy which must be good news.

……and it’s nice to have a day off too……😉

Desanthony profile image

Still here watching and waiting like you! It has gone quiet this weekend hasn't it. Hopefully its because everyone is well and happy. Also its getting close to Christmas so I envisage everyone in spare bedrooms and at kitchen tables sorting Christmas presents out and packing???? - No that's just us then :)

Cha275rL profile image

First thing I read every morning. Feels like something is missing! Hope everyone ok, thankfully I am.

wilsond profile image

Haha!No you are not the last one.

I look almost every day too. It must mean people are going along ok . Quiet patches happen sometimes.

All is well with me anyway touch wood. X

cicek profile image

I'm here too. Pop in on a daily basis to see how everyone is. As BobD says, everyone must have been having a good weekend and feeling well - excellent.

Elli86 profile image

Definitely seems more quiet lately and a lot less people commenting on threads unless it’s vaccine related 🤣 that seems to get everyone talking

Hi, John! I have been reading about 10 different forums and, to be honest, this one is my favorite and the most lively one. A lot of lovely people here! I just wanted to make a joke, because it is quite unusual to have the whole day without a single post. As for the switching to different topics, I also once had the idea to achieve this, but was assured that the main public here are elderly, looking for the help, advise or the shoulder to cry on. Had to agree with it... Not everyone seems to be eager to research or deal with new idea.

I have been involved in "scientific research" for a long time and consider that everybody is entitled to research. Should only the "qualified" ones have the right to have new idea? No, not at all... So many different problems have been solved by the people without any qualification, but hitting the right idea. Nowadays, if you do not have peer reviewed paper in renowned journals, you are not relevant discussion partner. From my point of view, everyone is welcome to have idea, to spread them and to test them. Maybe, some day, someone qualified as a tailor may solve the problem of AF, who knows..

pottypete1 profile image

I visit every day and try and help others when I feel I can make a valuable contribution.

I don’t post anything new these days as thankfully my heart is behaving right now more than it ever has in the 30+ AF has been in my life.

It can be eerie when all is quiet. I often wonder how many of the 23732 members still are around.


doodle68 profile image

I visit every day but don't post a lot these days . I am going through a really bad spell with my heart just now mainlyI suspect to giving Flecainide a try and wishing I hadn't .

So my posts are not that 'positive' just now and I am keeping them them to a minimum.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to doodle68

So sorry to hear that and resonate with your experience. I felt so much better generally when I refused all essential meds - unfortunately left me with AF - but I think you know my story.

Commiserations and hope you are able to discuss alternative strategies other than meds for improving your QOL. Xx

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to doodle68

I think one of the reasons we are here is to hold out a helping hand when you are going through it. Just the sort of time you should be on here. Hopefully you are now on the way to feeling more like yourself

doodle68 profile image

John thank you for the suggestion. I am sick of side effects from Meds (with the exception of Apixaban ) I was coping better without them.

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to doodle68

I agree

Good evening John, I’m on holiday so please don’t beat me up but as the primary author of the “Preparing for an Ablation” factsheet and DEFINITELY not speaking on behalf of BobD , who was the author of the “Recovering from an Ablation” they were both designed to offer for those who wanted it, a detailed account of what to be prepared for before and after an ablation from a patients perspective. Arguably, this is one of the most frequent questions raised by members so it seemed logical to produce factsheets which would comprehensively address the issues which all forum members at the time, were invited to contribute to. As with any documents produced on behalf of the AF Association, the drafts were scrutinised by a the AF Association medical board before they were finally published.

Suggesting those interested to read the factsheets should not, of course, discourage anyone from making any additional comments they feel would be helpful but it was decided that this was the best way of ensuring that everyone was provided with accurate information which they were unlikely to receive from their hospital. All the indications are that they have been well received and quite helpful to most and achieves the primary objective of this forum ie to help AF patients to manage their condition as safely as possible.

From a purely personal perspective, as a regular contributor, it would be extremely onerous to draft responses to repetitive questions about ablations and could even be misleading or even harmful if the content had not been verified by those who know more than I will ever know about the procedure.

Fortunately there are so many other things people are keen to discuss so perhaps one quiet Sunday is not such a problem after all. As I said, please don’t beat me up, I’ve only got a week before I go home 😉

Rhiannonimity1 profile image

I’m here - always watching.

Jetcat profile image

Hi ya steelheart. I hope you’re well. I’m still here too. Everyone must be doing good.👍

Alli58 profile image

I’m still here, have a wee check in every morning 👍😊

Angie06 profile image

Good morning, yes in still here too and also wondered why no posts yesterday! I look on here daily and occasionally put up an answer/reply but rarely ask a question. Luckily my AF is mostly quiet and thanks to this forum most of my questions have been answered before I ask them! 😀

bassets profile image

I'm here, still in my blanking period and keeping a low profile :)

Singwell profile image

You definitely got my attention with that title! 😊 Did you ever consider working in advertising? I'm definitely here. Waiting till my 'anniversary' to post. Not long now....

in reply to Singwell

Hi! I also sing well, lol! I am at the end of my journey, so no new jobs for me, not even advertising... But some day, I may have a pleasant surprise for all of you here, just watch me...

Singwell profile image

I'm not elderly. Don't plan to be either

Becksagogo profile image
Becksagogo in reply to Singwell

At the age of 92 we were trying to encourage my Mum to join Age Concern and make new friends. I'm not going there, she said, its full of Old People?!

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to Becksagogo

😂😂😂. xxxx

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Becksagogo

That’s what my father said about an event I thought he might like when he was well into his 80s

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Singwell

Hang on. Being elderly is, for the most part, better than the alternative. Personally am grateful I am still here! Could not help that. Yes of course I know what you meant

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to GrannyE

Of course.

Hairem profile image

Hello from the global warming hotspot, Canada. My cardiologist wants me to have an ablation . My atrium is large and they may not be able to do it. The pacemaker word was brought up today with a very negative look from the doc! I am starting flacinade tomorrow as Solatol did not work. Trying to keep positive.

in reply to Hairem

Only way to be and sometimes not that easy…..hopefully you will soon find a way forward 🤞

Jay10 profile image

Good morning, I am still here and look in each morning. Looks like everyone is coping with life well and thats a good thing after the past 20 months of C-19.Take care xx

Trigeminyblue profile image

I'm here too, every day. Nothing to post thank goodness as doing well, thanks to all the posts and advice I have seen on here and which have got me sorted. Just quietly observing and replying to posts if I think I can help at all. Chris

kkatz profile image

This forum is about people supporting people and I would like to thank everyone that has helped me along the way.It is not about fact sheets.

Mouchkin profile image

Yes I look in every day too! So good morning!

Silvasava profile image

I check in every day, I don't post very often as I can't always add to the thread as I either have no experience of the issue or the med. Nevertheless I have gleaned an awful lot of first hand information from contributors and I'm so very grateful for the support I have had at times. So a big thank you from me ❤️❤️❤️

Cat04 profile image

Calm before the storm?

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Cat04

I'd rather think of the saying "No news is good news". 🙏

in reply to belindalore

Yeah, especially at our age... Kind regards! P.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to

Yep. Kind regards to you too SteelHeart.

Tilly1957 profile image

I like to have a quick look most days to see what is going on with others. I know there us a lot of info in the Fact Sheets, but it’s not the same as someone sharing their personal experience. I feel both are helpful. We are a very mixed bunch of fellow AF’rs and not just with the age range! I have been off Bisoprolol for a whole month now, and am feeling a lot better. Today I see the doc for a review and blood pressure reassessment. I hope he lets me go back on Bendroflumethiazide as I know it suited me x

Fastbeat profile image

I pop in every morning with my first cup of coffee of the day.(albeit a very weak one)

in reply to Fastbeat

I do the same, As soon as my coffee is prepared, I turn on the magic box, to see what the people are doing! Sometimes, I think that it really is addiction, and than I conclude that it is the best way to spend the time - getting to know more about people and about our beloved AF.

Fastbeat profile image
Fastbeat in reply to


momist profile image

Me too. But Sunday I spent time at the hospital having a colonoscopy - obviously not AF related, and yesterday I was busy doing other health related things, also not AF related, and so I did ignore the daily digest of this this forum. I confess that if something else is going on, I often do ignore it, but jump in whenever I can spare the time.

I'm still watching and learning from everyone else's experiences, thank you. Re 'elderly' I rather like the cheerful T shirts that say "It's weird being the same age as old people"

Lbeat796 profile image

I am here too. I check site out quite regularly.

Bawdy profile image

Agree, other topics are good, I love a good debate and really enjoy reading all the comments. I have another topic, heart related . How do you "fix" a broken heart? Will get the courage to post it one day! Cheers.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Bawdy

Fix a broken heart physically or emotionally? Bawdy we can't have you sat at home with a broken heart, put your post on here while it's quiet. Sending you a big caring hug.


Bawdy profile image
Bawdy in reply to jeanjeannie50

Yes Jean, I feel a broken heart, physical, can create a lot of health problems. Especially when it is family, a daughter, "I am not the kind of Mother she can deal with in her life", she is in her 50s and the last 5 years our, hubby as well, life has been awful. One confrontation, I thought I may die, not kidding, just the awfulness that was coming out of her mouth, we had this girl and we had the best relationship, always, and it was like this feral animal, just sitting there, pointing and talking. I was hysterical as I didn't and couldn't understand what I had ever done wrong. Then a letter. Then I was in hospital with PE's, then heart problems. So she was first at the hospital. Now4 years later I have received another letter. So we are trying to call it quits as it's the only way I can survive, but she's not allowing that to happen. Maybe gaslighting is the word. I have 2 gorgeous g/kids and 4 g/gkids who I love to bits. All we have done is help as much as possible to make life easier for them. As I pointed out to her, no matter what we give and do it will never be enough. When I asked what have I done wrong she says nothing!!! Now Jean, you are the master fixer, can you come up with "something" X

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Bawdy

I will PM you later Bawdy.

Jgc61 profile image

Got to admit it was a shock not getting my usual email yesterday

Pigleywigley profile image

Hey steelheart. Still here, still standing. All good for me. Going to do a post about decisions decisions!!

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Pigleywigley

Look forward to seeing your post Pigleywigley.

Linkj profile image

I rarely post but often read other peoples post. I am reasonably able, a trustee for an education foundation, which involves lots of reading research papers and of course I read the fact sheet before my ablation. I could read the facts in many places on the internet, maybe not as good as ours!, but the personal replies to my fears and questions were invaluable. Some of you are old hands but remember back to the beginning and how talking to those who understood and had been through AF helped. Please don’t get bored answering the repeated same questions, they are initially new questions to all of us.

Singalong1 profile image

Hello SteelHeart and all. I also check in a few times each week. But rarely post. I really appreciate the time and knowledge shared with us via the fact sheets. But reading other people’s queries and concerns, and responses to these, is also very informative and reassuring. Thank you to all contributors. Update on me! Currently, I’m ticking along (excuse pun!); I now have persistent AF. Cardiologist has upped my dose of Bisophorol from 5 to 7.5mg to reduce my high heart rate, (which has caused some ‘heart failure’). Not sure I’ll be a good candidate for ablation, TBC at next Cardio appointment in April, but I’m very interested in reading other people’s experiences of this procedure. Thank you 🙏😊

Dee5165 profile image

Not sure if my response could be posted.

I was notified I have been censored until I contact Administration to find out "why." I believe I know the answer. As an educated person with a Health Science background, I suggested certain supplements have helped me get back into NSR after an Afib setback 2 weeks after Cardioversion. After listing the names of supplements, I was censored even after I mentioned to discuss with their doctor. It appears this Health Forum would prefer to advise people on taking more Pharmaceutical meds and Ablations along with other procedures without accepting that alternative natural methods could help. Hope you all stay well.

I will no longer be responding and signing off. Good Luck to you all.

in reply to Dee5165

Hi! To confess, I have been denied to undertake any action in Fibromyalgia forum. Why!? I have said something against the jabs for the "invisible enemy",.. All I can do now, is to read, until I get another punishment. But I see it as something "normal" - I am a guest here, somebody else has started the whole story, so I have to obey the rules. After all I have said about the jabs, I am surprised not to have been punished here also, lol

Dee5165 profile image
Dee5165 in reply to

Agreed! I do not support the JAB either!!!!

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Dee5165

Dee, please, please don't leave the forum, I'm begging you. 🙏 We need members here with different opinions and thoughts regarding AF.


Dee5165 profile image
Dee5165 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thank you Jean! Out of fear from having a brother-in-law pass away after an Ablation, (Doctors pierced his heart and he bled to death), I decided I was experienced enough to read data on trials with Procedures and/or taking meds or supplements etc. I took my health in my own hands after being prescribed medications that gave me no quality of life. When I developed Afib, I tried to find the cause through process of elimination. Once I had the CV and developed Afib again, I realized I did not rest my heart after the procedure and went right back into normal daily activity which was a mistake. (I was feeling great after suffering with Afib for so many months 24/7). I read the heart needs to remodel itself for the next 6-12 months. I have done that with the addition of supplements and have been Afib free for 6 months now. I was so thankful each day that I thought I may be able to help others. However any positive news seems to be censored in favor of Pharma companies and Doctors. I appreciate your support very much.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Dee5165

I agree with you Dee and share your outlook totally. I'm sorry to hear of your brother in laws death. Life can be so hard at times!

What I always have to remind myself these days and this thought only came to me fairly recently, is that I'm made of tough stuff! I can take anything that's said on this forum and none of it worries me in the slightest! I enjoy the debates here. However, one day it just hit me that others aren't so strong and suffer from anxiety and negative posts only increase that even more and can possibly make them ill.

I've only ever felt the effects of stress once and it was caused by driving a long distance. This was after my sisters husband died suddenly and I travelled a few hundred miles to be with her. I guess hearing her cry and indeed crying with her added to the stress of driving home and getting completely lost. How did it affect me? I arrived home almost rigid with stress, and didn't want to go out or talk to anyone for about three days (that's just not me). I really don't know what the answer is re less positive posts on this forum. Perhaps a symbol in the heading or even words saying don't read this if you're of a nervous disposition. I really don't know the answer, perhaps someone else will.

Please stay on here.


Dee5165 profile image
Dee5165 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thank you for your note.

First, I am sorry for your family loss and I'm sure that was a stressful time. You must be like me, made of tough stuff! We have all been in your situation so I could relate to those times where you don't want to be around anyone. Afib was one of those times!!

I have always been healthy so Afib knocked me into the stress and anxiety category which I found worsened Afib. It wasn't until I read a post that stated "Afib is not a death sentence."

Each time the Cardiologist prescribed meds, I went back into Afib and each time he increased dosage, I still went back into Afib then had no QOL. I have read many posts on this forum where people experienced the same thing. I also read that the reason why natural alternative methods are not advised is because there are not enough people for a trial. So I used myself as a trial. I had nothing to lose. It had to be better than chemicals. It takes 8-10 weeks to feel the benefits of the supplements. I felt it was worth the wait. And sure enough 7 weeks later I was back in NSR.

Everyone is different. Everyone has a different health issue. I did not have health issues except for being sodium sensitive and trying to maintain a normal blood pressure.

I was happy to hear there were others that were following the natural route. I was anxious to know if anyone else was successful. And some were!

I wish you good health and less anxiety. Anxiety takes us away from living a normal life.

So I learned to do the following:

Walking and deep breathing helps with the stress and anxiety. I don't push my exercise routine too much for now.

I try watching comedies on T.V.

I drink Chamomile tea and water.

I try to stay away from toxic people, and prefer to be around my children's dogs. (LOL).

I try to find things to make me happy or help others which makes me feel happy.

I hang out with grandchildren to help me feel young.

And I take the supplements regularly near the same time each day.

And the magnesium helps me sleep better too.

Good Luck to you!

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Dee5165

I think there are quite a few of us who are interested in natural alternative methods so please don’t leave the forum.

Pigleywigley profile image
Pigleywigley in reply to GrannyE

Here here don’t leave

Dee5165 profile image
Dee5165 in reply to GrannyE

Thank you for the support GrannyE. Not sure if you could see my response to JeanJeannie50. If you can't please let me know.

Cavalierrubie profile image

Didn't we get told awhile ago to watch our P's and Q's on here by the Admin. of this forum. I must admit it has made me hesitant in what is said. Take care.

Goldfish7 profile image

Having a rough time after return of F/T AF, A Flutter, wide qrs and superventricular ectopics. Back on bisoprolol despite the awful effects it has on me and digoxin which is having strange effects and may be making the arythmias worse. Still awziting artiorography (coming up to 2yrs now).Not able to get a response from the Freeman Hospital specialist team or specialists secretaries so have little but moans and misery to talk about so am visiting but keeping quiet unless there is something useful I can contribute.

mrgwair567 profile image

I’m still here too! I look in most days and I’m so impressed at the information provided by you all!

I’ve learned a lot in the years that I have been a member!

I also enjoy some of the ‘ more robust debates’ we have as it gives us all a chance to express ourselves

Thank you all!

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