Hi everybody,
Before I begin , I wish everybody a merry Xmas and a happy healthy new year!!
My Xmas present has come early this year with my longest bout of AF ever! 40 hours and still going . I have an ablation booked for 18th January at St Bart’s , it will be my 3rd.
A brief outline is I have had a AF since 2016 , when it was discovered after a TIA. As a fit gym bunny and marathon runner it was a shock but I have curtailed my activities over the years , but still try to keep fit. The first 2 ablations improved my condition and up until early this year were 2 to 3 a month which I could terminate with PIP flecanide and metropolol . However over the last 4 months my episodes have rapidly increased and now are happening every couple of days and lasting a lot longer . I have a resting heart rate of 37 to 40 so beater blockers unless in AF are a no no for me. . With this episode the PIP strategy is obviously not working , but I have continued to take 100g Flec and 25g Metropolo to keep myself at a reasonable rate 80 to 115. This may not seem high to others but given my resting heart rate this is bearable. Obviously with Xmas on the doorstep and all my family expected anytime this afternoon I feel comfortable enough to weather this storm . I’m just concerned I’m doing permanent damage but can’t see what my other options are as ablation is imminent. Just wanted some words of wisdom and opinions from any of you lovely people. Thankyou for listening xx