I had my first ablation on Friday and was going to wait until I got to a week before writing but I’ve gone back into afib today. Bitterly disappointed.
5 days post ablation: I had my first... - Atrial Fibrillati...
5 days post ablation

I think that happens in the first few months but it doesn't mean it hasn't worked.
Bob will advise but I think you ignore at Least the first three months Your heart has to settle snd scar tissue form to stop the signals so no need to worry yet

Did you read our fact sheet on recovery? heartrhthymlliance.org/reso....
Far too early to start worrying about if it worked or not. It will be three to six months minimum before you know that . Just rest and stay well hydrated. When you finish resting , rest some more.
Could it have been brought on by not resting enough, do you think?
I always say first week TV remote only second week you are allowed to make tea.
Hi safc. Not sure if anyone’s already posted this or if you’ve already read it but I’ve just finished a brilliant book recommended on here called “the afib cure” it’s got a great chapter on ablation and recovery from and what to expect. Brilliant book overall and I’m currently working on the content to try and get myself drug free. I’m looking at getting an ablation myself as well, if the hospital stop cancelling my bloody appointments, 😩 so I want my body to be in the best shape possible for when I have it too make recovery (hopefully) as fast as possible. Anyway it’s a brilliant book and I suggest you read it 👍
Great suggestion! I’ll have a look for it thank you!
Please don't be disheartened. I went into fast AF 2 days after ablation last month. It went after 8 hours and not had it since. I'm now having lots of bumps and jumps and Pacs. It really is the healing process and it's very common for this to happen xxx
Did you do anything to get out of the fast Af or did it happen naturally?
I have 200mg flecanine daily and took extra 100mg as a pip when I woke in the evil AF. I know what a horrible feeling it is when youre bouncing allover pleading for it to stop, it's a bloody awful condition. But youre only a few days in and I promise it is normal. I havnt had a AF incident since that day and that s 5 weeks ago. Having lots if Pacs and jitters but again, thats normal. Xxx
Had my ablation in 2019, first few months it can be like that. Nothing to worry about usually just part of the healing process..I found magnesium settled it quite a bit and still use it now after my ablation. It was a good 10-12 month before I felt the full benefit really, so early days, rest and be kind to yourself, don't push too hard, listen you your body,plenty of rest.
This is a guess but i think it is more usual to have bouts of afib for the three to six months after ablation than not to. It is certainly not a sign the ablation has failed. Speak with the hospital/,EP that did the procedure and I strongly agree that you should read the factsheet on recovery.
For full disclosure my first ablation did not completely stop my afib but a follow up in November had given me NSR ever since..... this thing really works for most people
Thanks Steve, I read the fact sheets before going in but, perhaps, I just thought it would be plain sailing after the procedure. I have persistent afib rather than paroxysmal so I’ve no idea how long these bouts could normally last? The arrhythmia nurse told me if this spell lasts over seven days I’m to call them to discuss further treatment so there’s always that
I had my one and only ablation in 2013 and had lots of runs of AF and ectopics etc . They gradually reduced but it took 5 months for everything to settle down. It took almost a year for my resting heart beat to return to normal. So stay positive and be patient. You are in this for the long haul so best to follow advice on here. I stayed in NSR after that and although I have recently had some episodes I am grateful for the 7 plus years of being free of AF.
Good luck ☘️
I had a PVI cryo ablation 8 weeks ago for persistent AF. Went back into persistent AF a week later. Had a cardioversion last Saturday, and so far so good. EP more optimistic than me! Apparently 50% chance of working.
So about a six week wait for a cardioversion? I hope this one lasts for you!
I had persistent before my first ablation July last year , and see sawed in and out of afib and atrial flutter for the period until my second, it was quite stressful because every time I thought I am are sorted... I had an episode😐Most people find that the episodes get fewer and shorter As the days pass, but for me a second ablation stopped it so keep in contact with the medics and keep confident... it will be sorted I’m sure
Thanks Steve and I’m pleased to hear your second ablation kept you in NSR.
It sounds just about what is happening to me. Have had my first ablation 1 month ago, but Afib has been forever present now off and on. It was even suggested to get cardioverted after a week of Afib. but somehow through a stroke of luck, everything went back to normal at the last minute! Unfortunately just for 5 days. Back in Afib now since yesterday. Using Flecanide now as PIP, as I do NOT tolerate Flecanide very well, i.e. shortness of breath and severe muscle weakness. The EP mentioned on Tuesday, that he may have to go in a second time for a " mop up".
Hi , I had my ablation Dec 2019 and within days I was having bouts of AF far more symptomatic than before the procedure and much more frequent. I too felt a bit down as I'd imagined this magic pill was going to cure me permanently and was thinking the worst. Over the next 12 months the episodes became less frequent and less symptomatic and currently I usually go about 8 to 10 weeks between them with only a mild feeling of tiredness during one.
As has been said its a marathon not a sprint and patience is part of the process .
I fully expect to have another procedure in the future as my EP suggests the ablation didn't completely work but I'm certainly in a better way than before the first one
Good luck with your progress
This is what we need to hear - I'm better off than I was before! It's why I'm going ahead with mine, I don't see how I can be worse off. If it doesn't work then I'm.back to square one and continue with current management strategies.
Yes you're right, there is obvious disappointment when you experience AF so soon after the procedure but once you understand and come to terms with the healing process things settle down. I'm sure the mind has a great influence on the body so its very important to keep calm and be as little stressed as possible especially in the weeks and months after having the ablation
I think one big problem is that ablation is often "sold" as a cure and as a result we all expect to dance out of hospital without a care in the world. I know I did in 2006 when I had my first. It was at a conference in London in 2008 that I first heard the term "blanking period " and that it took three months before things settled down. That is one reason that we compiled the fact sheet on recovery as so few EPs ever explain the reality and how long recovery really takes. I still think that even those who study the sheets and commit them to memory still imagine "it won't happen to me". Maybe young very fit people recover in a week or so but most do not. Many people are still improving at a year or more.
You’ve hit the nail on the head there Bob. I think that’s been my attitude, I’m 38 and very fit and assumed that would be enough. It was just hanging the laundry out after a very short dog walk that set it off so it’s my own fault really.
I also thought I would be the exception and positive attitude would carry me through. I felt SO well in the first few days I went a little mad and ended up in hospital and having to have a second ablation so do as I say, not as I did - rest up, don’t stress it, enjoy the day.
I haven't had an ablation yet but I believe if you have persistant AFib before your ablation a second one is sometimes required especially if you had a cryoablation. But as pointed out by many here who have experienced it, it is early days. X
I've had 4 ablations. It's normal to have 'jumpy' heart 90-days or more after procedure while heart is healing. EP told me after my recent one on OCT 22, if AFIB strikes and lasts more than 24 hours, then go in and get cardioverted.
I had a couple 2 second bursts of what I thought felt like AIFB during first 90 days post-ablation. Nothing since.
My first AFIB ablation failed at the 9 month mark. I don't really consider it a failure though ... because it laid the foundation for my 2nd ablation, which gave me 10 years of normalcy.
EP's know some people get lucky and get 'cure' on the first one .... however, many need a 2nd ablation to get the high success rate.
Hoping you have a great recovery . . .
Thank you. I’ve passed the 24hr mark now but the arrhythmia nurse says it needs to be seven days before they can do anything.
I'm having mine in a week's time to it is kind of reassuring to read this post although I know you're anxious. I will be the same I assure you. All the advice here seems really sensible and maybe call your arrythmia nurse for advice. If you check my profile for a recent post, you'll say Tracey Admin also gave me a contact number for advice from the AFA. Check it out and stay in touch!
Morning please don’t feel deflated. I had mine on 23rd November and felt awful for about 6 weeks after. My Afib was worse than prior to the ablation and I felt dreadful. I am now 4 months later and feeling so much better. No afib since Christmas and getting better all the time. If you read my previous comments you’ll see how bad I felt but it really does get better. Stick with it xx
Thanks for sharing this as I'm having my procedure in a week's time and the thing I dread most is that I'll feel worse. You confirming that I might well so but it'll get better is really going to help me through that period. What advice were you given re medication in the event of breakthrough episodes? It's important for me to know as I am still working and need to do about 20 hours a week for m.home as we run a home business.
I am 51 and a teacher. I had a month off as I felt so awful and honestly cried every day thinking I had gone through it all for nothing. I have sotalol but really the best advice is try to stay calm as the episodes will pass.
Hello, don't be disappointed I did exactly the same, it seems that it is quite common. Had a second ablation and after 4 months all ok apart from every now and again my heart misses a beat. Again quite common I'm told
Only on Apixaban now stopped those Bisoprolol which made me tired and at times shattered. Now back to golf 3 x per week. I am 76
Best of luck
You may just need a cardioversion to reboot but early days
Give it at least 12 weeks
Safc1983 -- please note that this is completely normal. After my first in 2019, I had to be cardioverted a few days after I got home. My a-fib episodes increased for two months after, i.e. the blanking period, then suddenly stopped. But please also note that my ablation presented problems for my EP, with a vein nearly wrapped around my esophagus and one by the diaphragm, causing the phrenic nerve to stop for about 60 seconds. Your experience is normal and arrhythmias are expected soon after an ablation. I'm to have my second one in 6 days. I wish you a full sinus recovery.
Had my first ablation 3 weeks ago, after 7 days was in afib for ten hrs, took a beta blocker and it settled. Since then nothing, hoping it is still settling down. I too was so disappointed, I think because I was so looking forward to the ablation and I put all the eggs in one basket. After much consideration I now feel much better and hope things will be much better but at the same time realising that every now and then they will be episodes but not has bad as pre ablation. It is about making life easier and not a cure. Don’t despair things will get better.
Don't despair - this is common. Until the burns the doctor made scar over, you are even more vulnerable to those miserable little bad signals getting through. I had the same experience for about three weeks. along with other difficult recovery issues. But at 6 weeks I was much better. It was during that time I discovered this site and am so glad I did. Your doctor should have warned you of this possibility - but they often forget.
This happens within the first three months of your healing- I always consulted with my EP. My story is long- I have had four ablations, the last with an EP in Texas. I agree sometime the first is a preparation for the second and then again after the healing period you won’t need another. Rest now
How are you doing now?
Hi, I ended up in hospital a couple of days after my ablation and was told by a doctor that the ablation had not worked. But don't let that worry you as it took nearly five months for everything to settle down and to realise that, in fact, the ablation had worked and still does four years later. Had a blip last year when I put on weight due to lockdown (too much baking!) but lost some weight and everything ok again. Stay positive and I'm sure it will work out for you. Even if I feel I am having an AF attack, my heartrate does not go up anywhere near it did before. Hope you feel better soon and your ablation turns out to be a success like mine.
That happened to me after my first ablation (Dec 7); disappointment is a good word for how it feels and discouraged is another. I understood it was not unusual to experience few episodes. Despite the afib breakthroughs I felt much better — no brain fog, for example. But the afib kept up, went back to coming almost weekly with disabling symptoms. Have just had a second ablation (April2) and no Afib yet!