Good morning all.
Had my PAF/Aflutter RFA on Monday and feeling quite wobbly still. Have had a couple of episodes (both in the morning) when just walking down the stairs I felt as if I might pass out, became breathless and had to lie down for 10 minutes to recover. My Kardia just said tachycardia of about 100 and my B/P is okay in between episodes. I’m assuming it’s my heart adjusting to its new state as my resting HR has gone from 50 bpm to 80 post-ablation. I know from this wonderful forum that fatigue and shortness of breath are very common after the procedure but was wondering what symptoms are considered significant enough to warrant asking for medical advice. I know if I felt that bad constantly I would have spoken to someone by now but as they are intermittent I am uncertain if I should just consider them par for the course and know they will ease. Would be very grateful for any similar experiences/advice.