Assuming the Covid test comes back negative I will be having an ablation for flutter on Wednesday of this week. I’m looking forward to having it done but I’m not looking forward to having it done! Nerves are beginning to kick in.
Date for Ablation : Assuming the Covid... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Date for Ablation

I would happily have an ablation tomorrow if necessary. I don't know about other people but for me there was nothing to worry about on the day. Let us know how it goes.
Hope it goes ahead for you. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and a release from symptoms.
The way you are feeling is very typical of how we all feel pre ablation. You'll be jittery about it right up to the time you have your general anaesthetic. Should I be doing this and ' what ifs' will swirl in your head. However, you'll go ahead and afterwards wonder why you were so worried.
We're here for you and we understand. Sending you a calming hug. Jean x
This will be my second ablation. The first was for af. I’ve opted for GA this time. I’d rather not know what’s going on!
I had mine last October... it’s been 3 months now.... time has gone quick. I was very nervous... very. Everything went fine!
No regrets at all
Good Luck ❤️😀
How long did it take to heal and be symptom free?
I was actually in NSR when I went for it so no change really but I used to worry every time I did something slightly strenuous it would kick in. Since the Ablation I’ve felt much better. I had 5 weeks off work. Tbh I forget I’ve had it done now!
It's 7 weeks since I had a cryoablation and I'm relieved to say I've been in sinus rhythm since. I'm now back at work and although I still get tired I'm coping OK. By the time I came to have my ablation I would have given anything to be rid of AF. I was having episodes every day. I can honestly say from the moment I went into hospital until the moment I left I was looked after so well. Our NHS is fantastic.
Good luck and try not to worry you are in safe hands.
I had my second ablation just under 3 months ago and remember very well the anxiety before,
But having a regular heartbeat since the procedure is just great, well worth the stress before
Take it really really easy for two weeks after and really easy for two more after that. I still am being careful and gentle on myself because your whole system needs to recover and get used to normality but after three weeks I felt I could do anything!!
Good luck I’m sure you will think of it it as a great decision in just a few days time
Pleased your all doing ok, after ablation is it still nessecary to be anti coagulated .
Unfortunately, having a successful ablation does not remove the need for anticoagulation. An ablation does not change the structure of the heart therefore the areas where blood can pool and cause clots do not change either. Also, an ablation does not “cure” AF therefore it can return and you may not realise it, especially if asleep so if you have been prescribed a long term anticoagulant, it is extremely unlikely that your EP will suggest coming off it after the procedure.......

Thank you so much Flap Jack. Thay clears things up for me. Much appreciated .
I have had two ablations, one for afib, one for flutter. Nether an issue. I was just under sedation for both. IF your flutter ablation is right atria it is a simpler quicker process anyway. I concur with Physalis, if I revert to afib or flutter tomorrow morning I will happily have another ablation tomorrow afternoon. Best wishes.
Thank you. It’s a flutter ablation but have been told it will take about three hours (my EP is keen on mapping) with four hours of recovery after that. I may or may not be allowed home the same day.
I am sure your EP is right about the mapping. They don't rush. Despite this I was home same day for both ablations. You will find the medics are more concerned about the state of your groin at the catheter entry point than your heart, post ablation, which initially on my first ablation seemed a bit weird, but I decided that if that was the main concern I was happy with that! They just don't want you do do anything to cause a bleed. I had two ablations through the same site in a month and had no problems with bleeding so follow the instructions and you will be fine.
Best wishes
Good luck - as the lovely people on this support group have said it is normal to feel worried, but you will be in excellent hands and your health will be much improved. I had mine done in October last year and was in at 10 and out by 5. Just remember to rest, rest, rest after without feeling guilty!
Hi, I had my ablation early 2019 after going into permanent AF suffering paroxysmal afib for years , I've got to say I was absolutely terrified up until the morning it came, then I became unusually calm on that day. It was a long 7hr op under sedation and I can remember quite a lot of it, not painful, a little uncomfortable at best at times . Nearly 2 years later in NSR, it was worth every minute, and if needed I'd go again tomorrow if any issues crop up in future. Totally understand your fears but honestly it was worth evey minute for me, and the days now in NSR and out back into life and exercise can't even be put into words it's so good. Hope it all goes well for you as it did me, just give yourself a good recovery window, don't do too much for first few months as I was still improving up to 12 months later so be kind to yourself and patient with it all, it's worth it.
Thanks Ian. I’m having a general anaesthetic this time. I remember my first ablation was not a pleasurable experience. I look forward to being on fewer beta blockers and to being less breathless.
I’ve had 3 ablations since March for flutter, all under sedation. The last was in December (4 hours) and I’ve had 2 short episodes since which went away on their own. I’m also on bisoprolol. I really really hope they don’t come back!! You should be fine. I didn’t take it particularly easy afterwards so maybe that was my problem 🤔
Just interested to know how you have managed to have 3 ablations since March-I have been waiting 17 months and no sign yet!!!
I went it through the ER twice and the third was pre-arranged. I'm in Canada - not sure why that would make a difference. I hope you get yours soon!
Just had my fourth ablation this past Wednesday. It was for flutter. I’ve now had two for a fib and two for flutter. It went very well and he found another area of flutter that he didn’t expect. I have felt really good with no soreness or anything. If I was still working I would have returned to work today, that’s how good I feel!
Youll be OK honest have you had an information leaflet posted to you about whats involved? Mine was done on the 30th nov under sedation I didn't feel anything but I think it was when they corrected my rythmn I could feel quite a thumping in my chest-bit like tuning an old banger! I thought ill bear with it for now they know what theyre doing- anyway then I heard a call"C an someone prepare the next patient please?"I thought thank goodness for that! I was wheeled through to the ward and requested to lay flat and not bend my knees for 2 hours a nurse fetched me a drink of tea in a feeder cup and I managed to eat a bit of food while still lying flat [Amazing what youll do when your starving] Iwent home shortly after that- after care of the wound site was important I think- Id advise wearing loose jeans or leggings as the groin area will be sore for a few days I was told I couldn't drive for a few days also just take it easy for a time once you get home. Im fine now back in the garden and doing walking but not attempting hills at present there is general soreness there some days but I understand the heart can take 3 month to recover Good luck!