Just got my date through for my ablation at Wythenshawe with Dr Brown. It's only 3 weeks away, didn't think it would come around so quick as only confirmed I was going to have it done a few months back! My AF is paroxysmal but has been more frequent in the last 6 months. Fingers crossed it works!
Ablation date booked: Just got my date... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ablation date booked

That's good news - hope it goes well
Mine worked great so hope you get a similar result 🙂.
good Luck Steve, i had mine done about 9 weeks ago at Wythenshaw with DR Davidson, they are Lovely really look after you what Ablation are you having done?
Thanks Suzy, I cannot fault them so far they have been great. Mine is for a PV isolation for PAF.
What was yours for? How long did they kee you in? Has it worked? Sorry so many questions!
Hi Steve,
I had the Cryoablation, i came out the same day but i was first one down for it, i did not think it was working at first as had little things like niggly pain , felt sore etc very fatique but seem to be picking up now i go back in 4 months, but still on the tablets at the moment, just try not to rush it,
That was my problem i was thinking i should be ok straight away, but it takes 3 month or more for the scar to heal, good luck
Yes, excellent place. Dr Davidson was my EP too five years ago. It's good if you don't have a long wait. All the best.
Wishing you every success, best wishes and let us know how you get on.
Brilliant. Good luck.
Dr Davidson from Wythenshawe did mine two years ago with excellent results to date (crosses fingers and touches wood). Good luck - you're in the best hands.
Sounds like great news! As someone recently diagnosed with PAF I wonder how long it has taken you since your own diagnosis?
Hi Mark, first diagnosed Feb 2015. Had a quiet period for about 6 months after then it got more and more frequent towards the end of last year. I went back and discussed the options with Dr Brown and he said we could try daily rhythm meds or go for the ablation. I didn't fancy taking Flecainide every day so I took the second option. How about yourself?
I was diagnosed three weeks ago, but know I'd had strange rhythms for many months. My resting pulse is very low (35-40), but then out of the blue I'll find it is 135-145. If I'm exercising when I go into AF it can exceed 200 (I'm 57 years old). Episodes last from 5-10 minutes to several hours. PAF was picked up when I had a TIA and spent 24 hours on a stroke ward. Now on warfarin and bisoprolol and waiting for an echocardiogram. I'm experiencing daily episodes and feel tired and washed out all the time. Mark
Sorry to hear you are not feeling great, once you've had all the tests and you know the direction you are going you may find you feel better about it all. I did, for me just knowing what was going on was a big help and knowing there was potentially some light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck with it all
Mark. Sorry about your problems and there is a good amount of info on main AFA website.
What are you using to measure your pulse? If it is a finger pulseometer / oximeter or a wrist monitor it almost certainly be inaccurate. Ideally you need one of the two devices on the AFA website namely the Kardia (aka AliveCor) or the Microlife WatchBPHome A (A is for AFib model). Initially when I was diagnosed with AF I was using a wrist monitor then learnt and then bought the Microlife and did some comparisons one after the other and found that the wrist monitor was up to 35% or so out but also inconsistent.
AF on its own will make you tired because it is not only energy sapping but also prevents proper circulation which then affects the body, particularly the extremities.
You don't say the dose of bisoprolol you are on. Bisoprolol is a drug that can take upto 4 or even 6 weeks for the body to adjust to and the higher the initial dose the longer it takes.
And AF episodes will probably continue to become more frequent and longer lasting. You've made the right choice Steve - you won't have any regrets. Good luck.
I'm one year on from ablation, not a hint of that horrible condition - getting cured of AF was the best thing I ever did.
Good luck!
Well worth doing.
So good too , that you have not had to wait long as that can be the worst bit!
Good news! Let us know how it all goes.
Hi Steve
I had my ablation with Dr Brown at the end of March. I think he's great- really down to earth and honest - and so far so good for me ( fingers crossed).
Hope it goes well - I'm sure it will!
It's all been said, just 'have a good one!' Best wishes from me.