I hardly dare write this but I have now had 3 afib free weeks for the first time in 2 years. I am trying really hard to relax and be really careful with overdoing it but I feel great!
I do have more ectopics ( maybe 1 or 2 every 5 mins than I remember but I think I am super “ heart aware”
So after 3 weeks
Resting Heart rate faster than used to be 75 bpm as opposed to 55
Bruising of groin nearly gone but still a bit tender
Only anticoagulant so 2 tabs a day vs 14
Had couple of glasses of wine with meals over the days since told my EP who was unconcerned as it has never been a trigger
Had caffein coffee ( hospital gave me one 30 mins after I woke up!😀)
Still checking pulse “ just to check” too often
Daring to dream....