4 weeks post pvi ablation update - Atrial Fibrillati...

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4 weeks post pvi ablation update

โ€ข32 Replies

So it's been 4 weeks since I had a pvi ablation for paroxysmal afib and i just wanted to update with my experience so far.

I went into the operation the fittest I have ever been (training 10 -15 hoursper week) and was having symptomatic afib that terminated on it's own (short of breath, sweating and dizziness along with palpitations and hr of 240bpm)

1st week tiredness was a major issue i was napping throughout the day and just exhausted all the time. This has eased a bit over the last few weeks albeit slowly, I'm still very tired during and after a days work more so than before. (Carpenter)

I have to be honest and say that It took more out of me than I expected!

I rested for about 4 or 5 days and then started some walking with the dog, a few kilometres a day. And after about 2 weeks I went for a gentle swim in the pool. And it was nice to be active again but I took it very gingerly as I was feeling quite a lot of ectopics.

Achy chest was better after a week and had very mild heart burn but that faded over a couple of weeks. No problems with groin bruising was barely noticable and no pain. Small pea sized lump on both sides.

At 10 days I went into afib getting out of the shower and i kind of felt gutted! Even though I was made aware it could happen in the initial stages of recovery of course I'd hoped for an incident free recovery. I went on to have 4 episodes 4 days in a row between 10 and 14 days. So I just accepted it as part of the healing process and tried not to worry.

Back to work after 2 weeks and having shortness of breath walking up stairs and very tired throughout the day.

Thankfully in week 3 the heart finally seemed to be settling down. Massive reduction in ectopic beats or "false starts" as I call them! And no more episodes of afib. In the previous weeks I was getting blood rushing into my neck and false starts every time I bent over, as if the change in blood pressure was acting like a trigger ?

Week 4 and I have some increase in ectopic beats again but no afib ๐Ÿคž

Heart rate still remains higher than pre ablation approx 30 bpm increase while at rest and still rises to 110 with walking (i had to run for a few mins before ablation to get it that high)

Heart rate variability is still affected badly also and my Garmin tells me I'm not nearly as rested when starting the day as I was before and this correlates well to how I'm acctually feeling. I find it very useful for monitoring how rested the body and heart in particular is.

So as it stands I have no urge to return to training based in my energy levels and the fact that I'm very short of breath so easily, I cant imagine running 1k never mind the 40 + I was running weekly before along with cycling and swimming.

Blood pressure has been high on the bottom number alot and was getting headaches. I never had problem with blood pressure before ie was always perfect. Again all part of the recovery process I suppose

I'm confident it will all settle in time and I questioned whether I'd done the right thing at the beginning but that has passed now and I know I had no real choice whatever the outcome ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ it's a progressive disease and needs to be treated. So I did that and I'm confident now it was the right choice.

It's hard to take a short term step back from sports but hoping I will be better equipped to get back to training when I recover fully. I'm just playing it by ear and listening to my body and how I feel. And until it feels better the training can wait.

Anyway hope everyone is doing well,

Take care โœŒ

32 Replies
Sweptaway profile image

Itโ€™s good to hear your progress Rhythm, you are at the same stage of recovery as myself. Are you still on your meds? Keep up the good work!

in reply to Sweptaway

I was never on any rythm or rate control meds due to heart block being present and very slow hr (low 30's) but I'm taking apixaban(elequis) which is a blood thinner daily since 3 weeks prior to ablation and for the foreseeable until at least my follow up appointment. Hope your doing well in recovery โค๐Ÿ‘

Sweptaway profile image
Sweptaway in reply to

Thanks yes. Iโ€™ve just stopped the flecainide, which never ever touched the PAF but I remain on the Edoxaban (3 months) Fairly plain sailing so far and trying to increase my walking. ๐Ÿ‘

baba profile image
baba in reply to

Apixaban is usually twice daily.

in reply to baba

Yes 5mg morn and night.

Jalia profile image

I'm sure you're doing everything right by listening to your body. We are all different and have different experiences of ablation and recovery.

I had RF ablation over 7 weeks ago ( 5+ hours procedure) and have had no problems with recovery despite being over twice your age and could hardly describe myself as fit these days.

๐Ÿ˜ฌWishing you well with continued recovery


in reply to Jalia

Excellent stuff I'm delighted for you โค onwards and upwards

TracyAdmin profile image

Sending you all the best in your recovery. You should listen to your body and not try to over do things too soon, speak to your doctor for reassurance before returning to sporting activities. No one recovery is ever the same as another, so try to remember it can take many months before you are feeling completely fit - you may find our factsheet helpful? 'Recovering from an Ablation' heartrhythmalliance.org/afa... Have you registered for our virtual HRC2021 A F Association Patients Day yet? taking place on Sunday 3 October, I am sure you will find the sessions helpful? follow the link for further details heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...

in reply to TracyAdmin

Yeah I was told I could start to re-introduce some swimming and cycling slowly and like I said have done a couple of light swims and cycles but I have no real desire to rush it and im happy just trying to get my energy back first ๐Ÿ‘ thanks for the info, I read that sheet at the beginning thanks to Bob along with as much info as I could find online. Thanks for your well wishes โœŒ

BobD profile image

People always underestimate how long it takes to recover despite our fact sheet on the subject. Sounds like you are on track but please don't over do it as you did in the first week or two.

in reply to BobD

Some of us live life learning the hard way Bob๐Ÿ˜ while I certainly wouldn't say I overdone it, I have to agree, It has has proven to take a lot longer for a full recovery than the week or two I was led to believe from alot of online info and doctors. Thanks for your concern ๐Ÿ‘

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to

That is exactly why I compiled the fact sheet on recovery based on experiences from members here. Back in 2005 when I had my first ablation I too expected to be dancing the light fantastic out of hospital next day. Foolish boy! These doctors who never went through it make you feel a failure.

kalgs profile image
kalgs in reply to BobD

Iโ€™ve certainly heeded your advice . Iโ€™m taking it easy . I have to say Iโ€™m feeling all the better for it .

Elli86 profile image

You seem to be doing well rhythm๐Ÿ‘

Weโ€™re the same age and Iโ€™m on my 6th week of recovery.

Iโ€™ve not gone back to work yet as luckily I donโ€™t have too but will need too soon. You seem to be a lot better than me but sounds like you were able to be a lot more active than me before your ablation. I was very symptomatic so much so that I wasnโ€™t able to do all the things I used to do ๐Ÿ˜ซ

Iโ€™m getting back to health slowly but surely though I think ๐Ÿคž

Glad itโ€™s going well for you. Keep in touch as Iโ€™d be interested to hear how your recovery progresses and how your return to fitness and training goes as well ๐Ÿ‘

in reply to Elli86

Fairplay I hope things go well for you and I'm sure you'll get back to doing all the things you love to do soon! I like to believe if I look after the mind the body will look after itself๐Ÿ˜โœŒ

ETHEL103 profile image

A very good report on your journey. I'm on a list for Ablation and sometimes I wonder should I? As you so rightly say its gonna get worse so no much of a choice really. Thank you for you post.

in reply to ETHEL103

I'm glad you found some use in it. I know what it's like trying to find as many first hand experiences to better make your decision, that's why I posted here myself....to add to the many other experiences out there that I found to be so helpful. My decision was made when i found out it was progressive in most cases and that success rates were higher when treated in the earlier stages. I also had no intention of taking medication long term due to the poor success rates and harshness on the body, so for me I think the decision came naturally for those reasons. Best of luck in making your decision, and try not fear the procedure itself or any kind of discomfort afterwards keep you from having it done. I found it to be very straightforward and pain free with very mild after discomfort in the throat and chest and groin. I wasnt however prepared for the the extent of breathlessness and tiredness they have been more of a problem than anythjng, however they are a small price to pay as long as they are only temporary!๐Ÿคž good luckโœŒ

Jajarunner profile image

I found it was five months before I felt like I wanted to run die to fatigue. Even then it was a shuffle/walk programme. You'll get there ๐Ÿ‘

bassets profile image

Glad you are getting on so well. I had my ablation about the same time as you and had problems the first week or so but this seems to have settled down - for now. ๐ŸคžI am still very tired and having to nap each day and like you I'm slowly - ver slowly - beginning to feel better. Hope you continue to improve. Best wishes ๐Ÿ™‚

in reply to bassets

Thank you! And I wish you a speedy recovery also. Yeah I'm finding it quite a slow return to normality too so take solace in the fact that your not alone. I'm 35 otherwise healthy and supposed to be quite fit ๐Ÿ˜‚ but even I'm struggling with shortness of breath and tiredness. I'm trying to not put pressure on myself and taking this as a rest period after a long year of training. Take care . Ps. I love your dog ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ•

bassets profile image
bassets in reply to

I'm 68 and rather fed up of the restrictions my body is putting on me. But hey-ho if it workls we'll both be happy! I love my dog too. She's called Molly, a rescue ๐Ÿ™‚

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to bassets

I'm 68, too, and I couldn't agree more with you. Today has been tachycardia all the way along with indigestion. Such fun!


Ppiman profile image

What a lovely reply. Best wishes on a continued recovery. I'm sure all will be well. Aren't those "small pea sized lumps on both sides" of your groin usually referred to as testicles, by the way? Surely, they were there before! ;-) ;-) ;-)

I had my procedure for atrial flutter in June 2019. I do still get slight tachycardia and occasional brief afib (well, once more than brief but symptomless). Mine seems to be linked to a troublesome hiatus hernia.


in reply to Ppiman

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ thanks for your kind words Steve those peas caused me far more trouble in life than the ablation peas ever did ๐Ÿ™ˆ glad to hear your doing so well

Nannysue1 profile image

Great positive update, thanks for posting. Hope you continue to feel better.

Interesting. I am 65 & retired but was also training at a similar level. I should be in Valencia now doing the European Triathlon Age Group Champs but had to withdraw. My AF first hit during a triathlon - unable to run, dizzy finish line โ€”> Cardiac intensive care in mid Russia! I had ablation on 4 Aug. Since then my Resting HR is still 12 higher than before. Iโ€™m cycling but at 18 kph instead of 28 kph. And running once a week at <130 bpm which means very slow, including run walk (11 minute KMs yesterday). And only exercising every other day or less plus daily walks. I had 1 momentary AF but get quite a few ectopics which I regard as warning signs. Iโ€™ve written off this season - first one without a completed triathlon for 20 years but hope to do them again next year, even if at moderate pace. Iโ€™d say return to training at a very slow rate and back off as soon as any adverse signs - false starts or warning ectopics. My Kardia 6L is the most important bit of my sporting kit now.

Still dreaming of World Champs 70-74 age group in 2025 (qualifiers in 2024).

in reply to splashrollandplod

Wow well done you must have been super fit in the lead up to the ablation! I had so many races cancelled from covid and the rest were for the month after ablation so they got the bullet also, luckily I managed to squeeze in 2 sprints, 1 in the days before and the other about a month before. Best of luck getting back to it, I have every confidence its achievable with a sensible approach returning to training. ๐Ÿ‘ I'm in no rush thanks for the advice

Jetcat profile image

Steady away rhythm. Nice and easy, youโ€™ll get there.๐Ÿ‘

Bennera513 profile image

My Ablation is next month. Read and absorbed the details of your experience. Thanks for the insight. Wishing you well and an increasingly speedy recovery.

in reply to Bennera513

I'm so happy you gained something from me sharing it. I think individual experiences and the shared knowledge are a great resource for us all. I've found them invaluable. From making that initial decision to insights on recovery. You have nothing to worry about the procedure is fine( although I was given the easy route with a general anaesthetic ๐Ÿ˜‚) but I've heard sedation is actually better and comes without the nauseous recovery from general anaesthetic. Anyway best of luck, and I hope it helps to resolve the issues you've been having with your heart โคโœŒ

seasicksurf profile image

Based on my experience, you are at the point where everything starts improving. Keep at it and gradually kick up your exercise. Listen to your body and heart to guide your effort, but in a month or two all that AF stuff will be fading in your rear view mirror. Best of health to you!

in reply to seasicksurf

Oh wow you dont know how good it feels to hear you say that! Means alot and gives me a boost. I have faith it will all come together eventually. I'll be glad for the tiredness to finally improve and get some conditioning back. I'll never give out about having to swim bike or run again no matter how exhausted I am ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. Thanks for the support and I wish the best of health right back โค

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