I take Eliquis 5 mg. twice/day. Have had 2 ablations an no AF for about 7 months. I also have Fibromyalgia and tender (trigger) points are increasing in numbers as well as intensity. I can't take Nsaids because of Kidney issues. I would like to try Tumeric or Relief Factor (lot of positive testimonials) which contains Tumeric. I have asked EP & Cardiologist about taking together with Eliquis and has not been recommend. My question is anyone on just one dose or lower doses of Eliquis and added Tumeric for discomfort? My thought was to take Eliquis at pm and Tumeric am but don't want upset MDs. Thanks
Blood Thinners: I take Eliquis 5 mg... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Blood Thinners

May I suggest that you read type in Tumeric in the search bar? Over the past two years and more, people have been asking this same question. I am sure there are plenty of answers for you.

Whilst food quatities of these sorts of compunds are not generally harmful, if your EP has said no please take notice. If you decide to ignore their advice and do this do so on your own volition and not from non medical people on this forum who should not comment. (See Forum advice re not replacing doctors.)
Gee you sound like me i have all the same problems you have including an elevated kidney function. I take 15mg of xarelto a blood thinner. I to my EP (just had a cardioversion) that I take tumeric he had no problem with it.
I think it depends upon which form of Tumeric and the quality. If you are thinking of taking food supplement capsules then I think the general opinion is not a good idea with any anticoagulants but if you are talking about using a very good quality powdered Tumeric or grating fresh Tumeric root (use rubber gloves or you will never get the stains from your hands) into culinary dishes or making a herbal tea or buying a really good brand (I use Pukka) - not normally a problem.
The problem is that very few doctors have any training in nutrition, herbs and using food as medicine - one who does is Dr Rupy Aujla The Doctor’s Kitchen - thedoctorskitchen.com/
Rather than scaring people into a restrictive way of eating, my philosophy is to use flavour and celebrate our cultural diversity to make healthy lifestyles enjoyable and deliciously accessible to everyone.
I’ve just written my first cookbook that you can check out here and on this website, you’ll find recipes, lifestyle tips, interesting events to attend and lots of evidence based information from an open minded straight-talking doctor.
He also has a FB page and often does HangOuts so you might contact him and ask? He specialises in GP and works in Emergency Medicine at a busy city hospital.
I’ve been following him for several years now and what I like about his cookbooks are that he explains what chemicals in the food are helpful and why.
Hope that helps.
I’ve read that turmeric supplements are dangerous because they thin the blood and may cause brain bleeds. I tried taking it for my knee arthritis pain and it caused my Afib to flare up.
I've been researching for my blood clots. I take Eliquis too and want to get off it totally because it makes me feel so awful. I want to try Turmeric instead. It appears that you should NOT take both together because both thin the blood- so dangerous together. So I'm hoping that my doctor will let me switch totally. I feel for you. Drugs help but also debilitate many of us with personal physically bad reactions, at least for me. Good luck and God bless.