Well, this is weird!: Took my evening... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Well, this is weird!

11 Replies

Took my evening tablets, & you know that odd feeling when you feel one has got stuck at the back of your throat? Just drank some extra water & carried on preparing dinner, but got a horrible stinging sensation in the back of my nose/pharynx tried gargling & even sniffing some water 😖🤧. Half an hour later I sneezed what appeared to be the remains of a squishy white tablet yuk! Must have been Flecainide as Apixaban is peachy coloured.

Odd experience - will swallow with more care in future, but really don’t understand how on earth it happened

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11 Replies

Unusual, especially as Flecainide seems to dissolve fairly quickly.......

Sounds rough, glad it is over

Finvola profile image

I have terrible trouble swallowing Flecainide as it sticks to my throat and it does burn. My solution when I remember is to dip it in a spoon with honey.

in reply to Finvola

There is a post script to this - my naso pharynx continued to sting all evening & I thought it was just irritation, but at bedtime, as soon as my head hit the pillow, I felt something dislodge at the back of my nose & coughed out the rest of the squishy pill yuk! Still feels peculiar, but no longer stinging, so guess it’s all gone now.

Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to

I don't understand why the manufacturers of Flecainide cannot add a buffer coating - Mylan are the worst, stick every time with me as the pill softens the moment I put it in my mouth. Glad you got rid of it eventually.

Afbiff profile image
Afbiff in reply to Finvola

Thanks for the tip, I find Flecainide sticks in my throat also and after your tip I've been taking it with a teaspoonful of stewed apple - works a treat!

jeanjeannie50 profile image

People who have had lots of episodes of sore throats and tonsillitis, can develop small pockets in their throats/tonsils which can cause this problem.

Try swishing the tablet around in your mouth in water before swallowing. I used to have the same problem with feeling that they stuck in my throat, but this advice given to me by my big sister works (that is she who, thankfully, knows all solutions).


in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thanks jeanjeannie, but this one somehow found it’s way above my soft palate & got lodged in my nasopharynx, coming out eventually in 2 lots several hours apart. Never had a problem before, so I believe just a freak occurrence. Also, I’ve not had any trouble with my throat in the past.

I’m hearing that Flecainide causes a lot of issues because the coating dissolves so fast & seems to become sticky.

Pat x

JaneFinn profile image

Eeeeuw poor you! X

OLdCroc profile image
OLdCroc in reply to JaneFinn

Can't talk about Flec but I take Bisoprolol. 1st tablet from a new pack stuck in my throat and took some dislodging with loads of water and still felt like it was there after it had gone down. I realised that the tabs were not coated so took them back to the pharmacy who said that was all they had and that i would have to ask the GP to specify coated tabs in future. I went across to the GP and got another prescription which I took to another pharmacy but checked first that their tabs were coated. I think the manufacturers must save money by not coating??


Interesting - I’ve already asked for a brand to be specified as I got lots of ectopics with one generic (Mylan brand) I’ve been given, but have been ok with Actavis/Accord generic until now.

I will discuss what happened with the pharmacist next time I pick up my tablets.

Pat x

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