Hello all - please excuse the odd title but I don’t know how else to describe this. I think since my last post/question I may have got to the bottom of my weird chest feeling and wondered if anyone has had the same? So it’s now been 3 1/2 weeks since my 2nd ablation. I was told that I had a raised diaphragm on the right hand side following the ablation and was told at A and E that it looked like phrenic nerve damage hence breathlessness and possible pleurisy. Thanks to all who offered advice and personal experiences of the same issue it seems that I have to wait for the nerve to heal - bit of a waiting game.
Now since the 2nd ablation I have been getting these odd fizzing sensations in my chest every now and again especially sitting or lying down - it feels very similar to a rush of adrenaline and is really quite awful. It makes me panic terribly and Force’s my HR up fairly high- 130 bpm last night, no change in rhythm though thankfully - still in NSR. It literally makes me jump up and move around as it feels as though my heart will stop. I should point out that it’s not ectopics as I know how they feel and they were a doddle compared to this, I do not suffer from anything anxiety related. It’s literally a build up of a wave of something - I can feel it in my heart area build and build then it’s gone in a flash but it does feel adrenaline related. Sorry it’s not the best description as I can’t really explain it. I spoke to my GP - no idea. Arrhythmia Nurse - no idea, speak to EP. Spoke to EP - was told he has no idea what it could be. All very odd and worrying.
The ablation I had done recently was only lower pulmonary vein on the right hand side as there had been breakthrough AF in that area.
Has anyone had similar issues and if so what was the cause - at my wits end as it’s getting progressively worse.