Still have weird chest feeling on and... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Still have weird chest feeling on and off

Matt40 profile image
19 Replies

Hello all - please excuse the odd title but I don’t know how else to describe this. I think since my last post/question I may have got to the bottom of my weird chest feeling and wondered if anyone has had the same? So it’s now been 3 1/2 weeks since my 2nd ablation. I was told that I had a raised diaphragm on the right hand side following the ablation and was told at A and E that it looked like phrenic nerve damage hence breathlessness and possible pleurisy. Thanks to all who offered advice and personal experiences of the same issue it seems that I have to wait for the nerve to heal - bit of a waiting game.

Now since the 2nd ablation I have been getting these odd fizzing sensations in my chest every now and again especially sitting or lying down - it feels very similar to a rush of adrenaline and is really quite awful. It makes me panic terribly and Force’s my HR up fairly high- 130 bpm last night, no change in rhythm though thankfully - still in NSR. It literally makes me jump up and move around as it feels as though my heart will stop. I should point out that it’s not ectopics as I know how they feel and they were a doddle compared to this, I do not suffer from anything anxiety related. It’s literally a build up of a wave of something - I can feel it in my heart area build and build then it’s gone in a flash but it does feel adrenaline related. Sorry it’s not the best description as I can’t really explain it. I spoke to my GP - no idea. Arrhythmia Nurse - no idea, speak to EP. Spoke to EP - was told he has no idea what it could be. All very odd and worrying.

The ablation I had done recently was only lower pulmonary vein on the right hand side as there had been breakthrough AF in that area.

Has anyone had similar issues and if so what was the cause - at my wits end as it’s getting progressively worse.



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Matt40 profile image
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19 Replies
wilsond profile image

Sorry to hear all this. Could you ask for referral to a second opinion from another EP? It feels like you have been almost dismissed! Could it be your heart is trying to go onto AFib and is being stopped by the healing burns? Hopefully as the scars form this could stop? Have you been examined by anyone ? Best wishes ,how frustrating and worrying for you xx

Matt40 profile image
Matt40 in reply to wilsond

Does seem that way - they’ve been very helpful up to now - just because it’s a 1/1000 chance of some contact/damage doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Funnily enough I got a letter from the EP today after seeing him last week saying it was a ‘possibility’ having now looked at my chest X-ray and that the diaphragm/odd chest feeling could be to do with the phrenic nerve damage - hmmm no sure what to think now. Just see what happens - just very inpatient patient and I know with this mongrel of a condition you always have to expect the unexpected.

CDreamer profile image

It sounds very much like your vagal nerve reacting, it’s often a lot more sensitive after ablation or any other procedure that goes into the heart. Vagal will certainly induce anxiety & panic as it’s your body’s alarm system, I’ve had similar sensations. I called it an adrenaline rush - thrill seekers spend thousands trying to replicate that feeling & call it an adrenaline high!

Anxiety& excitement are the same - perceived differently.

I just note them as sensations now. Meditation helps, slow breathing, if you are able.

It takes months not weeks to recover from these procedures for many of us so the calmer you can be, the less the sensations, the calmer - the less the sensations - it’s a spiral.

Hope that makes some sense for you. CD

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to CDreamer

Can't 'double like' so 💜💜💜

Matt40 profile image
Matt40 in reply to CDreamer

Hi CD - great info as ever. Is yours like a very quick burst of adrenaline then gone? Makes me really jump. I know it’s early days and these things are to be expected but its been kind of dismissed s nothing but when you’re the one feeling it it’s awful

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Matt40

I agree, it is like a shock. It took me a while to work out what was happening. I posted about it in my early days 2013-14 - I find the post I’ll post the link.

Best wishes

Ppiman profile image

Many years ago, after some weird chest feelings and sounds, I was told that I have a hiatus hernia and an oddly shaped diaphragm that pressed up against the heart when air was in my stomach. It was a frightening time for me.

Recently I've had an ablation for atrial flutter and felt throughout that my diaphragm was involved as I have to breathe more deeply - well, various things, all disconcerting. This time, though, the cardio discounted the effect of the hernia and diaphragm. I was telling my wife last night, having had to go back to hospital with an attack of breakthrough AFib, that I'm sure my stomach is a part of the problem. I sympathise with you.

Matt40 profile image
Matt40 in reply to Ppiman

Thanks for the info and reply - I have an appointment privately for a CT scan to see what’s causing the raised diaphragm. Regards Matt40

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to Matt40

I think you’ll find it’s something you were born with, Matt - that seems to be my case. I gather it’s not all that unusual.

A CT scan will show most things so might get to the root cause. They do need to use a high dose of X rays, so doctors tend to reserve such scans for truly needed investigations. MRI scans don’t use ionising radiation so are, on that respect, better (but don’t always show up certain organs as well as CT).

Best of luck.

kitenski profile image

Atrial flutter can show as high HR but normal rhythm but I am not all medical so I’d seek professional advice if it is worrying you.

Matt40 profile image
Matt40 in reply to kitenski

Thanks for the advice kitenski - I will speak to the EP

I have not had an ablasion or cardioversion ever and I have the same feeling in my chest since I went into AF 8 weeks ago, i believe it's my medication causing it, i literally struggle to get a breath and my chest feels so odd and heavy all the time. Did they change your medication after the ablasion? I take flecainide, diltiazem, and eliquis..

Matt40 profile image
Matt40 in reply to ShimmeringLillyMae

Hi there - I was on flecanide, bisoprolol before my first ablation and the flex made me feel awful, so after the ablation EP put me on to just Atenolol still makes me feel rough but much better quality of life. Are you thinking of an ablation?

ShimmeringLillyMae profile image
ShimmeringLillyMae in reply to Matt40

Idk what to do, the medication I'm on is keeping me in NSR but I'm not functional. I just got home from the ER this morning and now have shingles 😖.. my BP was 180/95 & the ER dr. says the diltiazem is not controlling my BP, I've never felt worse in my life I truly dont know which is worse the afib or the medication

Matt40 profile image
Matt40 in reply to ShimmeringLillyMae

Hi ShimmerngLillyMae, I would make an appointment with your cardiologist and speak to him about alternatives. As I mentioned before I was on different meds to I am now. I’m not sure of all of the names of the meds in the US bit there are lots of different kinds that will control your BP and afib. Also remember your BP will be high at the ER as it’s a stressful environment and lots of people suffer from subconscious white coat hypertension which as soon as a Dr appears your BP shoots up. Look at getting a few days blood pressure monitor done is your in a situation to do so and see what your BP is like away from stressful situations.

Jonathan_C profile image

I didn't pick up what meds you are on. I went through a lot weird stuff when I came off flecainide - magnesium helped me.

Matt40 profile image
Matt40 in reply to Jonathan_C

Hi there Johnathan C - I take Atenolol 25mg and 2x5mg Apixaban a day. Beta blockers really don’t agree with me and I hope to be off them shortly. I haven't taken Flecanide since my first ablation in 2017. The Atenolol makes me very jittery l, tired and gives me a more noticeable heartbeat than when I don’t take it. I do a lot of travelling with my job and tend to be up early in the morning and I have a few hours of normality before the BB kicks in -I seem to get a run of ectopics every day at the same time, along with jitters, anxiety type feelings and dizziness/vertigo especially when looking down but I don’t get these when I haven’t taken the BB yet. Convinced it’s something to do with meds.

Matt40 profile image
Matt40 in reply to Jonathan_C

Hello there only on Atenolol (full time) and apixaban for the ablation

Hi Matt40 , everything you are explaining I have the same feelings, horrible feeling!! I haven't had an ablasion yet but I'm scheduled for one next week, I've been complaining for months and the breathlessness which I believe is from the flecanide but I've cut it down to 25 mg 2x a day and still have that feeling, some days less then others. I feel that whatever this feeling is came from a bad bout of afib but have you had these bad chest feelings since before or after the ablasion?

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