Successful Cardio version on weds NSR. Pulse rate around 57 bpm which was what it used to be pre AF. Bisoprolol reduced from 7.5mg to 5mg. However 5 days later pulse has lowered to under 50bpm. Will contact Arrythmia nurse tomorrow! I suppose it’s to be expected with still taking Bisoprolol!! thoughts please?
5th day old Cardio version - Atrial Fibrillati...
5th day old Cardio version

I've had numerous cardioversions and it sounds like contacting your AF nurse is the right thing to do. Lets hope she says you can reduce your Bisoprolol a little more.
While on bisraprol my HR was at 47bpm a lot of the times
Yes mine has reached those low numbers too but only when in NSR on Bisoprolol . We’re you in AF or nsr??
I feel fine too! Albeit slightly anxious but good to hear of your similar symptoms! How long have you been nsr?
I had cv on thursday. They told me to keep taking same meds as before - Diltiazam, Flec(50mg x 2 a day) & Digoxin 125. I was fine the day after but next day HR was below 40 bpm. Every time I moved thought I would pass out. Felt really poorly. Spoke to my cardio nurse & told to stop Flec but, take as pip, take Diltiazam at night & Digoxin as normal & to tweak the meds as necessary. It is not easy getting the meds right.
Hello, I’m new to this site. I started taking Bisoprorol 2.5 mg in July this year for AF. Side effects of increasingly debilitating aches and pains started 12 weeks later. Blood tests have not identified any cause of my symptoms. Three weeks ago, GP took me off the drug (I’m still taking Edaxoban anticoagulant) and my symptoms intensified! I have gone from an active flexible woman to a disabled woman over the course of just a few weeks! I feel the Bisoprorol has poisoned my system, And my body is struggling to remove it from my body. I also feel the cold more intensely, and I have night sweats. I won’t go back on this drug. Has anyone else experienced similar side effects/withdrawal symptoms? How long did they last? I’m feeling very low and concerned that I have permanent damage to my system. Advice please?
I have been on different Beta Blockers over the years and never had any adverse symptoms from them.
My HR dropped to 50 so I was switched to calcium channel blockers to increase the HR.
Two weeks ago my BP dropped to 97/65 and my pulse went back to 50. Stopped BP medication but not much difference. Will see my cardiologist on the 18th.
I had exactly the same problem. My HR went down into the 40’s (I was quite fit too) and they reduced my Bisoprolol to 1.25mg. This only had a small effect so they stopped it (Bisoprolol) altogether - more than 5 months ago) so now I am only on Ramipril 1.25 and all is good.
I contacted my Arrythmia nurse and no change on the bisoprolol dosage. Still advised to take 5mg despite low hr just under 50.bpm Guarded in case I slip back into AF again!!!
Hmmm. Well, we have to accept that they know best but my experience is that a very low HR is also problematic and uncomfortable. I am quite surprised at get have kept you on the same dosage.
I remember a problem I had was when I would sleep laid on my back with my hands clasped on my chest (no I don’t sleep in a coffin 😁) or an arm above my head on a pillow, I would wake up and my hands would be completely (and not comfortably) numb, sometimes right up to my elbow. So clearly my HR and BP we’re going even lower when asleep.
I hope yours gets back to normal. Good luck.