Having been referred to EP for possible 2nd ablation and not hearing anything (only 6 weeks since referral) regarding appointment I called outpatients, they said couldn’t say when appointment would be but we can add you to cancellation list! Said, yes please. 10 minutes later get a call offering an appointment tomorrow, couldn’t believe it. After trying Flecainide (as advised by Cardiologist to GP) and not feeling too good on it, nauseous, stomach pains and heart rate dropping to 35 bpm, taken off it and back to bisoprolol, let’s see what tomorrow brings! Lesson to all though, always ask to go on cancellation list!
EP Appointment tomorrow: Having been... - Atrial Fibrillati...
EP Appointment tomorrow

Proper job!
I am a great believer in cancellation lists and had a lot of success with them.Some hospital depts., do not have them but many do. It also works for the dentist as in specialist NHS dentist clinic for tricky extraction.
Sounds good. Are they ok with the fact that you won't have stopped your meds say 3 days before the ablation, which might make it harder to trigger the problem?
Bagrat, maybe but I was on a cancellation list for an ablation for a while. Maybe jobristol can confirm either way.
As Bagrat says, this is for a consultation but I will be asking to go on cancellation list for ablation should they decide ablation is way forward.
Good thinking. Hope it works for you and let us know how you get on.
Thanks. I initially decided that I didn't want an ablation but when I changed my mind and asked to go on the waiting list I was told it was about a 4 month wait. I got an appointment in 3 months but this was then postponed for 3 weeks so it was actually about 4 months in total (this was for Wythenshawe).
Good news,hope it goes well and treatment will not be along wait either. Jane
Good news there - hope all goes well today. Let us know the outcome?
Back from appointment, EP was excellent. Very easy to talk to and actually listened to me. Now on waiting list for ablation for AF, although could be 7 months! He’s put me as urgent and hopes it could be February but no promises also on cancellation list! He’s also arranging an echo. He wasn’t too happy that I’d been given Flecainide as I’ve previously had a pericardiectomy back in 2012 and it could have changed my heart structure so not a drug I should have been prescribed! Not surprised as my cardiologist is useless I shall be seeking a change there! Thank you all for your comments.
Glad you got on well as you say he is all i said and good to look at also ,it all helps .ha!ha!