I've just been given a cancellation for a second ablation tomorrow instead of June, very excited that this one will work, please keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer, I'm still very nervous about the proceedure.
2nd Ablation tomorrow: I've just been... - Atrial Fibrillati...
2nd Ablation tomorrow

Relax Fussyface and enjoy if that is the right word. Once you have had one you know the drill and you should be looking forward to it now. Good luck and I'm cheering for you.
Great news. We are so lucky that we have such skill and technology available to us. All the best!
Very best wishes for tomorrow. Please let us know how you get on - the post-ablation posts are an education to those of us facing the prospect of ablation and are much appreciated.
Hi Fussyface,keep a smiley face,it,ll be over before you know it, good luck for tomorrow.
Will be thinking of you tomorrow.x
Pleased to hear that you don't have to wait so long, will be thinking of you. Please let us know how you get on.
Thanks everyone, so lovely to know I have support from people who can empathise. Just having a last drink and some munchies before midnight, will let you know how things go.
Hi Fussyface wishing all good things for tomorrow, 6+ weeks after my 2nd I seem to be ok, early days yet but feeling better so hope the same for you.
Good luck x
I am so surprised how my mind really does click over to someone when I know they are going into the EP lab... so yes you will have great support tomorrow. Be well and keep us posted. All the best.
Yes good luck and hope that you stay in SR a long time.
Good luck hope you stay in sinus
Good luck for tomorrow- let us know how you get on please
Hi everyone, home again in one piece, feeling a bit groggy still, but been taking codeine for a bit of post op endocarditis, which settled after a few days last time.
Had a wonderful experience, if that's how you would describe a hospital stay for a cardiac procedure, we are so lucky in the NW to have the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital. Last time my care was excellent, this time it was unsurpassable, the staff from domestics through to my EP (who is fab) were patient, caring, friendly and professional throughout, I felt so safe and secure.
The downside, apparently both the left and right Atria are very sensitive and the AF is n't isolated to the PV's alone, so the Atria is starting to remodel.
I have to stay on Amioderone for at least 3 months in an attempt to stop the AF and reverse the process. If not successful, I've been assured he has other "tricks up his sleeve", there was a mention of Pace and Ablate, but we're not going there yet.
So trying to stay positive and am resting for now, do feel much better than last time, which was only December, did have TOE last time which really hurt my throat for about a week, so that makes a difference.
Glad you've had a 'wonderful experience'. I am awaiting ablation, I go for my pre-op 6th May. I will keep searching HealthUnlocked for positive experiences.
Will keep on looking for your post to get up-to-date news..