14 days ago I had an Ablation, 4 days later I developed indigestion, the nurse told me to take Prilosec for 14 days. I have taken for 10 day with little relief. What experience have you had with indigestion after Ablation and how long did it last?
Indigestion after Ablation - Atrial Fibrillati...
Indigestion after Ablation

As we expalin in our fact sheet this is common due to inflamation of the oesophagus. We are all different so no way to say how long but do try to avoid taking PPIs for any length of time.
I was given a gastric indigestion remedy, told to take it for a month... no problems after that.
I had terrible indigestion problems after my ablation. Lasted about a month or so, and apart from conventional indigestion medicine, I altered my eating habits for a while. Eating earlier, smaller meals at more frequent intervals, and more stomach friendly foods eg boiled eggs, milky puddings, and staying off spiced food, stodgy meals etc.
You can never be completely sure. I was convinced something had gone wrong, but it did quieten down. I was prescribed Lansaprozole but to be honest that seemed to disagree with me even more, so I just used a Gaviscon type remedy if I needed to. Another suggestion made to me was peppermint tea, but I couldn't get into it. Hopefully you will feel better soon
PPI gave me diarrhoea so I changed to Ranitidine. Try eating bananas and fresh pineapple, works for me.