Hello all, I had my ablation a week ago under general anaesthetic. As soon as I woke up I felt quite severe chest pain. Laying flat for 3 hours was agony and the pain increased. Was given morphine and a echo which was normal. Was discharged the same day even though I still had chest pain (described as 7/10) as they said they were satisfied that the pain wasnt cardiac. Over the last 6 days, the pain has subsided a little but still possibly 4/10. However, its difficult to sleep because the pain is worse lying down. I also have really bad indigestion (burping ALL the time) and the pain gets worse after eating. Gaviscon has no effect. I'm also taking Esomeprazole which I've taken for some time for IBS - this has been very well controlled for a long time.
The pain is central and is worse if I take a big breath in and out.
So, I'm thinking the pain is coming from my windpipe or oesophagus, or both.
So, my questions are:
Could either my windpipe/oesophagus be damaged/irritated by tubing or drugs/oxygen flow during the proceedure?
Or by the ablation proceedure itself?
My mouth and throat were both unbelievably dry for a good 24 hours after the proceedure and I wonder if my windpipe could be affected in the same way??
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks