It seems like I have a different symptom each day. Aura, palpitations, upset stomach, short Afib episodes, feeling tired, not hungry. I wonder what tomorrow will bring? I thought it would be easier after the Ablation. Have you had similar experiences?
Day 6 after Ablation : It seems like I... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Day 6 after Ablation

That is why we produced our fact sheet! Everybody including many doctors expect miracles but it takes TIME, REST and PATIENCE. It took years for you to develop AF and it won't go in five minutes five days or even five weeks. Rest and stay well hydrated .
Yes I did too felt awful for having it. Then started feeling better and at the 7 week mark it all went awol again now my heart keeps going in and out of junctional rhythm waiting for another ablation but I don’t feel as hopeful this time didn’t realise I could be worse off from having one. Wish I had known I would have just coped now I’m dealing with this every single day!! It is still early days try rest and maybe read a book or something to
Take your mind off what your heart is doing but I no how difficult that is.
Take care.
I just had afib ablation 12 days ago. I’m in the United States in Kentucky. I had the no appetite, headaches and blurred vision in 1 eye for about 4 or 5 days. I have not had 1 palpitation or any afib episodes since surgery. Of course I’ve only had afib twice in my life so this was a precautionary surgery to catch it before it got worse. As of right now I have mowed my grass, Im eating like crazy again, driving. The only problem I’m having is my heart rate is higher than it used to be. My resting heart rate was 55 now it’s closer to 70bpm. And I’m on a beta blocker “atenolol”.. if I could get my shortness of breath and heart rate under control I would be good as new. But I know it’s the beta blocker bringing me down, and the ablation has my heart jacked up is why my pulse is higher. But as long as it stays in rhythm I can’t complain. How many times have you had afib? Was is constant or paroxysmal?
My resting heart rate went up after both my ablations too. This does sometimes happen but mine did go down again to the mid 60s and gets better as I continue exercising and avoiding stress. It’s taken a couple of months so hang in there.
I can explain the no appetite/upset stomach feeling. When they do the ablation, the 'burns' come near the oesophagus and can lead to the feeling of acid reflux. My doc gave me meds for it and it took this as an opportunity to greatly cut back on my consumption and loose a little weight. It certainly does takes time to heal, so be kind to yourself in the interim. I had to have a second ablation to address the 'residual' issues and, so far (6 months out) I'm symptom free.
My ablation was 6 days ago. What meds do you take for the esophagus? My pain under my right breast started 2nd day after ablation while drinking room temperature water... excruciating pain with each sip. Finally called dr. Office and he said the same thing as you mentioned about the burns being close & can cause inflammation. He prescribed Omeprazole 40 mg once a day and Maalox.
I’m a little concerned with the side effects listed after getting my prescription filled since I still take Metoprolol, Sotalol, & Eliquis.
Pretty much but not for long, things should improve in a few weeks.
yes, all sorts of weirdness for up to 3 months, then magically almost spot on 3 months I've seen nothing but NSR!
Yes, I had them all but as BobD says, it tells you in the fact sheet what to expect. You are in the very early stages after ablation, after the second week all my side effects settled down and I only had one episode of AF in week three, brought on by my own stupidity as I tried lifting a heavy object. I have had runs of ectopic beats along the way and palpatations after certain trigger foods but now, 1 year and 3 months on, I have no symptoms, touch wood. You must be patient, you must take it easy, and give it time.
It does settle down, you realise that you haven’t had any problems for a while and then adjust to the new normal. I’ve had two ablations in the last three years, so know what you are going through. It does get better!