Day 6 post ablation.: Good morning all... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Day 6 post ablation.

Stinky1953 profile image
16 Replies

Good morning all. Just a bit of advice please. Had my ablation last Fri and was feeling quite well till 4am yesterday when AF started. I've now been in AF for 29 hours. How long do I leave it before contacting someone or going to A&E? The only medication I have is Bisopralol which I tend not to take because I find its useless.

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Stinky1953 profile image
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16 Replies
Trilby8 profile image

I would ring your AF specialist nurse at the unit you had it done - they should be able to advise and or reassure you accordingly - don't struggle on without help. Cathy

Stinky1953 profile image
Stinky1953 in reply to Trilby8

Thank you Cathy. I'll do that.

Mazza23 profile image

Are you not anti coagulated bisoprolol lowers your hr if you don't take it how can it work I would go to emergency hope you feel better soon

Stinky1953 profile image
Stinky1953 in reply to Mazza23

Yes I am anti coagulated. Edoxaban 60mg once a day. Bisoprolol lowers my heart rate when in AF by a max of 10%. Then when I go into SR lowers it to low 40's. It does nothing to halt the AF so for me is its useless. I went back in to SR at about 2pm yesterday. I had called and left a message for arrhythmia nurse to call me back. She never did.

Mazza23 profile image
Mazza23 in reply to Mazza23

Bisoprolol is not a anti antiarythmics it's only to lower your hr I take 10 mg my resting NSR is in the 40s I can't take antiarythmics as I have lqts hope you can get some meds that suit you

Deeferdi profile image

I'm surprised you're not on anticoagulants after your ablation, I thought that was standard procedure?

Stinky1953 profile image
Stinky1953 in reply to Deeferdi

Sorry I am anti coagulated, 60mg Edoxaban daily.

Nickr282 profile image

i had an ablation 19 days ago at Harefield and have been in AF for past 9 days. My EP tells me it's quite common for this to happen so don't worry too much.

It can take up to 3 months for the Heart to scar over / heal and for the AF to subside / stop.

Like yourself I am only taking Bisoprolol.

I have also been feeling unwell and my first week back at work - this week - has been exhausting.

Anyway I am waiting for a DC Cardioversion hopefully in the next week or so that should help.

Good luck.

Stinky1953 profile image
Stinky1953 in reply to Nickr282

Thanks for getting back. I did go back to SR about 2pm yesterday. I guess I just need to be patient.

Stinky1953 profile image
Stinky1953 in reply to Nickr282

9 days AF. Poor you. I hope it resolves soon. I'm unable to work or doing anything much when in AF as any sort of exertion, even climbing a flight of stairs, will send my heart rate up over 200.

Nickr282 profile image
Nickr282 in reply to Stinky1953

Its a terrible condition but much ike anything you get used to living with it in the end.

What I find most frustrating is my inability to do things I used to take for granted, that hit me very hard.

Anyway I was talking to a lady the other day who was in AF 1 hour after ablation which continued for 26 days after which she never had an episode again!

It's still early days so if it doesn't flip back by itself soon then it's out with the paddles as it's too exhausting for me to get through a week of work.

We are both very early into recovery and there will be a few twists and turns and wobbles all of which is perfectly normal for the first three to six months of recovery and healing.

Best of luck.

Stinky1953 profile image
Stinky1953 in reply to Nickr282

Yes you're right I just need to be more patient. I just have no recollection of any AF after my first ablation, which was 5 years ago.

This morning I feel great. Went back to SR early yesterday afternoon and now HR is it's normal 50 with the odd ectopic. But as you say it's early days and I'm sure more twists and turns ahead.

Best of luck to you too.


Nickr282 profile image
Nickr282 in reply to Stinky1953

Patience seems to be the key.

All sounds promising for you and glad SR and HR have normalised - fantastic!

Stay positive. Nick

Stinky1953 profile image
Stinky1953 in reply to Nickr282

Nick I hope by now you are not still in AF.

After my last post I went back into sinus rhythm for about 24 hours then started what I thought was AF again and have been running a HR of between 80 and 110 since. on the advice of my arrhythmia nurse I went to A&E on Sunday who advised taking by PIP bisoprolol once a day. I then got to see the cardiology team on Tuesday and had a good ECG to show them. They informed me I was not in AF but was having tachycardia and prescribed Amiodarone 200mg once a day which I haven't started and really don't intend to. Saw GP today who has emailed my cardiologist just to clarify the situation - not sure there cardiologist is aware I'm taking the bisoprolol. I was also prescribed Omeprazole post procedure to stop any reflux and I now read this can cause a fast or irregular heart so its just possible the ablation has been quite successful.

Hope you are well.


Nickr282 profile image
Nickr282 in reply to Stinky1953

Hi Tim,

Good to hear from you.

Still early days in your recovery so try not to worry too much.

I read it can take between 3 and 6 months for the heart to scar over and AF to stop. Expect chaos up until then!!

Everything you are describing seems to be quite common.

I didn't get on with the Amiodarone - it made me quite ill and I couldn't get out of bed!!

The Bisoprolol just sends me to sleep - usually when I don't want to sleep i.e. During the day lol.

In respect of myself I am still in AF, 15 days now. HR varies between 80 and 100. Don't feel too bad. Have read about people who were in AF for many weeks post ablation then it suddenly stopped.

It's been a struggle with work but I'm just about managing. Going back to Harefield in a couple of weeks for DC Cardioversion. Hoping it won't come to that and heart will just flip back.

Nothing is predictable with this condition.

Look after yourself. Nick

Nickr282 profile image

First r the record I do also take anticoagulants.

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