I had my ablation in November 18 and had early recurrence 12 days later for 8 hours. Then nothin until 3/27. I had a two hour episode stopped because of Flecanide. Does this mean my ablation failed? I think it does right? I need another.
I had my ablation in November 18 and had early recurrence 12 days later for 8 hours. Then nothin until 3/27. I had a two hour episode stopped because of Flecanide. Does this mean my ablation failed? I think it does right? I need another.
Can you ring your arrythmia team. Presume you've been discharged if it was 6months ago.
Lots of people on here have had more than one ablation so I'm sure you'll get advice. I had my first 7weeks ago so don't know what the deal is re having a second one.
Although if it was March 27th that you had your second AF that was 7weeks ago so it may still be settling.
Good luck
6 months is just about outside the window for "post op recovery" and scarring time for your heart to heal, but what I will say is everyone is different and you may have taken longer for the heart to recover than others, depending on the work done.
I have had 5 ablations, 3 for AF and 2 for flutter, in each case I have had repeat flutters/episodes within this 6 month period that have required more ablations.
This is not to say that you are in the same boat, I have been told a couple of times I am a complex case.
It is quite likely you are "just settling"- I had 5th ablation 23rd Jan, 5/6 weeks later I had a fluttery/Af episode of a much lower symptomatic presentation than any of my others in the last 5 years. It resolved at just over 30 hours after stopping Flecanide (believed to make my flutter worse) and I have been fine since. This is despite my EP saying there was an area causing flutter he couldn't isolate after I'd already been in the lab 5+ hours, had left and right side work done, a cardioversion, a difficult penetration through the septum, my body just kept flipping me back into NSR too fast for them to burn the problematic bit off.
With that in mind, I may need to go back, but currently reducing my bisoprolol slowly and building up to work gradually in the hopes the "minor" episode in early March is how its going to be from now on and I can potentially survive and function at that level.
March was only 4 months post ablation. Any more since then??
I was having odd episodes 5 months post ablation and then all calmed down. That was almost 6 years ago and I am AF free so far. So don’t give up hope yet.
I realized it was on 4 months after my ablation. Does that help?
I had a similar experience - a few brief episodes after ablation - and my EP said it was likely "settling" period after the procedure. Currently not having any issues and off all meds except anticoagulent.
Good luck!
12 days after I was in it for 8 hours and then 3/27 for two because Flecanide brought me out. You think there is a shot it may have still worked? I just got denied for a second ablation as not medically necessary which here is the states means we don’t want to pay for it even though you pay us 1000 dollars a month for Insurnace
Any triggers noted for these? One of mine was clearly alcohol, the other two might have been Aspartame...?
Also, is there anything else you can do lifestyle-wise to lower the odds of future issues? Besides not touching liquor, only an occasional beer these days, I've dropped over 30 lbs and am walking almost daily about 45 minutes.
Best of good health to you.
Massive anxiety is my common trigger. My other is dehydration. I drink tons of water, quit smoking a year ago, have lost weight, although I’m not overweight for my height, and I don’t ever drink. I have cut out everything in my life I enjoy except coffee. Anxiety seems to set me off. The episodes come during anxiety, like I’d been stressing my insurnace company wouldn’t cover my second ablation and they denied it and is e t right I to a fib.