Just a quick update after the op exactly a week ago today . After initial soreness and a couple of days tiredness wore off I've actually seemed to recover quite quickly with plenty of rest as advised .
Energy levels have improved enormously as sleep has, and my pulse now seems a lot lower as well as steady at 60-65, whereas pre op it was always 85-90 most of the time and erratic . The bruising is starting to fade on my leg / groin area , I did have some pain from the entry point which also must have pinged a nerve as it's been causing a little discomfort in my thigh, leg and back of knee area in that leg, but nothing more than paracetamol and a few days moaning couldn't fix .
Had a few little murmurs and "flappy bird" feelings" in the chest is all I can explain It as, if it's afib then it's nothing like I've had and easily bearable, nothing like the runs of fast tach and pain I used to get, and if it's part of the recovery process I was told to expect post op then all good .
Bruising has started to fade already and I had a very short slow walk this morning after a short drive and feel OK. Still resting with the remote but not good at sitting still and bored now, ocd kicking in, but still heeding good advice and not overdoing it as it seems all good so far.
Had some mild headaches etc but again nothing that I would consider unbearable.
Will keep checking in and hopefully it's just onward and up, feeling really positive and happy, especially when I check my pulse and it reads instantly , when it used to do a few no reads then show erratic beats, it's now like a Swiss watch, well just about if a little battered and bruised timepiece .
Thanks for all the lovely messages of support, and if your thinking of ablation and worried about the op or the aftermath then in my experience so far don't be, it helps if your stubborn, and I've got plenty of that am told to get me through , will keep updating but so far so good, off to catch up on the West Wing, missed it first time around, its quite an easy watch .