Hi, I had my ablation done a week ago today. I thought i would let those due or thinking of an ablation know my experience. So, a week on and my heart is still missing beats ( although not as much as pre ablation) and was a bit more erratic last night, for no apparent reason. This is odd as you almost expect to have the ablation and have an instant calm heart, but as ive been told here, this is not the casei. Today i feel totally exhausted with very little energy, although i have done nothing all week. I know everyone is different, but as Bob has said many times on here, a week of doing nothing is vital and i also agree that a second week of doing as little as possible is a good idea- i really do not have the energy to do much! My groin wound is tiny and healing and there is bruising around the top of my thigh. Thank you to anyone who has messaged me but for some reason i cant respond to private messages, so Jomama, good to hear from you and thank you for good wishes. I totally understand your nerves, i was extremely scared, but i can honestly say that i feel better than i expected....but resting is key. x
Ablation a week on....: Hi, I had my... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ablation a week on....

So glad to hear that you are doing well, with the exception of the blips and tiredness, which is to be expected. I'm only taking a week off of work, and hoping I am not pushing myself too hard. I guess if I need more time I will just take it! Health is more important and I can work a bit from home. Has your reflux been resolved?
Hi Rosie,
Pleased that everything is coming on nicely. Well Done!
Best Wishes
I believe fibrillation can be caused by the operation, and does not stop until it has healed, which can take a couple of months. Still waiting for my date. ☹
Best of luck with your recovery. Get some books or DVDs in
Hi rosie321 , thanks for the update and glad to hear you're doing well. It's always interesting to hear how people get on after an ablation, especially for those who are working up to it. Best of luck with your recovery, onwards and upwards, in your own time.
Hi, Yes, I wrote it as i found it really helpful reading on this forum, about everyone's experience of ablation, it helped me with my decision. Are you deciding whether or not to have one?
It's early days for me. I've only recently been diagnosed and it still needs further investigation. I'm 37 so a life time of drugs doesn't appeal and I'm hoping to have an ablation at some point to at least give me a few years without AF, fingers crossed.
Hi Pikaia, I was diasgnosed last June and although not as young as you, I am 52, was also not keen to have a life on drugs. Good luck with your further investigation. It is helpful in your decision to ask loads of questions, i went back to my EP with a list of questions twice! I also got some really good advice and reassurance from this forum.
I had an ablation on 20 January (must be close to yours). I have been on tambocor and others and in rhythm since August, but went back into a-fib on about the 23rd. I was cardioverted yesterday.
I feel fine, but I am usually hyperactive (not in a disorder sort of way, just like to be active) and at the moment i don't have the urge to do much, which is good!
My EP was surprised that i went into A-fib so early (and only cardioverted me because I went in so early) and said if it happens again he will only cardiovert me at 2 months after the op as that is the earliest the scar tissue would form.
A doctor told me that you have to wait like 30 days before you see the change. ? You have afib
Yes, it is early days. I have my fingers crossed that it has worked, but as you say i will not know for a few months.
Hi Rosie, good to hear how you are getting on. I had my ablation 2 weeks before you and had the same EP who I found was really good. I have found this forum very helpful. I too spent a sleepless night with a high resting pulse and nobody could tell me why or if it was ok. I rested for the first 2 weeks but have found it difficult to sleep. My resting pulse is still quite high despite my GP putting me back on a low dose of sotalol, But I am in nsr! Getting ectopics at times tho. I am still quite light headed too. So reassuring to know from this forum that these symptoms are quite common.
As you said previously it would be really helpful to get a leaflet telling you what to expect. I found the arrthythmia nurse helpful but she hasn't rung back twice. I think they are short staffed as the previous person I spoke to has left.
I hope you continue to improve,
Best wishes
Thank you for your good wishes Paige, I hope that you continue to improve and rest when you need to. I am on day 8 of resting and still have very little energy. I have tomorrow to rest and then i need to get back to seeing clients on Friday....which i hope that i manage! I will rest again all weekend.
Thank goodness for this forum for reassurance.
Best wishes to you too
Hope the ablation works. The wound on groin will disappear in about a month. I had an ablation 6 months ago still had a few flutters. Unfortunately last weekend had to call ambulance twice as my heart rate reached 190 had to be shocked for heart to return to normal. Apparently will have to now have an ablation repair. I was warned that ablations do not always work first time. So it's now a waiting game to see cardio consultant which is 2 months away. So hopefully do not have any more visits to resuscitation.
Thank you, i really hope my ablation will work, it's too early to say. That is disappointing that after 6 months you needed to call an ambulance and will now need an ablation repair. Had you seen your EP 3 months after your ablation and it had been deemed a success? Did anything happen at 6 months to cause your heart rate to soar?
Saw the cardio dr 4 months after my ablation complained of palpitations which lasted 5 minutes heart monitor was arranged, unfortunately y it took 2 months to arrange hence 2 weeks later AF started. I was utterly devastated. So now got to wait another 2 months before I see cardio dr again. If I'm offered a repair I will definitely have it done.
Hope all goes well after your op but if you have flutters don't worry. I had a few after my operation also it took me a month before the tiredness went.
Thank you, i expected that my heart would not settle down for a while. i did not expect to feel this tired but i will need to get back to some work this Friday and next week.
I imagine that you must have been devastated when your AF started again, it must be really frustrating. I was told that i had an 80% chance of success the first time, so i am trying to stay positive. I hope that you are able to sort your AF out quicker than 2 months
Rest is so important, I was very tired and weak for 2 month's before began to see improvment. Also heart would beat steady but, much faster then when in normal sr before ablation. Before would be 54bpm after 95-100
Yes, every day i think today i will pop out in the car to the local shops and then i have no energy to do it! At the moment i feel like i could rest for weeks, but on Friday i have to get on the train and see clients in London. I will take it slowly and then rest again at the weekend. Yes, i can understand that it took you 2 months not to feel weak and tired!
Hello Rosie glad to here that your on the mend, as you said we are all different in the healing process , My ablation was about 3 years ago and after my treatment my heart rate was sky high , missed beats the works but i carried on exercising everyday and all is now well.
completely off all medication and enjoying my walks again in snowdonia .
Take care.
Hi, that is so good to hear that you are off of all medication and enjoying walks again. At the moment i have no energy, but fingers crossed i will also be off medication and start exercising again soon.
Hi, great news. Does that include blood thinners. My specialist told me I can never go off them them.
At the moment i am on bisoprolol and rivaroxaban. I see my EP in 3 months and by then, will know if the ablation has worked. Assuming it has then i should be ok to stop bisoprolol. I started Rivaroxaban in December in preparation for my ablation and i have to be on it until i see my EP in 3 months. As i am only 52 and my chad score is low I will not need blood thinners after seeing my EP.
Hello RexH, yes that's including blood thinners, I continued to take warfarin for about 12 months after the ablation but was told that i could nock that on the head , happy days.
Hello Rosie, forgot to mention that i still get the odd ectopic heartbeats now an again , But i just accept them and get on with it , Could be worse...
Is there any way you can stay off work for another week or so, I think it's a bit too soon to return especially as you say you feel very tired at the moment. Train journey to London and meetings sounds exhausting.
I know, realistically i think i should have cancelled my clients for another week, but its not great to cancel their counselling for 2 weeks, especially as its so near to Friday. At least once i get there i can just sit. I expect to feel exhausted at the end of the day and then rest all weekend.