Hello I have SVT is there any vitamins I can take to control it. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks
SVT : Hello I have SVT is there any... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I don't think vitamins help except in that a healthy diet is good or any heart condition. Take medical advice as to what might help to stop it once it starts and get as healthy as possible!
A lot of people on this forum have been helped by taking magnesium taurate or citrate tablets. If you type magnesium in the search box top right of this page, or click on the magnifying glass, depending on what type of device you're using, it should throw up all the posts relating to it.
Thanks Jean i’m going to try the magnesium the only problem here I can only get it in powder thanks for all your information
I have a spray on one, which I much prefer to the tablets. You can also by magnesium flakes to put in your bathwater.
hi Accott
Everybody on here is looking for the great magic pill in the sky. If you can find one there will be an almighty scramble to get on board. It is probably out there somewhere, the drug companies spend very large amounts of cash trying to find it.
In the meantime there a strong school of thought that a carefully balanced diet (see carneuny and others on this site), body weight control (inside your BMI and/or waist size half your height), avoidance of sugar and alcohol, regular moderate exercise proportional to your age, and stress management will all help to improve your condition. You will also find that Doctors look upon you a lot more favourably if it comes to any medical procedures.
So have a good search on this site, there is a search box top left, hopefully you will find more information to consider?