I had cardiac ablation March 2018. Two week heart monitor showed some Svt’s and some Afib. On medication and blood thinner. What heart medicine do you take to control Svt’s? I have had multaq, tioksen, amiodarone, flecainide. I now am on metropolol, fosinopril, and eliquis. I have read on this site where people are on bisoroil and soidoil? My cardiologist is taking the conservative approach. Says the Eliquis is the best defense. Can anyone let me know what you are on for svt’s Thank you.
Svt’s and Afib: I had cardiac ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Svt’s and Afib

- Anticoagulants
- Atrial fibrillation
- Flecainide
- Gout
- Amiodarone
- Cardiac ablation
- Cardiovascular disease
- Eliquis
- Multaq
- Fosinopril
Hi Rebma, I have SVT and on 5mg Biaoporlol once a day to control the HR. Been on it for 9 years. Started with 2.5mg and increased to 5mg 2 years ago. So far it has been quite effective with no adverse side effects. I have stopped taking Pradaxa and as I have AFib am on 100mg x 2 Flecinaide as well. Used to be on Multaq as well for AF but that has stopped about a year ago. Now on Flecinade.
Hi Rebma svts are improper electric impulses to the upper chambers you really need the advice of an Electrophysiologist they are the ones who deal with electric activity in the heart. Remember Dr Radaslovich is a wonderful EP sure bet he would steer you right. Getting my second cataract done on the 26th. Still in steady sinus rhythm thank God for Dr Rad
I know. Just so sick of doctors. Ep didn’t say that to me but my cardiologists told me that yesterday. I was bummed!!! Wanted to hear all was good. But I still feel the fast beats. Today is my 6 month anniversary for having the ablation. Don’t know if I am up for another!!! He told me to stay on meds including blood thinner. I will seek Dr Rad opinion. Also got Dr Videk Reddy of Mt. Sinai in nyc. Just wish it would all go away. My voice. BOx got injured the last hospital stay. Now have to go back to ent. I am an old car falling apart!! Glad your eye surgery will be over soon. You have had enough medical issues. By the way my first name is Margaret. We have to meet.
Margaret a great name my Mom was Peggy. I got stuck with Lois so if you talk to Dr Rad just tell him Lois sent you. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this crap. Believe me when I say in a few months you will look back and say thank God I’m feeling better. Did you have a conversion? My Sinai Dr mention a pacemaker to keep heart steady. Will keep in touch. Prayers coming your way my dear Margaret
I had a cardio conversion the day after ablation in March cause my heart was still in afib. It still was in afib and converted on its own and and home with amiodarone for the month. I read also congestive heart failure in report. No one mentioned that either. Going to call both ep and cardiologist and asked to give me the whole report. One hand doesn’t know what the other is doing. Hope u have a enjoyable weekend and get to visit with your grandchildren. Fall is here! Where did the summer go to?
Holy God you’re getting smacked with what happened to me 2yrs ago. My ❤️ failure leaking valves repaired themselves according to my last echo my cardiologist said since AFIB is corrected everything else fell into place. Please God I don’t flip. Prayers are with you Margaret my friend
Thank you. I believe God is playing a role in all of our wellness. Lois let’s mke 2019 is our year to howl!!! Keep u posted and you keep me up to date on your condition.
Well Margaret ready for a howl along with a few hot toddies now that the weather cooling down. Will be in touch after cataract surgery Wed. Gotta meet before the snow. Be well think positive thoughts
How did the surgery go? Are your eyes okay? I am sure that is on the horizon for me. Have to laugh or we will cry. My neighbor left this evening for a river cruise trip through Europe she was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer last year and she is doing good. Unfortunately,her test results say otherwise. Got to stay positive.
Hi Margaret surgery went. Check with your husband and see if the Suburban Diner on Route 17 Paramus would be good for you. If that’s a good possibility I will send you dates to see if you guys are available. Be well , feel good
Hi. Yes that is good for us. Haven’t been to Paramus in years. Will be a fun time. Please send some dates that work for you. Had the flu shot and my heart rate went up a bit. Just heard the flu shot can aggravate afib. I think everything aggregates afib.
Happy November. Where has time gone? How are you feeling? I had 4 bouts of afib last month. Yesterday was 8 hours. My cardiologist suggests I see an ep in city. I have an appointment with an ep we found at Mt Sinai. This afib is a beast. I just retired as of Jan 1. Are you getting ready for holidays? Too quick
Hi 👋 Margaret sorry about your numerous attacks I truly know how you feel my AFIB was steady for four months non stop. Hope this EP does you some good. Had both eyes done going for a nerve block in back today. Congratulations on your retirement. Was hoping we could get together before the holidays but one thing after another Jack having some problems also. Will be praying this EP can help
Haven’t given up on Dr Rad. I think they want to do another ablation. We shall see. Getting opinions. Stay well.
Did you have any cardio conversions? If not I wonder why they never have tried that before going right to ablation.
I had ablation in March came out in afib. Next day they cardioverted me and was still in afib. Next day converted on my own but put me on a month of very high dose of amorodione Was doing pretty good and now some daily svt’s and last three weeks 4 episodes afib. Would welcome a cardioversion. Just on Eliquis and metropolol. Wish someone could invent a safe magical pill.
My first conversion didn’t work a regular cardiologist did it. Second Dr Radaslovich gave me high dose amiodarone high dose along with high dose magnesium I was also on metropolo he said when I convert you your 💜 will jump at the chance to go into steady sinus rhythm. His encouragement plus my wanting it worked. 19 months later here I am steady sinus rhythm. Thank God and Dr Rad
Thank God and Dr Rad is right. I can’t wait for that day. So many people with afib. Just voted and the heavens have opened here yesterday and today. So much rain. Waiting on call from cardiologist. From last week. He is no fireball.
Merry Christmas and Happy & Healthy 2019! Hope you get everything on your Christmas list. Scheduled for another ablation in April. I hope this one goes smoothly. How are you feeling? Husband’s birthday is Christmas Eve. Always fun.
Have a blessed Christmas and healthy new year. Doing ok last cystoscope came back cancer free. I guess we can try to get together when weather gets better. Hope your hubby has a wonderful 🎂. Still in steady sinus rhythm, wish you were too. Maybe a God will be good to you in 2019 let’s hope so. Think 🤔 positive thoughts
Dr Rad did your second ablation? Also, what meds.are you on now? I asked about mag and EP said he have to see my blood test. They didn’t test for that Oh well. So happy you are cancer free. You certainly had your share . Yes we have our faith. We need God to get us through. You enjoy and 2019 we will meet.
Dr. Radaslovich never had to do ablation. My first conversion was done by another Dr. lasted 1 wk. went to Dr R he said how were you prepared I said I wasn’t so on Magnesium and Amiodarone for 3 weeks then he converted me and bingo. Still on magnesium and only metropolo no other heart meds. Only anti cancer meds and vitamins CQ10; D, and B-12 injection once a monthAlso take tumeric for joints. Always a 81 aspirin no thinners anymore hated xarelto he took me off when I went into steady rhythm. Love that man he gave me back my sanity