Hi, I'd like anyone's input please. Anyone's had experience with tooth extractions? Did you bleed alot? Did you need to stop meds before and after? Thanks for any replies, severe dental phobia π
Multiple extractions: Hi, I'd like... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Multiple extractions

Is this in respect of you being on an anticoagulant?
In my experience there is no problem but it depends on which tooth as some are significantly larger than others.
Dentists are used to people who are worried. The treatment is always better than coping with tooth ache.
I too have embarrassing dentist phobia , I had to stop my anti coagulant Xarelto 2 days before a tooth extraction and, I hardly bled.
I had one tooth out and i did bleed for 12 hours afterwards. I had to bite on a bung most of that time. I followed the NICE guidelines re omitting my anticoagulant for 24hrs before and 6 hrs after.
had a molar removed when taking Rivaoxaban , some bleeding as expected with any extraction but I wouldn't say it was any worse .
Make sure your dentist uses a non Adrenalin anesthetic

Thankyou π did you stop your medication before you had it done?
I have to say that I bled more with an extraction before I was on warfarin than in recent times since I have been on it. Hardly any bleeding. Must be improved procedures. Try not to worry...dentistry is so much more bearable these days.

Thankyou π did you stop your medication before you had it done?
No...i just had to ensure that my INR was under 3.
If it reassures you, try and get an INR test a few days before your appt......I was told that as long as its under 3, you will be fine.
My dentist decided on the spot, to take out a small tooth that had been troublesome. I almost went into shock as no time to think about it.....joking! The extraction was a piece of cake ("was that it??") but unfortunately i hadn't had a recent INR test......and later in the pm, the socket wouldn't stop bleeding! I went back and he stitched it for me.......no more problems!
The next day I went for my usual INR appt and the result was 3.6!! So hardly surprising!!
I had a molar collapse ie most of the tooth above the gum went AWOL. The tooth had had root canals, so the roots were dead. When this happens the root tips bond to the jaw. The tooth surgeon (like a hospital dentist) said he would operate using non-adrenaline injections, in outpatients, if the INR was less than 4. He respected my fear about gagging and kept the numbing well away from the throat. His well trained assistant kept the water spray well sucked up. It took him 40 minutes of hot sweat-- I never knew how tough a tooth ivory could be. He began by slitting the gum on the cheek side, not the tongue side so that later I would not rub it with my tongue. At the end he used special dressings. The three holes did not bleed.
But. Anti bleeding dressings interfered with the normal healing process. They prevented a good sized clot forming which usually plugs the hole/holes. This clot protects the bone. Exposed bone hurts. For me it caused neck and scalp cramps. I cannot take most pain killers. In the end I worked like crazy during the daytime so as to distract me, and slept from exhaustion. What helped me most was knowledge. I find pain diminishes when I know: 1/ it is normal, 2/ it does NOT mean there is something wrong 3/ it will pass.
To keep things free of infection afterwards, several specialists have told me to use a soft toothbrush even on the wound every time after eating. I must not be afraid of bleeding. In this case bleeding is a natural cleansing action of the body.
A peridontologist (consultant gums doctor) told me to avoid mouthwashes since they kill the good cells as well as the bad cells and they slow down the healing. He said to use oral strength hydrogen peroxide. It is especially good because it froths and attacks food particles.
It took a month before the pain went. A year for reasonable gumslot cover. Since then, by diligent care the slot has filled in and the gums have regrown and I can bite on it.