Well it all started with a chest infection - went to Drs as it wasn't getting any better and was given and Ventolin inhaler and told to use as needed. Dr did ask if I had had one before to which I replied yes as I had - about 10 years ago (this was before I was on betablocker).
On the saturday I couldn't stop coughing so went to out of hours GP and got sent to A&E for a nebuliser as my oxygen levels were very low. Got admitted by A&E. Was given nebulisers and oxygen over the weekend and kept in.
At some point on the Monday I went into bronchial spasyms - as a result I was put in an induced coma for 9 days and was bought out of this with a tracheostomy. I ended up spending nearly 4 weeks in hospital and have been home 2 weeks now. Thankfully recovering very quickly as I was reasonably healthy (apart from AF) and active before this.
While I was in hospital the Consultants mentioned that there was an issue with betablockers and salbutamol inhalers causing problems with heart rates and I have since googled this and it does appear to be an absolute no-no. It does say on the leaflet that comes with the inhaler that it shouldn't be taken by people with betablockers - but as I had been given this by the GP I thought it was ok.
Just wanted to warn others as I wouldn't want someone else and their families to go through the same thing.
I will add that the care I received in ITU and HDU was absolutely amazing.
Apologies for any spelling or grammar issues - sight, concentration and co-ordination still not quite there yet!