What does unclassified reading mean please?
Alivecor reading: What does... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Alivecor reading
Both of those look like you are having ventricular ectopics and the underlying rhythm is unclear even though a rate has been documented. The baseline is fluctuating and qrs complexes unclear which usually is due to a poor quality recording.
Can you try again and post again?
The AliveCor website just says it means not af not normal, not unreadable, but many possible causes
Only a very minor point, on my one I use my left hand fingers on the pad with the battery behind it then the spikes go in the right direction.......as far as I know, it means it has detected an irregularity which is not necessarily AF.
I usually get an unclassified reading when I have more than a few ectopics in the reading. It looks like the trace is upside down - it can be inverted at the bottom of the screen. The ectopics are usually easy to spot in the trace as the distance between beats is occasionally irregular.
If you do post another trace, a larger sample would make it easier to decipher.
Make sure your fingers are wet for a correct reading. Unclassified also means not AF.
The quality is poor. Likely the unclassified beat is a Premature Supraventricular Complex (PAC).
think Goldfish is best to follow on this- I have unclassified on mine at times but it's because rate is below 60- not applicable to you I know but just is anything they can't detect clearly Have been in NSR ( as can see P wave) when this happens but just rate is too low.
Hi DukesMam,
I am of the opinion it is ectopics. To confirm it, pay £5 for a comprehensive report from a UK cardiologist. l had a similar trace a couple of months ago which read unclassified.
Thank you all for your replies. I'm feeling a bit better tonight. Did my blood pressure just after that reading and that was a bit high. I'll do another reading later on Alivecor and B.P. I didn't know you had to wet your fingers to take the reading. Thanks for that advice.