What is best time of day to take bisoprolol 2.5 as taking in morning makes me feel tired and slightly dizzy ?
Best time: What is best time of day to... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Best time

There is probably no best time but many find less problems taking it at night. I've have never been on it thankfully. just reporting others views.
I started taking my 2.5 dose in the evening as my AF can start while I am sleeping and it wakes me up. No problems doing it this way.
I've tried both ways and tired and dizzy both!
I take 5mg daily in the morning and have done for years, a short while later I usually go walking. My PAF gives me a high HR when I have episodes so I feel the drug is important to me so I work with it. I think it takes time to adjust to. and people react differently.
I take Bisoprolol in the mornings as my arrhythmias have always started during waking hours. Incidentally, I tried taking it at night when I was on 2.5mg and found I was just as wiped out!
I take mine at night, I feel slightly less wiped out during the day, and there is a lovely period of a couple of hours before I take the next dose where I feel almost normal.

I take mine at night otherwise I feel dragged down by it, mainly I think because my blood pressure and heart rate take a dive about 30 mins after taking Bisoprolol, and for a couple of hours after.
I take mine at night after dinner I sleep soundly and feel no affects whatsoever the next day but Bisoporol can affect people in so many different ways it's a case of finding what works for you...
I take 10 mg split into two doses 5mg morning and 5mg afternoon. I was taking the whole lot in the morning but due to my heart rate dropping too low too fast my cardiologist split the dosage x
I can't remember whether it was one of the doctors or the pharmacist who told be about Bisoprolol in the very early days of my AF journey. I have learnt additional things since.
In essence there are three components in the design of Bisoprolol. Firstly it is designed to be taken in the morning. Secondly there is a short term component and a long term or ongoing one. The short term is a 12 to 15 hour boost which corresponds to the waking hours. Thirdly there is the long term one covers which benefits people 24/7.
It is because of the longer term component that I was told they don't normally step Bisoprolol right up or stop it straight away but rather 1.25mg steps every three or four weeks where possible / practicable. Sometimes it isn't so larger steps are needed! There are also three main results of Bisoprolol - lowering HR, stopping HR from going too high (under normal situations - not an AF attack) and lowering blood pressure. Many people's BP is only minimally affected or not affected.
If it is only taken at night the long term component is basically unaffected but the short term one can cause problems in some cases because it can reduce HR and BP too much because the HR and BP both naturally drop at night time (ie drop on drop). Also during the day the HR and BP will rise and may go higher than it should.
I was told that whilst some do take it at night this should only be done under medical advice and guidance and that potentially a better way would be to split the dose between the two with a bias to the morning dose (eg 5mg in the morning and 2.5mg at night).
There are alternatives (though for someone like Mike with his problems with medicines that may be more difficult.
Many months after an episode of AF I felt I no longer needed the 2.5mg bisoprolol I took, one at night and one in the morning. I felt more lively without. I started getting morning headaches and took my BP on waking. It was in the high 160',170s.
Greatly alarmed I restarted the bisopropol taking both 2..5 mg at night. Result-no more morning headaches and BP back to 130s
I am so well I don't want to ask to see a cardiologist but I doubt whether my GP could add anything useful.
I feel the reason I seem to have recovered from AF which I had experienced for 10 years (5 of which I was on sotalol-not helpful), was smaller meals eaten slowly and more importantly the main stresses in my life passed away.
Best wishes toi all, Ann
Hi Lisajack, I take 5 mg of Bisoprolol in the morning before I go to work. Must admit, am often tired but think it's more my work than the medication. Stay well.
I was originally prescribed it in the morning, but, it just didn't work for me. Not only was I feeling crap but it gave me nose bleeds. I went to my GP and she got out her Book of Witches Magic Potions and Brews, looked it up and said take it at night. I did so, the nose bleeds stopped and I've had no problems since. I'm on 5 mg. daily.