3 Weeks Post Cryoablation: When... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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3 Weeks Post Cryoablation

Andyu80 profile image
12 Replies

When considering having an ablation procedure, I found it quite dfficult to find other people's experiences with ablation. It wasn't until I found this site that I found some more relevant experiences that helped me decide and understand what I was in for.

I had visions of my leg being hacked off to get at veins, and nightmares about needles popping out of my chest! I worried mostly about post ablation recovery, and how quickly I could get back to normal life. Most of the material I read was about the operation, but not a lot about post ablation recovery. So, in the hope it is of use to others, I have jotted some notes below on my experience to date.

I am a 50 yr old male slim built cyclist and consider myself reasonably, but not athletically fit. I eat all the right things, and all of the wrong things. Drink too much (although have drunk very little post ablation). I'm an ex smoker, but do use an e cig occasionally. Heart rate at rest is usually around 60, and has not changed since the ablation procedure. Blood pressure usually 120/ 70, but was 140/ something on the day of the operation!

I have had paroxysmal AF since my early 20s, with initially short bouts of a few hours every month or so, to longer periods lasting sometimes more than 48 hours. I finally decided ablation was the right way to go when I had a bout the day before I was due to fly to the US from the Uk. Trying to pack whilst in AF was awful, luckily things calmed down so I flew, but continued again the following day for another 12 hours or so.

I had a cryoablation procedure with Dr Sahu at the Northern General in Sheffield. Luckily I was first up. Despite the nerves, and expecting the insertion of the catheters to be painful, I actually felt nothing, only a small scratch as they put the local anaesthetic in. Even that was extremely mild. I did feel discomfort in my chest when he put his rods up the vein, but they must have then given me more sedation as I do not remember anything until I woke up in the recovery area.

Apart from the oxygen mask, which was a surprise to me, I had no discomfort in recovery at all. Just an awareness that I needed to lie still to help the groin insertion point clot. I must have fallen asleep again as I don't remember being taken back to the ward. The insertion point was nothing, just a puncture wound maybe a little larger than a vasectomy wound in the right groin only. It stopped bleeding sufficiently for me to sit up in the afternoon, and shortly after that I was told to walk around a bit. I was discharged that evening at around 7pm. Hooray, I didn't want a night in the hospital.

I forced myself to rest the next day, but did get up to make dinner. For the first few days I could manage about 40 mins on my feet before I felt I needed to sit or lie down. I tried to keep my leg as straight a possible so as not to upset the wound.

On the first day back I coughed up a small amount of blood, but did not seek any medical attention, and the incident did not repeat itself. I put it down to the Heparin they'd used. I went back on my anti coagulation (apaxiban) the next morning.

I had quite a tight chest for the first four days, and was breathless climbing the stairs. But my resting heart rate was normal for me at 60.

The main issue for me was that I was finding it difficult to sleep at night, maybe because I was sleeping in the afternoons and not really taking much exercise. 10 days after my op I went for my first bike ride- 40 mins slow pace on an old mountain bike with plenty of easy gears. I kept my heart rate generally around 100 and 'pushed' it up to only 120 on a gradual incline. A great achievement for me as I am usually a 'power on' or 'power off' sort of person. Even my wife overtook me on the hill, saying she couldn't ride so slowly!

I went back to work on day 11, but had enough by lunch and left around 3. I did not return to work the rest of that week as I was getting visual migraines, and a dull nagging headache. I couldn't read a computer screen properly for any length of time, whatever glasses I tried.

By day 14, apart from the reading and headache issues, I felt more or less back to normal. I kept off exercise as I didn't want to start a pounding headache, and started tiling the bathroom floor. I did have to take regular breaks, and did not push things too much. Last Sunday (day 18) I felt fully back to normal, but am still getting tired quickly.

I went back to work yesterday for the morning, but the visual problems reoccurred, so I left and slept in the afternoon. I am lucky enough to run my own business, so things are more flexible for me. Today I am working from home, and likely will do mornings for the next week.

I have to admit to feeling a bit nesh about not working, and believe that if I had to, I could endure a full shift, but with all the ladies at work telling me to rest up, what am I to do? I'll take the easy life.

I think my eyesight has decided to take a turn for the worse, so am booked in for an eye test. As soon as I get this sorted, I feel I will be 100%, and plan to be back on the bike regularly at the end of this week.

As far as AF goes, I have not yet had a bout of AF, but am getting ectopic beats at times, with periods of higher frequency. I guess time will tell whether this, my first ablation, has worked or not.

Hope you found this helpful.

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Andyu80 profile image
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12 Replies
BobD profile image

Thanks for that Andy. All pretty standard stuff apart from the bike ride. My nurse told me do nothing for the first week and not a lot more for the second and then ease back into things gently.

The migraine thing is very common and sadly nobody ever warns you about it. The cause (or reason as nobody really knows why) is the transeptal puncture when they move the catheter through the wall between the right and left atria. Comes as a bit of a shock but should fade away over the next few days or weeks. I would suggest not doing anything about opticians for now as it will change again.

It will take about three months for your heart to heal and you may well still have some funny rhythms from time to time so don't worry.

Continue gently and good luck


Andyu80 profile image
Andyu80 in reply to BobD


smwdorset profile image
smwdorset in reply to BobD

This is really interesting - no one warmed

Me about he headaches and migraine but I ended up in A and E three days after the ablation. with all the Symptoms of a TIA that was then rediagnosed as a migraine!

Gracey23 profile image

Andy, thanks so much for your post. I'm scheduled for cryo in September and am nervous. You helped me calm down and be hopeful. I wish you total success and hope you keep posting your progress,

Andyu80 profile image
Andyu80 in reply to Gracey23

Glad the post helped. I think everyone is understandably nervous. I felt a bit silly after the op at all the nerves. Different people have different experiences, but I was surprised at the lack of pain during the procedure, and the lack of pain afterwards. Most of the medical concern appeared to be over ensuring the puncture wound healed up properly.

captainKFF profile image

thanks for the sharing, can you please further describe the visual symptoms you mentioned after the ablation, best wishes.

Andyu80 profile image
Andyu80 in reply to captainKFF

the visual symptoms vary from eye strain to just not being able to read a screen at all - it's just a white out at times. Lots of floaters in the eyes, and a dull head. Seem to be better tonight, but can feel I've had enough after an hour on the computer.

PeterWh profile image
PeterWh in reply to Andyu80

I suffered the same and found that the computer and to exacurbated it.

paulh1 profile image

Andy, had my cryo in January. My heart rate went from 50 -60 before to 70-75 after the ablation. Started my swimming and bike riding again. Bike is going real good. Doing hills and long rides of about 50k with no ill affects. Did find that my endurance over the week is not the same. I swim 3 days a week and bike 2. By the end of the week I struggle to swim so I just stop. It may change and it may not . If that is the new normal I'll take it . It is so great not to have afib!!!!. Your plane trip reminded me of an incident I had when coming back from Alaska by air. We landed in Vancouver . By the time I pulled my bag out of the overhead and walked down the stairs. I was totally winded. Didn't think I was going to make it up the next set of stairs before passing out. It was really unnerving

Andyu80 profile image
Andyu80 in reply to paulh1

Thanks for sharing. Post ablation fitness was a real worry for me, and I was pleased my resting heart rate stayed as pre ablation. Yet to test out endurance, but hope to start training soon - I was planning doing the Pennines bridle way by bike this summer, so we'll see if I'll be up to it or need to leave it for the spring.

Lizty profile image

Andy... this mostly chimes with my experience.... I am now day 9 after my ablation and just beginning to be able to do a little paperwork at home. On day 5 I woke up feeling really peculiar and got up quickly to get a drink etc. I checked my emails and discovered I couldn't read them properly.... and panicked a bit. It was, I discovered later, an ocular migraine. This is where you get flashing lights and vision disturbance followed by the head pain.

This subsided quite quickly but worried me for the rest of the day. Apart from that my experience is like yours. Some ectopic beats which feel a bit like my heart is pretty cross and trying to fight back! Chest discomfort now subsiding and just got to be careful not to overdo things. Back to work tomorrow.... dreading it but it will probably do me good! Hope this is helpful to others......

Andyu80 profile image
Andyu80 in reply to Lizty

Thanks reassuring that others have had similar issues. I am back at work now, but am leaving mid afternoon as I' m knackered by then, good luck on your return to work.

I went for an eye test today, and my prescription has changed a lot, especially with reading, so I think the issue for me is also to do with the prescription.

Chris, Andy

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