Just thought an update might be interesting or helpful to those of you contemplating an AF / Flutter ablation.
I was told that I could have some symptoms for up to 3 months .I have had a few that I'll share with you.
Firstly I've had 4 occasions of what is called a silent migraine with aura. I never have had a migraine before the ablation but since have had this phenomenon of incredibly vivid shimmering light shapes travelling across the eyes, open or closed but without any pain or headache. The first one made me feel quite sick and lasted about 30 mins but since they are reducing in time and sensitivity to the last one which was very mild and lasted only 10 mins. I might be wrong about this but I believe is a rare symptom of the transeptal puncture procedure in the ablation (I did find a study from a U.S university that out of 500 + patients 3 reported this migraine aura. I did check with my G.P. that this was what it was as I was worried about visual disturbance because of my previous stroke.
Secondly I've had very minor bursts of AF / Flutter and ectopic beats which oddly I've found rather comforting because before they were so bad that I'd often end up in hospital and these are so incidental now that I'm sure I probably wouldn't be aware of them if I was a "normal" person" !!!!!!!!!!
At the moment I'm so happy that I have a permanent grin even in this not so perfect summer.
Good Luck to all those having their ablation soon -Thinking of Jean tomorrow who's having hers tomorrow